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Or next door neighbor.

A few highlights...

They throw peanuts on our lawn so they can watch squirrels... not their lawn, our lawn.

They get involved in things that straight up don't concern them and constantly threaten to call the police when I tell them to back off (as a person of colour I find that quite troublesome) and to clarify-- when i say they get involved you're probably thinking they hear parties or civil dusturbance or some sort of violence-- no. Like during the trail end of covid lockdown we had a handful of double vaxxed friends come to play DnD they were in our bubble and we stayed disyanced and masked inside to be safe but she came over, knocked on the door and demanded to see their vaccine info for herself and when i said I wouldn't be indulging her and to p**s off, out came her phone telling me not to talk back and calling me a b***h threatening to call the police on me-- eventually the police showed up and then saw it was all ridiculous.

She's done more... but the final one, she cut down a tree in our backyard. Usually if you have an issue you come by, let someone know... instead i looked outside one day, saw our tree was cut down with like a hack saw, branches and trunk strewn on the ground. Not 20minutes later got a notice from the city to clean up the tree debris because 'someone' called the city to complain that we had dead branches and trunk pieces laying on the ground and it was an eyesore... it literally had been up and good about 2hrs earlier so I had to explain this to the landlord. She comes out and is casually sipping coffee watching us deal with it and being super condescending the entire time, smug, satisfied-- she obviously did it.

Not to mention or place isn't great, it's a rental we made it better than it was but it was real neglected before... but her place.... the entire side has garbage bag tarps held together with duct tape, and about a dozen garbage bins, recycling bins just all in full view from the street-- yet she frequently would yell to me whenever i get home about doing things differently(like not putting my garbage out on our property on her side and instead do it on the other side or complaining that i don't shovel her walkway). Further clarification-- this is a detached house, not a semi, not a townhouse, there's no unwritten rule i need to do stuff for them, they literally have never done mine and I've done there's 3 or 4 times.

Just super annoying.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Other times she's threatened to call the cops or have indeed called them: my license sticker was expired during a time when that was okay due to covid. My parents came over too help us set up a bbq-- they called the cops because she heard loud noises from powertools at 2pm on a saturday. They literally are working on projects beginning at 5am every day outside with nailguns. She called over a camera being put up after her stunt with the tree. She called after i came to her place to ask her to stop with the peanuts, she called over us dogsitting accusing us off not having their tags and letting them run wild-- many are autism support dogs. So... no... they are onleash except to play in the backyard.

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    The people. They’re not really annoying but I’m mostly awkward and introverted so I don’t like people.



    Some neighbours in another building next to us always throwing litter off the balcony. I assume it's their kids. But it's obvious and happens all the time. I've seen the janitor talking to them several times. Doesn't change anything.

    It's a clean neighbourhood. But seeing the bags of chips, cans, plastic etc. on the lawn is just really an annyoing sight. Besides being bad for the environment.


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    Yes, most of the neighborhood is beyond annoying. Someone was shot a few weeks ago a couple blocks away from me. One time some guy was killed by a teen (after the guy p*ssed him off). I’ve witnessed a fist fight from my window twice. My neighbors across the street catcall me. Multiple times when I was younger guys would slow down in their car when they saw me in the yard, sometimes stopping outside where I lived. Not to mention the litter and people vaping, smoking (weed too), and drinking on the elementary school playground.
    Can’t wait to move.


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    The friendly neighborhood brothel next door...... Apparently guys desperate for sex can't read house numbers, so bang on my door all hours..... Let's say I'm not exactly polite in pointing out their mistake.....


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    Leaf blowers, chainsaws, lawnmowers… all super noisy and annoying!


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    people smoke weed too much at my apartments



    Old people! They are always the complaint to my life


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    Where do I start?!
    I love looking at the stars at night, and being in a northern country it gets late here before 6pm in the winter. We sometimes get the aurora borealis.
    However, the light pollution in my suburban area is nuts. There's several apartment blocks around here, including the one I live in, they all got very bright spotlights all around the buildings. As well as a hill with a triple light street lamp on top. I know, I know. It's for safety. But it's so annoying that I can't even look up at the stars in a big park field without the glare of those lights getting in the way. Sure there are some stars to see but the vast of them are overshone by light pollution. I've gotten a bit of a glimpse of faint northern lights but nothing vibrant and super noticeable had there been less light.

