PLEASE READ! I’m asking the lgbtq+ community how their identities shifted, I’m not asking about your crystal healing journey.


I grew up very sheltered but eventually I made a friend within the LGBTQ+ community and got close enough to trust them. Told them what I was feeling and they went " know there's a word for that right?" Fast forward five years, I am now proudly pansexual!!


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    >8: uneducated and homophobic out of fear.
    8: cis lesbian
    9: cis bi
    11: went through 7 labels, settling on pan demigirl. She/they
    12: pan, demigirl, demisexual, greyromantic. Ve/vir
    Now: omniromantic, pansexual, omnigender, demisexual. Any pronouns


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    I started wondering if I could be biromantic at age 12, but kind of pushed it out of my mind because of internalized homophobia. When I was in 8th grade I learned about asexuality, and immediately identified as it. From there I kind of started learning about sexualities and stuff since my parents said nothing about it and I just thought something was wrong with me. I remember distinctly thinking "It's fine if I'm ace, but there's no way I can be bi, it's not acceptable." I struggled with my own taught homophobia for a long time before finally accepting myself. There's still a lot I'm trying to figure out, and my identity has changed a lot, but for now I proudly identify as a biromantic asexual :)


    See Also on Bored Panda

    First thought I was straight cause it's all I knew.
    Learned about other sexualities but still think I'm straight.
    Scared of being seen as lgbtq cause I'm questioning my sexuality.
    Think I'm bi.
    Think I'm pan.
    Now I'm comfortable as omnisexual


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