So. I have been wanting to ask this question for a while and whenever I want something, someone on BP seems to want this too. So here you go, fellow Reddit-deprived Pandas! So, are you the a-hole?
Some acronyms for the confused
AITA - Am I the a-hole
NTA - Not the a-hole
TA - The a-hole
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I don't like to wear a bathing suit because I am uncomfortable with my body. Also, I don't really like swimming. So my family has a pool member ship, but I never swim. The other day we had family come to the pool with us. I didn't swim. My siblings and parents acted like I was rude and mean to my cousins because I didn't play in the pool with them. Also they say that I am wasting the money my pare to payed to get in.
Nope! You don't like swimming, that's fine. Just because your parents paid for it does not mean you have to like it! And I"m pretty sure your siblings could have played with your cousins, if they are so fussed about it.