Tell us your story about the snarkiest or most sarcastic thing you've ever said to a teacher!


I have one! My math teacher was having some (very minor) tech issues, and a few students helped him. Once they got everything working again, my teacher said, "What would I ever do without you guys?" Without missing a beat, I said, "Nothing, you wouldn't have a job." Well, turns out I said it way louder than I thought I did, and the whole class burst out laughing! I felt so bad for my teacher!


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    I had an English teacher through 8th and 9th grade (she transferred to the high school the year my class started) and she was cool. You could joke with her every now and then. So one day I told her that the word Gullible wasnt in the classroom dictionary. She grabbed another copy from another desk and looked it up. 'I found it right here!' She said, to which I replied 'Is your picture next to it?' She laughed her a*s off and threw her copy of the book at me. Good times!
