Just tell us the story of the time you just completely failed to cook/ bake something


Me and my sibling were looking after our youngest sister we decided to make cookies. My little sister was excited to eat cookies we made together unfortunately we forgot about them and they were burned. So I snuck out to the shop and bought cookies. We placed the cookies on the oven try and showed Sophie (the youngest) and she said “Oh wow their just like the ones from the shops”😬


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    Hah hah…
    One time, I was making a chocolate cake.
    I maybe kind of sort of (definitely) mistook the extra bag of flour for sugar…
    I also got the wrong measurements for baking powder…
    As expected, I had a cake that was in the oven for the perfect amount of time, but still tasted like dirt.
    My mom cut it into brownies that my siblings actually loved, but I’m sticking with my dirt opinion.


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    Falafels. They've just slowly disintegrated into the oil as they fried. Remember kids, more flour, less water!


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    The infamous chocolate ‘crownies’ i tried to make with my friend when i was about 11 we made up the recipe they were meant to be a cross between cookies & brownies, i had no idea you only need a bit of cocoa powder i put 200 g in & they ended up as solid bricks of cocoa powder they wernt edible 🤣


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    There was that one time I almost burned down the house making pasta


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    haha my relative almost burned the house down trying to make hash browns!!

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