So Im going to camp in a few weeks and i cant wear my hoodie everywhere anymore bc i might get heatstroke.


button up shirts, dark colored patterned ones. i wore those RELIGIOUSLY at camp (yes that was a pun since it was indeed a church camp) and make sure they’re a little loose.



Multiple sports bras, especially on backwards. Loose oversized t shirts, loose oversized shorts (I wear cargo shorts because 1) aesthetic 2) pockets and 3) the shape makes my legs look more masculine), if you have a hat and long hair you can use a hair tie and then flip the ponytail forwards over your forehead to make it look like u have short hair (works better with a hoodie but eh) you can also stand in a more masculine way (feet further apart, shoulders out and back but not so far back it makes your chest noticeable, head up and looking forwards instead of down) and relax your throat when you speak to make your voice sound deeper without harming it. Tensing your vocal folds makes ur voice go way higher. Also, if you wear the loose oversized t shirts, you can tuck them in or tie a knot with the extra fabric to avoid it getting everywhere and make it even baggier. I tend to tie knots in all of mine cause I can adjust the length, and it looks cool. Good luck!


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