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Does being born count as a medical mistake? Cause, like, I was born at a hospital, so…



For me, the doctor's misdiagnosed me with a tumor In my left ovary before doing any MRI's.


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kedgley68 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wow, about to post virtually the same thing, sort of..... Told that 6 cm lump was a tumor ( I have severe anxiety already so totally freaked out!) And it was only when I changed doctors I found out it was a 6cm cyst, 5mm dormant tumor.... Still no good but, jeez.....

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so when we went for my first appointment for my scoliosis, they said the curve wouldn't progress much more so i didn't need a brace. i think it was around 30-40 degrees for both curves at that point. less than two years later the curve had progressed over ten degrees (both curves are now 50 degrees) and my spine is in the shape of an s.



I was having my 3rd spine surgery, a fusion. This required removing the damaged disc between my L5 and S1 vertebrae. The surgeon was putting titanium spacers where the disc had been. He wanted one placed a little more forward so he tapped on it lightly. It went shooting out of the disc space into my abdominal cavity. It now sits in front of my spine because it would have been very very dangerous to retrieve it.

Another surgeon in the practice did the same thing, tried to retrieve the wayward spacer and nicked an artery. His patient died in seconds on the table.

I'm so thankful my surgeon decided to leave it there! We monitored it for over a year after the surgery to make sure it wasn't moving. After that, the surgeon said adhesions would have grown around it and would keep it in place.



I had my appendix out. Turns out my Fallopian tube was infected and stuck to my appendix. They took it out anyway, he did a great job on me. Not a week later one of his patients died from her appendectomy. When she complained he would tell her to quit her bitching. She died from blood poisoning. He went to Leavenworth Prison for 25 years.


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I wouldn't call it a "mistake" but a medical malpractice. My mom took me to a chiropractor because she was bothered my shoulders and hips are not aligned perfectly.
The chiropractor worked on me for about 3 or 4 sessions, and it didn't feel good at all. But not ever having been to one of these questionable bone crackers I didn't know what it was supposed to be like.
He told me my whole right side is screwed up and that it will get painful for a bit before it gets better. He also mentioned how a lady stopped going to him because of the pain and said people quit too soon.
I did get more uncomfortable to the point I felt anymore and I wouldn't be able to function. I stopped going to him and started feeling better. I know have a lot of joint issues.


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Not so much a mistake but the doctor was just wrong. I had an infection in my leg and it got really bad to the point that the doctor needed to operate within a few hours. For some reason the doctor thought i was allergic to anesthetic so I was operated on without it. Just a nurse holding my hand and another squeezing my other leg to trick my brain to thinking something is happening there and not to focus on the pain. I had an open wound on my leg for 8 weeks after that and a few years later found out im not allergic to anestesia



No, but I am a medical mystery! Also my doctor swore that the steroids would make the pain go away, at least temporarily, but I'm still in the exact same amount of pain. Actually, that's a lie, I'm in more pain now.


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unioncoschools2017 avatar
Lex <3 (they/them)
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had something similar happen to me, last year I had a stomach virus which caused me to have severe stomach pain and headaches for the next 8 months. They said the medication they gave me would help… yeah, I don’t think so, because within the first day of being on it I almost passed out and felt like I was going to throw up. Heh.

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Maybe this doesn't count but one time I had a really bad cold and my parents told me to not cough because they hate the sound of coughing and I, being ten at the time, obeyed as best as I could. My mom thought I was coughing on purpose to annoy her, so she would punish me every time I started coughing. This kept happening for about a week until I told her that I was having trouble breathing. She said she didn't care and sent me to school anyway, where I fell asleep at my desk and kept struggling to breathe. My teacher brought me to the nurse's office, where she said I had the flu and made me sit outside on the curb in the cold until my mom came to pick me up. She didn't bring me to the doctor until a day later where the doctor said I only had the flu without really examining me. I had to go to a different doctor a day later and it turns out I had pneumonia, which wouldn't have happened if my mom hadn't told me to not cough. And then the doctor lectured me that it was my fault that I got pneumonia because I wasn't coughing.


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I had to get a chest X-ray as a teen in order to rule out possible pneumonia (turns out I just had bronchitis). This is not the mistake. Fast forward a year later, and I was diagnosed with severe scoliosis. I had both a top and bottom curve, with surgery as the only treatment option. My mom was kind of kicking herself for never noticing, but then she remembered I had gotten that X-ray. Her and my dad went back and forth for a while about if the X-ray might have shown anything (she said it did, while he didn’t think so), and it eventually got to the point where my mom went to the hospital and requested a copy of it.

Not only did it show the top curve, but the technician actually had made a point about it in the notes, and for me to be informed in order to follow up with my regular doctor immediately. The ER doctor never mentioned anything beyond "no pneumonia". So basically, I could have gotten my scoliosis diagnosed an entire YEAR earlier! Or at least been made aware of the fact that I had it.


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Where do I beggin ?! Doctors misdiagnosed my autoimune disease and didn't give a damn. The doctor I asked for a second opinion was great and really showed an effort for his patients.

But my mother, she realy got screwed up. Doctors dislocated her hip when she was born and she still has major problems with it.
Later in life her gynecologist told her "it was only cyst, not a big deal" and it ended up being a handball sized tumor. After surgery she almost got killed by the nurses who didn't read her files and almost gave her intravenously antibiotics she is severely alergic to.
Imagine waking up out of a narcosis, feeling groggy and in pain, belly cut up, and you are fighting with every cell in your body to gain control over your body, to say something to stop the nurse from administering your medication and save your life. She only got that chance because she accidentaly overheard the nurse, half drousy. A minute earlier and my mom could have been asleep and never wake up.


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