It can be a product or a method that works for you, tysm.
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I don't know what country you are in but in the UK we have tablets called "Clear Complexion" they come in a bright orange box and you get them from health food shops. They really worked for me.
Make sure you exfoliate. A lot of people don't like to exfoliate when they have acne but it helps get rid of dead skin that could blokes pores. You probably need to use a gentle exfoliate.
You can get those spot dots I've never tried them but they seem popular.
If it's really bad you can see your doctor and get medication.
And remember don't squeeze spots however tempting it is, you will get scaring trust me I know.
Good luck.
i use aloe vera gel sometimes and that works! make sure to wash ur face and dont put any lotions or whatnot underneath.
also i use hydrocolloid patches too! mighty patch is a good brand!
When there’s a breakout I usually use benzoyl peroxide diluted in lotion followed by hydrocortisone and tolnaftate and it goes away within 24 hours, spot treat with hypercolloid patches and you’re set