Asking for myself. Any ways to prevent stress-induced lip-biting? I've been biting my top lip. A lot. To the point where it hurts. And I can tell it's from stress (I have a bad anxiety disorder). I know this is bad, so is there anything physical to substitute for lip-biting/hair-pulling that works but isn't harmful?


First thing that comes to my mind is chewing gum. But that can become very exhausting.
What helped me with nail biting was to keep my hands occupied.
Try some sort of fidget device. No need to buy one, sometimes it's something simple as a paperclip or a coin. Or maybe a toothpick which can also be chewed on.
And use some lip balm to help the healing process and provide hydration. The greasy taste will also remind you to stop each time you bite.



    I do this a lot to the point that my lop bleeds sometimes. Find something to fidget with, anything you can move, I have a fidget ring.


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    Micah Chips
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow I didn't expect anyone to actually answer. Thanks!! I'll go find a fidget

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    I say either chew gum or watch Hamilton if you can. I read ur bio! Yes! Sorry got a lil off track. Anyways, you could also find something to distract your focus/hands to help it? That’s what sometimes works for me! Hope this helps!


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    Micah Chips
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    1. can we be friends lmao 2. aight that seems to be the overall thing people are saying, is to get a fidget, so it's time to go hUnTinG for one 3. HAMILTON HERE WE COME-


    If your lip biting is stress induced try to take breaks just for yourself and clean your space, another thing that has helped is lip balm, get addicted to that instead it will be much healthier on your body, every time you go to bite ur lip put some of it on instead


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Request your significant other make fun of you when you’re doing it, or take photos when you’re not looking. It does help! I look like an ass…


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    Micah Chips
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Pfft great idea, that would be funny (and effective), but we're long-distance 😭