Hey Pandas, how are you all dealing with the stress of quarantine and 2020 in general? What have you been doing? Who have you been talking to? Have you developed any new hobbies? Please, tell us!
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Honestly, I have started appreciating my younger brother a lot. He's a great brother, I just never took the time to notice earlier.
Watching Youtube and Netflix, listening podcasts and cooking. And lighting and smelling scented candles. Like smelling something diffrent everyday helps me to not get overwhelmed by being stuck in my room. It's a small alternation
What I've been doing a lot is listening to music, watching Netflix a lot, eating junk food, and talking to my friends! :D
Reading. I've been lost in the world of books where I can pretend there isn't a pandemic going on.
Sometimes it's really hard for me. I had a baby this year (7 month now) and most of the day I'm alone at home with her. If it wasn't for Covid I would be showing her the world, visit friends, spend time with grandma (6 hours away by train), let her meet other babys and do baby courses. But all of this doesn't work and I'm also missing the social interactions with people who can speak. (Not to be misunderstood, I love my little girl, and I love spending time with her - sometimes the hardest part is, that I can't share all the new things she learned with my family). So im really looking forward for christmas, when my mom will be here.