Hey Pandas, Give Us An Imaginary Scenario We Can Work Our Way Out Of In The Comments!
I'm just bored. Any scenario or solution will do!
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You’re trapped in a horror movie. There are 3 weapons to fight off the killer on the table. A gun, a knife, a grenade, and a banana. Which one do you grab?(Im taking this straight outta Scary Movie)
You're Little Red Riding Hood and you (coincidentally) meet Goldie Locks and Hansel and Gretal on your way to Grandmother's house. You discover the Witch, Bears, and Wolf are all working together to catch you. As you make your way through the forest you desperately try to come up with an escape plan! Then you stumble across Jack and Jill! Jack is injured, but you can't just leave the siblings there. You know he'll slow you down, what do you do?
Your grandmother just gave you (a raging bisexual with a girlfriend who hasn't come out to anyone except your parents) a rainbow ornament as a Christmas gift because it "reminds her of you". What do you do?
(Based on a true story)
Say “well your correct” and walk off without saying anything else and hang it on the tree
You're driving to the grocery store and traffic is getting bad. Like really bad. You consider stopping your car and walking from where youre at but you dont want to carry your groceries back that far. You plan on getting some cold items. It would be dumb to walk from here, so you wait it out. You can feel the late afternoon sun burning the cones and cornias in your eyes as the heat waves radiate from the surface of the road, as well as your vehicle and the others around you.
Where did all this traffic come from?, you wonder as you slowly move. Car-length after car-length you eventually reach your turn off the highway. Finally you can move at a reasonable pace. You drive the final 200-or-so yards to the parking lot. Big and full, but not too full. You find a parking space, park your car and set about on foot to the store. Through the glass you can see cashiers ringing up their customers. Customers walking to and from. Its busy in there too.
You reach the automatic doors, but they dont open for you.
HORROR SCENARIO: You and your friend go out late at night to hike at the Appalachian Mountains. You here a sound but you ignore it, but then your friend starts whistling. You tell him to stop but it’s too late. His arm is on the bloody grass when the rest of his body is gone. You see footprints made with his blood…