Hey, I would very much like some new ideas of what to do when bored.


Enjoy the process not the result



    Here is my tip for hobbies: do it for fun and not for money. Once it becomes a "side hustle" it becomes stressful. Whatever hobby you choose to engage in should be purely for the joy of it.



    No time spent on a hobby is wasted time


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Unless you have exam the next day. Then you should have spent less time roller skating. (Definitely not speaking from experience here...... O_O)

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    Doing research about things you already like. For example, I always read articles and watch tons of videos about my favorite tv series or movies. There's usually a lot of interesting content about the actors, writers, directors, behind the scenes, etc.


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    Folding pieces of paper into different shapes or animals, its actually satisfying and cool to see what you can make with one piece of paper!


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    I've started watching ballets on youtube, full ballet productions, but with late 80s and 90s music. It will change your perspective of ballet and rock. Try watching a part of Le Corsaire to Thunderstruck by AC/DC.


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    playing Ukelele! They're not very expensive, it's easy to learn and they're many songs you can learn in less than an hour! :)


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A friend got into the ukelele! A cheap instrument bought online, some youtube and online tutorials, advancing to a low-fee class at the local community center. The total cost for learning an instrument over a couple of years was about $50.

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    Just try finding something you enjoy doing. If you're really enjoying what you do, time should feel like it's flying. That's one of the ways I can tell that something's becoming my new hobby.
    If you want to find something new, don't overthink it, just try doing random things, and see how you feel about them.


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    drawing and writing


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I crochet potholders while watching tv. Keeps me busy and friends and family love them. Win, win.


    I collect spores, molds and fungus.



    My hobbies, mostly involve making things. I give it all away or leave it to be found. 💙


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    If you want to collect coins, which I did from 15-18 years old, read on...

    It was extremely gratifying and beautiful and exciting. Imagining real people actually using these coins that are from generations ago is deeply moving.


    There is a high monetary barrier. I learned the hard way that unless I bought a coin worth at least $2000 (in today's money) that the coin would never gain in value. Every coin bought below that price was charity and a sunk cost.

    Go big or lose big $$$.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    True of all the "collecting" hobbies. It's one of the many things I like about birdwatching, getting in is cheap and easy! I started with a $25 pair of binoculars and a $10 field guide, period. Of course a person can spend a huge amount of money on birding trips if they want to, but you can also just hang out in your local parks or your own back yard, and still be a top-flight birder.


    I'm a birdwatcher, and I want to recommend the hobby to everyone. It's a great hobby! For starters, getting started is cheap, buy a cheap pair of binoculars and a field guide (book or app), and you're good to go, and you can go anywhere from your own back yard to other continents. Because the great thing about birding is that it's infinitely flexible: You can be a competitive birder on a quest to break the record for most species seen in a day, a month, a year, or a lifetime. You can be like me, and use it as a form of meditation, a way to get in touch with nature and the universe. Or you can approach the hobby as a citizen scientist who's gathering scientific data, or as an artist who's out to locate and photograph the most beautiful species in the world, or as a homebody who watches the progression of migrations and seasonal changes from their own home. So look into birding, if you want to get in touch with nature, or learn a science, or relax, or photograph beautiful wildlife, or just enjoy life from your own home.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A tip to be respectful of birds: Don't scare birds. It takes a lot of energy to fly.


    Bought a lathe on a whim. Now I'm collecting wood, making mushrooms. Hobbies can happen by acci


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    Try not to pick up a hobby that is gonna take more time than you have patience for. I've had a number of Hobbies and before I finish one particular project I've set it aside for something else that I end up not finishing.


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    Not a suggestions for a hobby but if you have a hobby that requires light for you to be able to have it done, wear a head lamp. I'm telling you, makes it so much easier to do.


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    Don't get frustrated if you don't have the result fast. Also, if you doing DIY don't be afraid of wasting material.


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    If you are starting a hobby to see if you like it, start with inexpensive items. Three reasons: if you decide you don't like it, you haven't spent a lot on it; you'll have money left over for trying another hobby; if you decide you like your hobby, you can upgrade to more expensive and higher-quality items and you will feel like you are rewarding yourself.


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    Dee on bikes
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a math professor once who told me the Polish were so great at math because the buy-in was just a pencil and paper.


    If you want to make money on a hobby, make "making money" the hobby in itself. If you want money to be a byproduct of your hobby, it will become work fairly quickly and you'll lose the fun. If profit IS the goal, but not necessary for life, then it can be a fun hobby in itself. i.e. flipping antiques or collectables


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    I am not gonna tell anything mind-blowing. Reading a book, listening to music, playing guitar is what kill my boredom and lift up my mood. I want to start ceramics because I feel like it's a great way to relax and meditate.



    Writing stuff on Wikipedia! Either writing some new stuff, or edit stuff already on the site.

    Or fitness! Go for a run, or what ever work-outs you might like...


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    Ylva Edqvist
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Such great ideas! I've always thought about writing there, but have never done it. I'll strat an account.


    Talk to people about their hobbies. People LOVE to talk about something they know and love. It could lead to your being interested, could lead a whole different direction and people are craving an audience to share their knowledge. Consider writing down your contacts, experience and info. Some things you need to think about and consider later, others you love immediately. This world, and the people in it, are incredible!


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    One hobby which will be fun and informative is collecting newspaper articles. I usually have choose unusual or anything that catches my fancy and cut it. I then have scrapbooks in which i paste these articles. You can go back to them and read. Of course, with newspapers shutting, it is not feasible all the time. I am also planning to create stuff out of waste. I have old bottles which i plan to decorate and create something that can look nice and you never know.. i can sell it.


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    Cycling! Build/paint your own bike(s). It's a mechanical hobby, an artsy hobby, transportation, and a workout routine. :)

    Also, find something you want/need/enjoy and try making it yourself.


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    remember that there are lots of diferent hobbies, and you are bound to be intrested in one of them! for example: sports, sketching, collecting, laying an instrument, reading, e.c.t.


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    Pick someone who's good at the hobby and don't be afraid to look up to them. As a guitarist there's a lot of really amazing musicians I look up to. I might never really be on their level of talent but watching them play always inspires me to keep working and get better.


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    If you have a hobby that you've loved for years that you end up losing interest for, take time to figure out why.

    Your hobby (mostly art related) is a reflexion of yourself and losing interest of it could mean psychological/emotional trouble

    I had undiagnosed depression and stopped drawing for years. Now after therapy i barely stop. When i stop sometimes it's always because i'm feeling down.


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    Learn to play an instrument


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    Find something that you can relax into, that makes you happy.


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    I write short books full of detail. My way of focusing is to listen to songs and find ones that match the character I'm writing about. I'll listen to that same song for a while, then I'll continue writing. This helped me fix and finish my favorite book, Three Times.


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    what to do when i'm bored? daydreaming!
    ...or making circular moves with my thumb.


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