I just kind of want to know, this could be intresting.


By not telling me their bored panda username even though they know mine


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    When I was in second grade, I told my friend that I liked McDonald's food. Now, this may not be a big deal, but we went to a fancy private school where everything had to be super natural and only organic foods and a ton of people were either vegetarian or vegan, so McDonald's was considered really bad. I told my friend this with all the confidence of an 8 year old, fully expecting my very important secret to remain just that -- a secret. The very next day, she told everyone else in our class. Most of them didn't care, but the few who did care teased me about it until a few hours later when they found someone else to bother about something stupid. I know now that it wasn't a big deal, and on the scale of ways I've been betrayed it barely even registered, but at the time I felt very betrayed.


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