Was there a time you had done something pretty extreme, or just really bold, to impress an employer or prove you're the best for the position? Did you regret it or do you think it was a great decision in the end?


I wanted to retrain myself into a creative. I had no pro portfolio, so I just framed all of my job experiences through a creative prism. My CV was a cringeworthy mess, but hey, I landed a job, so I guess it worked.


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    I didn't take the risk... my friend did. 100 years ago, for my first job, I wanted really badly to work at Bloomingdale's. My friend worked there and there was an opening and she went to talk to the HR lady and she wasn't there and my friend took my application out of the folder and put it on the top. I got the interview and the job. I felt really bad about that but she was a firecracker and looking back it was awesome.


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    Believe it or don't, but I actually had all of my teeth removed to land a job. True story.

    When I was enlisting in the Army they said that my teeth were in terrible shape and they couldn't let me in with them in their current condition (thank you, genetics!). So, my in-laws footed the bill for an the extractions and dentures. Ironically, the dentures were made with a "new design" that fell apart midway through basic training and I had to get a new set made while I was deployed in Iraq...


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    At the interview. She asked me to sell her a pen that she handed it to me. I was irritated. So I said, “I don’t have too. Everyone needs a pen.” Got the job. Hated every second of it. Screwing people out of their hard earned money for a scam massage membership. I was naive enough to believe in the company. Until that same manager said she could and would sell a bridge to nowhere to anyone while I was worrying about selling a $60/month membership to an expectant mom who also happened to be a 2nd grade teacher. I sabotaged everyone’s sales after that. Changed the appointment times. Secretly called the customers off the clock to tell them the truth. It was for the greater good but I still feel guilty about it. I quit when my sales numbers were getting me into trouble. Before they could do the cold calls to my previous clients.


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