If you had an imaginary friend can you describe them! I can start with mine,  I had an imaginary friend named Lili she was a daisy who I would play with all the time mostly outside I planted a lot of flowers around the house haha.


No, but I talked to myself as if there was someone else was there. Still do, actually.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I talk to myself all the time mostly in the mirror but I just tell my parents that I'm talking to my cat


    Literally, all of my friends are imaginary.



    Yes, but i had one when i was quite old, 12 years old. Got rid of it pretty quickly, but probably gave my mum a real scare.



    Yes, and only because my sister wouldn't played with me. I literally called my imaginary friend, "Pony" and I don't know why. XD


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    I was a loner in school and didn't really have friends. So I made up a couple of friends twin boys, I would tell stories about them as home. Quite funny chaps. :-)


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry you were a loner but I don't know if it was your choice or people just didn't wanna hang out with you (wow that sounds harsh) but twins would have been cool imaginary friends

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    I had two actually. I had Larry-Boy from Veggie Tales and Drawera who was the female version of Larry-Boy. They were in love too.



    I had and still have an imaginary “friend” named Jack. He’s always eerily nice to me and sometimes I think he might just be trying to gain my trust and then do something horrible...


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    Had a million. In elementary school, there was a mischievous ghost called Potatoes, and his best friend, a little black dot with stick arms and legs called Small. Grew out of them eventually, but I talk to myself a lot to get my thoughts straight. Never understood why people think that's weird.


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    Yes, I still kinda do, but I usually talk to myself


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    My younger brother had autism, and ever time I tried to play with him, it usually ended in tears. I didn’t have any other siblings, so I mostly just talked to the cat. Not sure if that counts but yeah.


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    I heard the word "Blah" in a book as a little kid and made up a little girl with that name. I decided that she had moved to Canada when we went there a year later on a family trip. Must have been a memorable friend, as my mom and sister still remember her.


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    yes her name was lily she was sweet, nice, kind even though she was imaginary she felt like my best friend


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    I developed one from lockdown and it's name is Joey


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    I have 2, one is rickroll and the other is you’ve been gnomed


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    before i was born, my mom went to Costco and found this teddy bear. when i was three, i named it Big Bear. i would always sleep with it. one day i started to talk to Big Bear in my sleep. i never stopped sleeping with Big bear until i finished grade 5.


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    Back in in 1898 at the age of 9 years old I had an imaginary friend named little uni. Little uni was a white unicorn with a gold mane. I would talk to him everyday he was my best friend. As I got to age of 14 little uni taught me manipulation and non hostile government takeovers. One day ww1 began and naturally me and little uni had to enlist to do our part to defend the motherland. Me and little uni served first as infantry men and then as privates in the 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment. One day a dirty Jew threw a gas mine into our bunker. I managed to take him out but little uni was gasping and coughing on the pousionus gas. NO STAY WITH ME!!!!!!!! I screamed as little uni breathed he last he muttered. “Don’t let the Jews get away with this Adolf”. After that day I began plotting my revenge on the Jews.


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