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I'm still married at 30 years even though I haven't loved her for at least the past 10 years. Why? Because her family is awesome and her brother is my best friend. I spend literally 90% of my free time with someone in her family. I love them more than I desire my freedom from a loveless marriage.


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Kind of... although it wasn't a "relationship"...

When I first moved out from my parents, I was 18. I found a lady that was renting out her spare room. She was early 30's, had a boyfriend, they both seemed nice. She didn't want to bother with a formal tenancy agreement, just off the books, cash in hand monthly payments.
Only a month in and my immature/unprepared self didn't budget properly to allow for rent. I explained the situation and said I would sort the money in a few days (was gonna borrow from the bank of mum & dad), and she was cool with it.
Later the same night, she asked if I fancied joining her in the living room to watch a film (this wasn't unusual). BF was working nights that week and she had a few bottles in. Long story made shorter, that started an affair that resulted in me not needing to pay rent in return for "services".

A little while later I met a nice girl and started dating her, I wanted to change my living arrangements, but the "free" rent aspect was too enticing for late teens me.

I did tell the girl about the arrangement. She first asked me if I found my landlady attractive, I answered honestly by saying that I didn't and that I really disliked doing it, which is when she became weirdly supportive. She started telling me that I was being taken advantage of, that I was a victim, and all the other kind of things you would say to a real victim.
As this was all pre-diagnosis, being the a-hole that I was, I played the part a little; Denial, anger, etc. But making sure to not let things go too far (she wanted to get the law involved).

But in truth, I just really didn't want to give up free rent.


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