It does not matter how many just post a fact!


Did you know that there is a bike ride every year in oregon and DUN * DUN * DUN* its called the world naked bike ride yeppers they ride NaKeD personally I would do it (im not a nudist).


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    The 25th anniversary of the Pokemon company is this year on February 27th!


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    A snakes eyes tell you what time of day it’s awake, circles? Diurnal, Slits? Nocturnal.
    Dolphins will bother pufferfish so they blow up, an then use them as a ball.
    If you want to hide a body in a river, cut it open, this will prevent gas buildup.
    Despite common belief, only about 1/3 of all snakes are venomous.
    Snakes are also very shy animals, and don’t want you bothering them (unless they are pets, then they are fine with it)
    A species of tree snake has been observed recently scaling a metal pole, no bumps to grab, it just climbed it, how? It lassoed around the pole, and inched slowly up. This adds a 5th way snakes move.
    Snakes don’t chase their attackers for revenge, they want out, and chances are, you both chose the same way out.
    In a fight, a black mamba (most deadly venom in the world) lost a fight to a King Cobra, how? The king cobra has superior strength then the mamba.
    Despite common belief, the snakes jaw doesn’t unhinge, the bottom jaw is connected by flexible stuff, allowing the snake to open as vertical as it wants. The reason you see the snakes bottom jaw move separate from the other half, is because the snakes bottom jaw isn’t a whole thing, it’s two connected by a bone at the back, the front parts meet, but don’t connect, so they can move them apart a good distance.
    Snakes have teeth, they just aren’t very visible compared to fangs of a venomous snake.
    Snakes stick their tongue to an organ in the top of their jaw that lets them smell.
    Snakes also hear through their mouths.
    Snakes are also pretty smooth, not at all slimy like many people think.
    Snakes can become fat very easily, as they’re opportunistic hunters, so they won’t turn a blind eye to an extra mouse.
    Despite the previous fact, snakes are pretty smart, they know what they can and can’t fit in their mouths, which is why you don’t hear of a snake eating a human
    They also won’t attack anything that isn’t seen as food, unless it’s hostile, then they attack, which is why you hear of deaths by snakes, either it was too small of a baby, and was seen as food, or you were being a jerk to it.
    Snakes and cats can blend well, as long as you show the cat the snake at a young age. This gets your cat used to it.
    A snake can only eat prey that’s about the width of the widest part of its body when the head is forward.
    Venomous snakes don’t use venom often, unless it’s for food, or defense. Only a small group of snakes have “hoods” that was in quotes because they imitate hoods, the King cobra is the only species of snake that I know of with a true hood, the fake hood gang includes some types of ratsnakes, and a species of hognose snake.
    These snakes fake their hoods by flattening into a pancake around their head and neck.


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    Aroace tiger
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Dolphins will bother pufferfish so they blow up, an then use them as a ball I THINK this is because pufferfish poison to dolphins like alcohol is to humans

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    Wombats have specially designed muscles in their bowels that allow them to make cube-shaped poop. This is to prevent poop from rolling away when they do it outside their underground burrows, and prevents alerting predators to their presence, apparently.



    Nintendo started over a hundred years ago as a playing card company.


