Haha this should be fun. Try to make it sound nothing like the actual job while still being accurate. Extra points if you can guess the job people are referring to. Good luck!
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make sure a flying thing doesn't turn into a not flying thing.
You are forced to take care of like 30 children for little money which is basically like babysitting. You have to teach them while they stare at a wall, pass notes, talk, and sneak food. And by the end of the week you are ready to crack.
Looking at nude corpses
Try to make it to Friday evening without crying and/or screaming.
Putting someone in more pain than they were previously to apparently make them feel better in the long run.
Teach children and sometimes adults to hit each other, but in a safe way.
Purposely leaving out details as to not distress the public.
You take a thing and turn it into a better thing
Stabbing people to health
they let karens in
i move wiggly light into your eyes and you like it
I stick sharp objects in you mouth and torture your mouth
Enter an unknown home, Stab a stranger, and leave with a souvenir.
Trying to keep somebody alive or fixing something while knowing if you mess up even in the slightest way possible you might kill somebody.
Go to bed by 10
Take a year planing for a single day by stressing everyone out and making them hate dresses and cake.
After the kid tells me it hurts, I push on it harder and ask if it hurts.
Up to 300 conversations in 8 hrs all while keeping a polite tone regardless if they are rude or not
Telephone Customer Service - I would be fired on my first day.
I give people drugs
you slam the table with a hammer and decide, ether a person will go to a room or not
I give drugs to people then arrest them for taking said drugs
Imagine being a cop, except you are only assigned to a gated neighborhood and everyone that lives there is trying to kill you and you have to keep them safe with no weapons, no way out, no vehicle. Armed only with your wits a pen and maybe some pepper spray that doesn't do anything. And you also have to keep them alive and you alive and everyone around you alive. And if you're like me, on top of all of it you actually care about other human beings even if they treat you like dirt so you try to make sure they are mentally ok too but you're not a mental health professional. You are told to be security, mental health, banker, patrol, parent / guardian and with minimal pay.
When grow up I want to cut people open and mess with their insides :)
you forced to shove food in a cardboard box and put a toy in the box and you dont even get to taste the food
Working for a CEO that was never originally their idea. You'll know what I'm talking about when you see the movie. It's called "The Founder." I hate that man
Being forced to sit in front of a computer all day working on stuff that we will never need irl for 8 hours trying to escape but can't.
Instead of telling someone they're healthy, I give them a $500 bill with bad handwriting.
Put people into vans and electrocute them until they reach a building with more of the same people.
I was a "sh.t umbrella". I was paid to deal with sh.tty things and sh.tty people and sh.tty situations. I was a mayor's chief of staff.
The sentence "see that with my collaborator" still haunt me. That was like a sh.t catapult.
Legally cutting up dead bodies
sitting on the couch helplessly watching your children make a mess and wait for them to go to bed so you can clean it and repeat this tomorow
you make a fool of yourself on a raised platform in a place full of mildly poisoned people so they can laugh and get more poisoned.
Try to get at least 'B's so i can have a bright future
Doing endless paperwork and subsisting on a diet of ramen and coffee so you can get the achievement of the first letter of the American lexicon.
College student. I'm not one....and now I want ramen.
Working for ego-maniacal rude and crude South Africans that take senior positions in companies. Their mentality is three fold;
1. I am better than you and will shout the loudest when I am always wrong, so it looks like I am right.
2. You will always do as I say, and do it NOW!
3. If you not do as I say, nor do you correct me then you will be rewarded with cringe-worthy ‘shout outs’ that put 1970s workplace straight back on the map.
Any company with links to SA, DO.NOT.GO.THERE.
I dont know but i know this - job or not i would have to shout back!!!
Make the workplace boring, people hide when you do walk throughs, enforce unpopular policies and procedures, and hold meetings to explain why they are important.
(I'm not old enough to have a job but-) Teaching tiny midgets stuff they don't need to know for when they're older.
Extracting your fluids to run tests on them and never return them.
Writing lies, and selling those lies. Everyone knows they are lies. They like it.
You have to look for books that the visitor describes as 'a blue cover', know how tho find a specific subject in 100.000 books, lend them to a stranger and hope you get them back in good condition.
Mixing stuff until your arm hurts, make precise measurements or else everything will explode, and smile while people criticize your work in an awful ways.
The "explode" part is what's throwing me. :) Without that, I'm thinking a baker....but if you mean "explode" in a literal way, then maybe a chemist?
Make sure people get into vehicles which can shake them and turn them upside down which can make them throw up. Do this the whole day long.
you wear new clothes and people look at you wear the clothes. some pictures of you will also be taken.
leaving earth to get some "space "
Makes sure the adults dont kill the children theyre supposed to get paid for.
