I'm bored, and these are always the best stories.


I met my best friend, when I was seven. We have a Ranch with horses, a dog and a lot of cats. At that time we had small kittens and I was always near them, their mother trusted me a lot. A boy, three years younger then me, came over to me and asked if he could hold one. I allowed it and we started talking. He said he went pony riding a few minutes ago (we offered this for guests, also westernriding) and his older sister, who is the same age as me, is now riding on a big horse. Minutes later she came back from riding and he introduced us to one another. That's now seventeen years ago and we are still best friends. ❤️


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    My mom made me invite her to my party because she fit the description of my ACTUAL best friend at the time. One day my bsf disappeared of the face of our 8 year old world and we became best friends.


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    I met my best friend in first grade when she first moved to my school. She was eating lunch and I saw she had some French fries. I had already eaten all my French fries, so I decided to have a one of hers and she BIT me. Somehow we became best friends. I've forgiven her for biting me, but she's still mad about the French fry lol


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