Hey Pandas, Could You Help Me Lift The Spirits Of A Co-Worker Who Was Just Diagnosed With Breast Cancer? (Closed)
I'm looking for all your favorite quotes. I'm gonna write them all down and put them in a box for her to read when she is feeling down.
Any and all types of quotes will be appreciated! Thank you!
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How about volunteering to do some chores for your co- worker? It will be useful both of you
make a book of stereotypical quotes- like "it's always darkest before dawn"-and mix some really weird random ones in there to make them laugh.
Positive thoughts are coming your way. You've got this!
Fun quote of the day: " Whatever you do, always give 100%. Unless you're donating blood." -Bill Murray
Write down your best memories of time spent them to show your love (cancer survivor).
Needs one of these hugging cat or floofy corgi pillows. It hurts to lay comfortably when your chest needs proppingup at certain angels to avoid compressing down on a surface.
Thanks. Sister was just diagnosed with breast cancer. This is a thoughtful gift.
I'm a breast cancer survivor. Instead of platitudes, please show her this clip of the patient who danced before her mascetomy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJtoBOcOAZM
The video went viral and Ellen DeGeneres interviewed her! I also want your friend to know I experienced ZERO pain from my double mascetomy. Make sure your friend gets an Oncogene DX test before she starts chemo - one hospital was going to give me chemo but UCSF did that test and found out I didn't need it. That test saved me 7 months of chemo! Make sure she reads the Lance Armstrong book, "It's Not About the Bike," showing that you can beat cancer even after it's spread to your abdomen, lungs, and brain and go on to win 7 Tour de France victories (albeit with blood doping, but as a cancer survivor, I'm just in awe of how healthy he was after being so sick.) I was so freaked when I was diagnosed but 4 years later, I'm cancer free and rollerblading with my daughter and my great fake breasts. The word "masectomy" freaked me out but if you think of it as a free boob job, it seems a lot less terrifying. There is also the BCCTP Medi-cal program for patients who need costs covered - this free governmental program paid all my bills with no need to repay them! Effexor was also a game-changer since it relieves post-menopausal symptoms and anxiety and can be prescribed to cancer patients. She can beat this!
My Nana was diagnosed with Breast Cancer when I was 13, she was completely cured, and only died 25 years later of smoking induced Lung cancer at 78.
Breast Cancer, when diagnosed early, is one of the most curable of the cancers. Tig Notaro is a very famous survivor, a very funny standup comedian.
You'll be sick for a while, but it will be fine... As long as you don't smoke like my Nana did.
I bet you are scared. Terrified. You feel alone. You hate that your family is just as scared and lost as you. Try to think of a cancer diagnosis in stages. You are in shock right now. This is NOT grieving. This IS living. Live for a moment in disbelief and grief then get UP and FIGHT. Come out swinging girl. Give your family hope. Tell them that THEY need to FIGHT with you. Form a F*&(ing ARMY and go beat that cancer or go down swinging.
Cancer is only going to be a chapter in your life, not the whole story.
As a newly diagnosed women, that statement is the most meaningful of all phrases. Live your whole story.
“Say something positive, and you’ll see something positive.” —Jim Thompson
"The world is a giant fish bowl but don't worry about that because you have so much more places to go!"
"It's always darkest just before dawn."
You never know what you can do until you have to do it. You're stronger than you know!
The majority of my mates lifted my spirits just by visiting regularly and keeping things relatively normal. If I was neutropenic after chemo they'd all come round and stand at the bottom of the garden still - a bit like covid really xd. They always raised my mood even just seeing them made a difference, they didn't have to do anything special to be special.
Watch the Youtube video of Dr. Deborah Cohan dancing in the OR right before her mastectomy surgery - here is the link:
I experienced ZERO pain from my own double mastectomy and am now cancer-free! Get an oncogene DX test, read Lance Armstrong's cancer book, "It's Not About the Bike," take Effexor for anxiety, and look into the BCCTP Medi-cal program to get all outstanding bills paid for by the government. You've got this, girl!!!!
Tell her if her hair should start to fall out and she goes for the shave, it’s only hair (my hair started falling out due to a different medical condition) and she can get different wigs for different days. And anyone passing judgment they are showing their own weaknesses. And anyone (works best on strangers) who makes a comment? (She has to commit to this as does anyone with you) ? She could pretend to start to lose her balance and touch them, once you are starting to walk away, but within ear shot say this “can you believe it? You can pass Herpies via touch? And keep walking. She could collect beanies and hats, all while saving money on shampoo and conditioner. Most importantly through out the ordeal, she hasn’t even scratched the surface of her courage and strength. And what a great time to blog or vlog about it each day. And for goodness sakes someone get this warrior a Panda Beanie!
“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” – Stephen R. Covey
“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” – Maya Angelou
"Behind the clouds, there is always a rainbow; just because it's cannot be seen doesn't mean it doesn't exist." - I.H
"Always look on the bright side of life!" - Eric Idle
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory." - Leonard Nimoy
"If you want to be happy. Be." - Leo Tolstoy
This last 2 are sad, but I love both of them:
"It's better to burn out than fade away." - Neil Diamond
"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up, where I intended to be." - Douglas Adams
Nicole, what you are doing is wonderful and I hope your co-worker makes it. - T.B
Get your mind and body right for the fight of your life. Fight, fight, fight and rest whenever you need to. Don't worry about anybody else right now. Let people help you. Let people help you. PLEASE... LET PEOPLE HELP YOU.
Laugh about something stupid everyday. Find the source of your strength and pamper that strength. A whole bunch of love is coming your way from family, friends, strangers, BP just to name a few, embrace it. Love from me to you.
you are an amazing person
don't let haters hate
be you
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
― Albert Einstein
“Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.”
Years ago I watched a show where they interviewed a group of centenarians. What sticks in my mind is when the host asked "how many of you have had cancer?" half the group raised their hands.