    Another annoyance are the HVAC units and industrial exhaust fans atop of the buildings that create a Helmholtz resonance I can hear in my apartment and outside in the vicinity of my building. I've been trying to pinpoint exactly where it's coming from but it may be coming from various sources.

    Jerk drivers. We got a lot of them and I'm not the only one who notices we got a problem in the community with bad, impatient drivers.


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    My next door neighbors. They don't really watch their kids, who run around their (not completely fenced in) backyard, and sometimes walk up to our fence and try to interact with our dogs, one of whom is very territorial, and the other is terrified of small children.

    There were other problems originally, but they stopped once they settled in. Our previous neighbors were "Trump patriots", which was a little annoying, but they were decent neighbors.


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    There's this person who keeps driving down my street and just revving their engine for 5 minutes. Mind you it happens at LEAST once a week... normally around 2 or 3am. It wakes me up! I've considered going outside but that seems too dangerous



    My street is residential (with multiple families with children), but a part of our city's bus path. Should be 25 mph, but people are constantly buzzing up and down our street at 40 mph to 50 mph, and sometimes 60 mph.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This happens in my street too, people are always walking dogs with their kids. It's only a matter of time before a tragedy happens.

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    speed bumps…….😠😤😑


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    I live in a neighborhood with mostly older retirees. These guys like their lawns clipped within a mm, at any given moment there is a line trimmer, mower and a leaf blower going. Furthermore these guys will complain to council for the slightest noise like dog barking, music playing.


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    A huge plot of land. Kids used to play there in the grass together but then the houses next to it (because it was still on their property) put up fences around it and let the weeds take over. They haven't even done anything with it. It's just sitting there, overgrown with weeds and dying grass. Kids don't play outside like they used to.


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    Oh boy...
    1.Lady throwing rocks at our dogs (B*TCH)
    2.Baby constantly crying from accross the street
    3.Christmas lights that haven't been removed ONCE in two years and are always turned on even during the day
    4. Creepy devilish laugh from some dude at 2pm (ok this one is kinda funny ngl)
    5. Neighbor's daughter getting a little too exited about her dog (I can hear her squeal about how cute he is back from the KITCHEN)
    6. Loud and ✨terrible ✨ music for no reason
    7. Late parties where everyone talks super loudly... There is one every night


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    Whats annoying in my area is that Neighborhoods keep popping up where the feilds used to be. And little to no infastructure to support it all! Traffic keeps getting worse and it seems like nobody knows where the hell they are anymore. Or where theyre going. Im watching my home slowly being turned into a suburban nightmare.


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    We have a BIG dog behind our house and they NEVER let it inside so the dog just sits and barks.
    we posted on the FB page to take the dong inside but someone literally said it was coyote. No Cindy. It's not a good dam coyote it's a dog.


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    The neighbors behind us have 3 small dogs that start yapping as early as 7:00 in the morning. Not fun when we don’t have to be at work until 10:00.


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    Kraneia The Dancing Dryad
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Used to have neighbors who raised yappy Pomeranian dogs. They were kept in a pen. ...... Said pen was about 25 feet from my window. They were well cared for otherwise so animal control wouldn't do anything. I learned to sleep with earplugs.


    We are right next to a train station: Pros - easy to travel places and accessible. Cons - Very noisy at night… :( but can’t complain because… y’know… TRAINS :D (Context: I love trains)


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    We are right next to a train station: Pros - easy to travel places and accessible. Cons - Very noisy at night… :( but can’t complain because… y’know… TRAINS :D (Context: I love trains)


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    We are right next to a train station: Pros - easy to travel places and accessible. Cons - Very noisy at night… :( but can’t complain because… y’know… TRAINS :D (Context: I love trains)


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    the stray cats an old neighbor who got evicted left behind fight each other and against the other animals that are already there for territory and they are noisy as hell


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    Probably the grandfather paradox


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    The neighbors behind us have 3 small dogs that start yapping as early as 7:00 in the morning. Not fun when we don’t have to be at work until 10:00.


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    Yes, I’ve now gone through almost all of my neighbours on tinder it’s awkward seeing them. Had some good nights with some, sneaking around into each others houses, but none I’d want anything serious with.


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    We have this one kid in the neighborhood, he has a red dirt bike, nobody that I know likes him. Not because he’s a bad person, but he thinks he owns the road when he’s on the red dirtbike. He has come up on my mom and me a few times in the car (a big Tahoe), and we’ve almost run into him because he comes out of nowhere and he gets really close to the car and acts like he owns the road. And he goes too fast for a neighborhood with small children.


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