Stock photos are like no other photos out there. They range from mildly questionable to downright cursed. A lot of them are hilarious, and my challenge for you is to find the most ridiculous, strange, confusing one you can. Make us laugh!
Hopefully, this post will fill up soon and be a good laugh and a break from life for all of us. Of course, there are pretty much no rules to this other than the obvious "Keep it appropriate". If you'd like, you can post more than one. Have fun!
This post may include affiliate links.
Hang Out With Grandmaaa
Bill The Road Look At The Road-
Guy Eating Bread? I Think?
What Did She Do?!
Snek Cat's Mildly Disturbing Stew QUICK YALL 4nld2t-647...8d5cca.jpg
I Found This One While Searching For Images Of The Crested Rat
Very Puzzled…??
What in the AI-generated nightmare fueling alien-badly-disguised-as-human is this
Fine Dining!?!?
I Don't Even Know What To Say
Gato Es Muy Bonito (Cat Is Very Pretty)
*snort* reminds me of my WONDERFUL friend and his phrase "el gato mucho cream" please, please do not ask I have many concerns as well
How Many Wrong Ways Can You Eat A Carrot?
Must Be The Pilot Episode Of I Dream Of Jeannie
Swimteam Tryouts
Cat With Man Bowl Or Sumn
... What
You Know It's True Love When
“What did you get up to at work today, honey?” “Sniffed a random woman’s flip flop with her.”
This Cursed Boi
It's this fursuit thing that always confused me
Skiing Time!
I Wonder If She Can Swim?
My Dude Probably Is In His Momma's Tub
Mam, Are You Ok?
Where's The Nose?
Is This How You're Supposed To Eat Your Eggs?
Nice Hat Tho
Oh, Potato Head... My Luv
lol turns out the user name doesn't automattically change when u shift it