So I really love the art style of Christina Loree and she is really good with her stuff and I just want some tips in general.
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Just do a lot of art, don't bother about perfect. Look at tutorials and guides and just mash together the ones you like. Don't stress it too hard, all my favorite art has come from when I just did it without stressing over trying to make it something specific.
I googled the artist you mention and it looks like she uses face structuring similar to chibi styles. Like the head is a big circle with the chin shape drawn below and then you draw the head based on that.
Lavendertowne has good tutorials (that are also kinda similar in style), I’d also recommend pinterest.
Underdrawing is great to do.
So, you know those films that are all like 'Inspired by true events', and you know that literally NEVER HAPPENED! That's what you need to do. Be inspired by others, but tell your own story! Christina's art is pretty cool, but you don't want to copy it.
"Vision" is important. You know how some people look at a discarded paper bag and see a foreign landscape, a cargo ship or even a magical creature. Think outside of the box, that lamp isn't a lamp its a hat for your latest character. Draw your inspiration from everywhere.
I can't do either of these things (I don't know if it's because I'm a sociopath, but some studies have suggested a relation). I can't create art, but I can copy. I can draw what I see, I can build, sculpt or make whatever I'm shown. I have very good attention detail, I just don't have a "vision". At home my wife has the vision and I make it happen.
I would add that this is important, but to not be afraid to copy in the beginning of your development of art, so that when you want to create your own stuff you have a good foundation of basics
Use. Your. Imagination. Some of the greatest artwork in the WORLD was done with imagination, otherwise they were just copying from the real world. Each art piece tells it's own story in it's own world with it's own quirks and qualities. Whether it be a magical creature to an impossible landscape. Oh yeah, impossibility. We humans crave to make things possible, and art is a great way to make something IMpossible, like a bear with the feathers of a peacock, or an island floating effortlessly above the sea. In other words, be original and creative.
just something I've noticed. You don,t have to be confident in your art. The thing is that is see a TON of people including myself don't like compliments on their art because they think its bad. So if you don,t like you art its most likely good. Also let it out. If you have an idea start it. Even if you don't finish you'll be able to see what it is and could become.
write notes on what you want what you draw to look like it’s easy to forget and ALWAYS start very lightly in pencil. drawing isn’t easy!
Make sure to practice. You don’t get better at art all at once but if you draw fairly consistently over a year and then you look back I’m sure you’ll see some improvement. Don’t be afraid to use references ( They are incredible!!) or to trace (just make sure you tell them that you traced. It’s a good way to practice though) Oh, and you don’t have to worry about developing an art style. To sum everything up, you can use references, don’t worry about art style, and just keep at it.
Mimic other artists, i know it sounds bad but hear me out. Every art style is a mashup of other art styles, and seeing how other people have drawn has helped me a lot in terms of my own art.
Also dont try to make your art " perfect" no work is perfect as hard as it sounds, as long as it is the best you can make it, its awesome :D
Sketches. They’re really good bases, especially for animation. It would be easier to use different colors so that the hair doesn’t blend in with the face ect. Agian, these will also help you shape, and cut out what you want things to look like, having a sketch book can help you improve on things like that, hands, legs,head, hair ect.