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    Goosebumps are meant to ward off predators.
    Squirrels are behind most of the power outages in the U.S.
    Spiderwebs used to be used as bandages
    25% of a persons bones are in the feet
    It would only take 1 hour to drive to space (60 mph average)
    A cloud can weigh more than a million pounds
    The Queen owns all the swans in England
    A moonbow is a rainbow that happens at night
    Scientists discovered an organism with a disappearing butt
    A human could swim through a blue whales veins
    Australia has pink and purple lakes
    Elvis Presley's manager sold "I hate Elvis" Badges
    Paper bags CAN be worse for the environment than paper ones
    Bubble wrap was originally intended to be wallpaper
    Cute animals are more likely to be endangered
    King Tut owned a dagger from outer space
    Our sharpest memories are from early adulthood
    There is a "peak cuteness" for puppies (6-8 weeks old)
    Lemurs get high on bugs
    There is a 3,400 year old song
    There is a museum dedicated to failure
    Only 18 out of 1,000,000 Lego pieces are defective
    The youngest Olympian was 10 years old
    The filling in Kit-Kats is made from damaged Kit-Kats
    Viking men wore make-up
    An astronaut was allergic to "Moon dust"
    Australia is wider than the moon
    The heart of a shrimp is located in its head
    Nutmeg can make you high if taken in large doses
    The Spanish National Anthem has no words
    The longest book has 9,609,000 characters
    Wind is silent until it blows against something
    The fastest recorded raindrop was 18 mph!!!
    Rain contains Vitamin B12
    Abraham Lincoln lost the election 5 times before becoming the president
    Ice cream was once called "Cream Ice"
    Carrots weren't always orange
    Cherries are a member of the Rose family
    Venus is the only planet that spins Clockwise
    Basically anything that melts can be made into glass
    Honey doesn't spoil. 3,000 year old honey is still edible
    ---Dead people can get goosebumps---
    There is no such thing as "Pear cider." it is known as "Perry"
    The wood frog can hold its pee for up to 8 months
    The English word with most definitions is "set."
    The dot over a lowercase "i" or "j" is called a tittle
    Chewing gum boosts concentration
    "E" is the most common letter
    Pringles aren't actually "POTATO" chips
    Showers really do spark creativity
    Children's medicine once contained morphine
    Koalas have fingerprints
    Sea lions can dance to a beat
    Babies are physical anomalies
    Someone once survived 2 Atomic Bombs
    France has a dozen time zones
    Cheetahs don't roar
    A man was once constipated for nearly 2 months
    Most people break-up on Mondays
    Sharks existed before trees
    Cats once delivered mail in Belgium
    Hitler had a flatulence problem "poot!!!"
    The Twitter bird's name is "Larry"
    Some Maryland residents are taxed for the rain
    The U.S. almost went to war with Canada over a pig
    Tornadoes used to be called "Twirlwinds" and "Twirlblasts."
    The word "MacGyvered is in the Oxford English dictionary
    Kentucky has more Bourbon than people
    The Queen of England celebrates 2 Birthdays each year!!!
    McRib sandwiches contain around 70 ingredients
    Competitive art used to be in the Olympics
    A chef's hat has exactly 100 pleats
    "OMG" usage can be traced back to 1917
    Some cats are actually allergic to humans... I WONDER WHY
    The majority of your brain is fat
    High Heels were originally worn by men
    Oranges used to be green... Greenages?
    Stop signs used to be yellow
    New York was briefly named "New Orange"
    There is a "Chocolate Fruit"
    Too much water can kill you
    Hot water freezes faster than cold water
    Sea otters hold hands when sleeping
    The blob of toothpaste you put on the toothbrush is called a "Nurdle"
    Marie Curie's Notebooks are still radioactive
    The world's largest pyramid isn't in Egypt
    We may have already had Alien contact.
    Sears used to sell houses
    A U.S. park ranger got hit by lightning 7 times?!?!
    Panda's fake pregnancy for better care
    Your funny bone is actually a nerve
    Pineapples were named after pine cones
    Cap'N'Crunch's full name is Horatio Magellan Crunch.
    I have reached the MAX text in bored Pand



    Velma from Scooby Doo was originally supposed to be a lesbian character
    Scooby Doo is a triplet
    Scrappy Doo died in Miami
    Daphne Blake was originally gonna be named Kelly
    Search Batman Bunny if you don't wanna sleep (Your Welcome)
    I have so many Scooby Doo facts



    Coca Cola used to put cocain in their products


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    Stanley Kubrick is the only director in history to make a G rated film (2001: A Space Odyssey) followed by an X rated film (Clockwork Orange). It's now rated R but it was rated X upon its release.



    The NHL stars back up today! Eeeeek, I’m sooo exited!


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    According to my late math teacher:



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    People with less mentally stress need less sleep on an average base. No wonder I’m so tired recently


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    Mike Nesbeth from the 60's group The Monkeys? His mother invented the correction ink known as Liquid Paper



    Squirrels can’t burp
    Eleanor Roosevelt was a target of the FBI
    Christopher Columbus thought the Earth was pear-shaped



    Shaggy's real first name is norville
    the color of the statue of Liberty was changed due to the air
    bored panda is the best
    if you type google space and click mr.doob it get funny
    this also works with google gravity google underwater and do a barrel roll
    the founder of facebook mark zuckerberg was color blind he made facebook thinking it was green.
    Horace mann was the inventor of school someone please go back in time and kill him.
    my dad is the god of beer
    the earth i at least 4.5 billion years old
    the richest man on earth is Jeff Bezos has 170 billion dollars
    spongebob was originally going to be called sponge boy
    leonardo da vinci wrote backwards so nobody would steal his ideas
    A beefalo is part cow part buffalo
    A dragonfly can see in all directions at once
    if grasshoppers were the size of humans they could jump the length of a basketball court
    horses run on their toes
    you can buy a piece of meteorite on ebay
    porcupines can float
    an average yawn lasts six seconds
    a website sells land on mars
    and on venus for about 25$ an acre
    anteaters don't have teeth|
    hippo sweat is red


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    the first animal crossing game was on the n64 dd! it didnt have the museum the shpop or anything! just talk to neighbors and catch bugs and fish


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    A watermelon is a berry.


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    My favorite animal is a axolotl they come in pink black and brown and they eat blood worms and to me they one of the cutest things on the planet


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