Organize thin slices of trees on thick pieces of trees while shushing humans
Hours of working hard to keep everyone calm, often while covered in bodily fluids. In the end, a new person enters the room stark naked and screaming, and everyone is elated!
a doorman/doorwoman
Organizing, inventorying, and safely storing truck loads of dusty letters and documents which are several hundred years old so people can eventually access them.
Teach people that are jobless for years basic everyday knowledge they heard from you half a year before (and still tend to ignore). Repeat again in about half a year, cause they refuse job offers that are more than 5 miles away from their current residence. ;_;
Kiss babies/empty promises so I can fill my pockets with expenses & family/friends' with taxes
Organize books in the most gated of gated communities, try not to get involved in various fights because the weapons are makeshift and often smell but still have to break them up occasionally. Once have a community member tell you if he says don't come to work, DON'T COME TO WORK, before the promotion to book arranger.
You have to talk to people. Listen to people cuss you out. Crappy Team leaders.
I am paid to take people out
They break into people's cars... and get paid for it
Trying to get through said job until you leave it
You stare at a screen all day pushing key combinations but when those keys don't work you dry slightly different combinations over and over until you find a combination that works. Then someone who makes more money than you sells what you made for profit and rarely gives you credit.
You teach children how to put their fingers in balls, then how to throw those balls right into 10 standing pins in hope to knock them down. And clean shared shoes.
the thing a karen always wants
My mother looks at dead people and guesses their name
I listen to people talk about horrible problems on one of the worst days of their life and decide whether their rights should be taken away.
Now Hiring. Must be willing to endure air conditioning in the winter, heating in the summer. Also must be able to accept that you will be developing bad knees, have multiple back injuries as well as frequent trips to the emergency room for stitches, exposure to deadly chemicals, the threat of heavy equipment injuries, lung problems from exposure to toxic gases. Finally be prepared to spend over $150,00 on tools during your career. Ask to speak to the hunched over guy with one eye.
Automobile repair technician.
Keep animals asleep with drugs while another person fixes their insides
You vividly hallucinate and create a scenario with completely made up people most of the time and then spend what could be years turning that scenario into words on a dead tree.
not exactly a job but you have a lot of work and do not get paid
haha number go brr. haha super fly thing goo blooooooooooosssssshhhhhhhooooommmmmmmmm. haha photo go brr
You literally chop people open sometimes but most of the time it helps them. Sometimes you chop off their arm or let and sometimes you pull a LIVING BEING out of them.
Make promises to a bunch of guys in suits as to when the work will be done as they threaten you with unemployment unless you compress the timeline and budget to the breaking point, after which you go speak to the people that you need to perform tasks and try to cajole them into working unpaid overtime to complete them. Then you play "let"s not and say we did" with the suit guys and give them an after action report so they can berate you over what went wrong. And you get another assignment to add to the 5 or 6 you already have.
Take people's jobs with money and turn their lifelong dreams into garbage that nobody likes and then dispose of them after 3 years. Repeat until you run out of jobs to destroy.
I make awful movies look good, at least for 30 seconds.
they look into ur eyes so you can put something in front of them
it's like playing Sims, but with no cheat codes and have to actually adhere to the laws of physics.
I give up my youth, happiness, free time, and money in exchange for an almost-daily amount of practically useless information and debt.
Convince people (usually children) who do not know how to swim to submerge themselves in water.
Have to answer every review with "I will certainly talk about this with my supervisor" Seriously I couldn't care less if you think the bed was to soft or to gard or the chair didn't fit or you didn't like the decor. No one cares.
Oh I'm not buying it, I just wanted to see the sizes so I can order it online (probably from your competitor)
I look after my nations treasures, and occasionally point visitors to toilets.
I fix your errors and on top of that I even fix your stupidity when you click on that link from the Nigerian prince who has billions of dollars to smuggle out of his country. I won't fix that 30 day stay at a Zambian resort, free drinks, unlimited food and 24 hours of sunshine each day for less than $10 a day, though.
Oh I'm not buying it, I just wanted to see the sizes so I can order it online (probably from your competitor)
wow i'm quite surprised so many people saw this haha. your entries are all hilarious!
It reminds me of a guy who had to fish vomit out of a blocked sink with his bare hands, clean up doodoo and urine, get abused by some and ignored by others, then get blamed for things not their fault..........nope, not a nurse but a coach and bus driver. That doesn't even include when people throw objects at the vehicle they are driving.
Put my leopard geckos on my grandma's face and/or let her dogs lick em lol
wow i'm quite surprised so many people saw this haha. your entries are all hilarious!
It reminds me of a guy who had to fish vomit out of a blocked sink with his bare hands, clean up doodoo and urine, get abused by some and ignored by others, then get blamed for things not their fault..........nope, not a nurse but a coach and bus driver. That doesn't even include when people throw objects at the vehicle they are driving.
Put my leopard geckos on my grandma's face and/or let her dogs lick em lol