Hey Pandas, Do You Have Any Unpopular Opinions Or Not?
No being mean to each other. If you want to argue, do so respectfully.
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Anything I say on here that’s too conservative =D or sometimes, I AM the unpopular opinion. I’ll say something perfectly correct and valid, and get downvoted. Someone says the same thing a little further below on a different thing on a list, just slightly worded differently but with the same meaning, and they get like 10-40 upvotes. Or I’ll say something and get 5-6 upvotes, and someone later will say the same thing (minus whatever ranting I put into my comment. I tend to expand on ideas) and they’ll have hundreds of upvotes. It’s odd.
Another opinion I have:
It's okay to cosplay a character of another race. what I've noticed is that people think that a black person cosplaying a white character is awesome, but the opposite is bad. As long as you're not, like, darkening your skin, it's fine.
Pitbulls aren't automatically aggressive you scoundrels. they're sweet if you give them a chanc
I can like things without thinking they are good, and I can think things are good despite not liking them.
For example, I don't have to like the art people make, however, if someone felt confident and proud enough to share it, the joy that they get from that art means it is a good thing, and my dislike is meaningless.
And on the other hand, circus peanuts. I like them, but they are awful. I do not enjoy them because they taste like orange (and I must specify I mean the color orange, not the fruit) flavored foam. These are bad traits, and yet I still enjoy the artificial sugar-dense taste, perhaps in spite of how terrible they are.
People do not have to justify the things they like, because what matters is that it brings them joy, and doesn't hurt anyone.
Yes!!! Very well put! Just because it's not to your taste & aesthetic doesn't make it bad. And I totally get the thing about some food ☺️☺️
Cowbells are a valid percussion insturment, and should be used more often in music.
Tbh…I don’t like babies. Or young children. They really get on my nerves and add to my anxiety. I’ll probably be downvoted for this though.
You’re fine. Not everyone has to like tiny humans. The only time people who don’t like children get on my nerves in when they loudly say “I despise/hate children,” as the sound of children laughing or scuttling along can be heard. It’s really obnoxious. That’s not to say you aren’t allowed to express your opinion- it’s just, when they’re laughing and singing? You choose to say you hate them then? They’ve no idea how despicable they sound lol
This should not be an unpopular opinion, but unfortunately it is. Pineapple on pizza is the best invention of humankind, especially with goat cheese and honey
Politics suck and we should all just work together
That is the point of politics - to achieve collaboration. However, divisiveness comes up with people wanting power for power's sake, rather than to achieve collaboration. Case of the former: Codesa in South Africa. Far right and Far left (nazis and communists) managed to get together and discuss a peaceful transition from a fascist state to a democratic socialism. Case of the latter case - divisiveness - well... Trump, obviously.
Honesty is better than politeness. A polite person will tell you what society's rules say they should tell you, but an honest person will just tell you the truth. There's so much value in that, and it's so much better to be around an honest person than one who's just polite. Now, both is nice. But if it's one or the other, I believe that people should always choose to be honest.
Whilst I like Keannu Reeves and Ryan Reynolds, whilst their films are usually pretty good, whilst they are good at what they do, I do not believe they are good actors, they are fine staying within certain roles, but they are not acting greats.
Here's some of mine:
-most self-diagnosing is invalid. there are very few things you can safely diagnose yourself with.
-adding on to this one, most people who believe they have D.I.D. probably don't. It's caused by EXTREME, EXTREME trauma before the age of 10. It is not caused by watching/reading/playing a popular thing and suddenly having a "fictive/introject" (these things do exist but not in "endogenic systems") of the most popular character/s.
-no, you do not want to live in the 70s/80s/90s just because you like the music.
-no you are not special for liking or hating certain things.
-cringe culture is dead, i killed it
This site kinda sucks
The allure isn't the site, it's the community. I mostly stay on so I can talk to a few friends and help people who need help
I may be downvoted for this :
That your sexuality is not a personality trait and shouldn't be the first thing you tell anyone when they try to get to know you.
An opinion being unpopular would depend on the audience. Many perspectives that would be deemed unpopular on BP, would be very normal and popular in the real world
Lol. The downvote brigade is out in full force. “Nathaniel’s Angels”
My unpopular opinion is that sociocultural differences are minimal and we must get over it and stop prioritising that as our marks of difference. Most of our problems arise from fear of people who are different. If we rather socialise with different people we'll discover they're 99% the same, and the fear was unwarranted.
I'm sorry if I make anyone mad, but stop self diagnosing! Get diagnosis from a professional! Google is a bit overdramatic with the diagnosing, and a test on a website isn't much either. Get a diagnosis from a professional, pleaseee.❤️ They know what they're talking about, they've been to school for this kind of stuff. 😌
i only google s**t for when i have weird pains, or need to know the side effects of a med I'm taking, cuz I lost the form
1: bananas are disgusting
2: oatmeal raisin cookies are better than chocolate chip
3: mustard goes on everything
My opinion is if you're loud & obnoxious on the phone in public (not if you're hard of hearing, or talking to someone with hearing issues , but the super loud, just because , kind of person) , then it's a-ok to join in the conversation & voice your opinions.
Social media and the internet isn't as bad as everyone says it is. Not everyone is going to get self esteem issues and depression from social media
Somehow It affects all of us. At this time I should be sleeping but I have spent two hours on BP. Even though it's much better than spending time on Instagram ....
Cheese is better in it's square, floppy form than when it's melted.
I am afraid to inform you that that is not in fact cheese. You are thinking of kraft singles, which are an edible plastic. Real cheese is found mostly outside USA, and maybe in Wisconsin. If it is not cheddar, brie, camembert, roquefort, gouda, etc.... it's not cheese. It's plastic.
Pineapple on pizza, good
Chinese five spice on pizza, good
I'm Italian so you can't argue my points even if you wanted to. Also Isabelle is good in smash ultimate
-It is my opinion that the gas chamber and the electric chair should be brought back. The term "cruel and inhumane" should apply to the type of death endured by the victims, not the method of capital punishment for the criminals.
-The condition of "time off for good behavior" should not apply to inmates incarcerated for crimes of sexual assault, especially involving children. Think about it: how many opportunities does a sex offender have to be exposed to a potential victim--behind bars? Stop giving a free pass to rapists, pornographers, and pedophiles. Put them in jail, and KEEP them in jail.
-Stop allowing criminals to clog up the penal system: on capital cases, place a five-year limit on appeals. If, by the time the extension ends, that the defense has failed to make their case, the execution proceeds as ordered.
-A death caused by drunk driving should be charged as 2nd-degree murder, not manslaughter. The intoxicated driver knew what the laws were before taking their first drink and getting behind the wheel. They shouldn't get 200 hours of community service and two years' probation, when the surviving family will be forced to grieve a loved one forever.
-Potential foster homes and parents need to be screened more intensely than they have been in the past. Too many children in foster care are at the mercy of people who see them as nothing more than unpaid domestics, cash cows, and even as amusement for a pedophile. It needs to stop. NOW.
Yes! Even though I'm gay, I'm rather conservative and I think democracy is overrated. As you see, I'm not good at making friends. 🤣
Im right of center and have gay friends. People who don’t like you usually don’t like themselves and have to hiss venom on everyone else for whatever reason.
my unpopular opinion: the later green day albums (post-2009) are great, and shouldn't be shitted on