What was the best day that you ever experienced?


For me, it would have to be August 2nd, 2024. It was the day when I finally went back home to my mom after 2 years and 13 days of being in the foster care system.

I attended the court hearing via phone two days prior while I was at this week long summer camp. On the morning on the 2nd, I woke up, packed my bags and hit the road, taking the 5 hour drive, not back to my foster home, but all the way to the house my mom had just got.


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I'm gonna talk about a few of them.

#1: The day my crush said he loved me. It was during recess, and he was so nervous and kept running back to his friends for reassurance. Then the whistle blew and we had to go inside, and he just blurted it out. It took me a moment to process 😂 but then our love story has continued for 3 years now.

#2: The day I got my cat, Tuffy. I think it was 4 years ago, and I got him a year after my old cat, Eddie, died. Me and Tuffy have had a bond from that day on that I will treasure forever.

#3: The night after my first Band Concert. It was my school's first concert, and the feeling of accomplishment and pride that came afterwards was something that only comes once in a lifetime.

#4: The last day of 5th grade. My 5th grade year was probably the best year of my life. I loved that class; there was no one I hated; it was absolutely hilarious 24/7; I was friends with almost everyone; and my teacher was just amazing. That class was like a second family to me. Then, on the last day of 5th grade, my teacher made a video of a bunch of pictures from all throughout the year and played it for us, with "Best Day of My Life" playing in the background. So yeah, we all had a good cry about that. Then I hosted a party afterwards, and my entire class came, and we cried some more and talked about going into middle school the next year.
So yeah, that was both the best and worst day of my life. I'M NOT CRYING YOU'RE CRYING!!!!


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