Hey pandas, has anyone else been in a similar situation and have any advice for a struggling single mother?Hello, longtime reader, first time writing... I am a single mother of three kids and three cats, living with my grandma. I'm struggling with paying bills and paying for food to feed everyone every day, to the point where I go without eating so everyone else is able to eat, and it's like nothing I do makes it any easier. I just want to run away most days. I don't even want to get out of bed. I cry myself to sleep every night and dread waking up the next day because I feel like I'm such a horrible mother... Has anyone else been in this situation before? Does anyone have any advice? I already go to food banks, and I talk to my counselor weekly, but I don't have any other family members to reach out to since they all "disowned" me for getting pregnant and having my daughter during my senior year of high school...


Well I was going to say see what benefits/welfare you can get but you live in America so there probably isn't much. I'm cringing at saying this but try the local church they love helping people. You may get the God talk but food is food. Big ((HUG))


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