Do exactly what I said in the title!


this goes to everyone.
you all are my pooker wooker smookinpops strawberry shortcake cutie pie loveybears and every time i go on bp i skrunkly dunkly doo ily all pookers [hug]



    I really love you guys !! The kindness and support for each other here on BP is heartwarming. And your sense of humor gives me a good laugh.


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    I appreciate all the multi generational, world wide comments. Thoughts from different stages of life. I don't mind the down votes if you disagree because down votes are the least of my concerns IRL


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ooh, someone with high self esteem! Good for you! I too, appreciate the comments from all different walks of life

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hey Amy, awesome idea. You're probably someone that NOBODY pretends NOT to see in public and most likely gives great hugs 🤗

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    I love how all of you are so accepting of everybody and how everyone on here has gone through different walks of life and has something unique to share. There are just so many people from so many different countries and backgrounds and religions, and that’s what makes boredpanda a really enjoyable and fun place to be.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Agreed! The fact that everyone is so accepting and so different makes me love this site

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    Amy: I was reading some of your posts and I realized what’s going on with you and I just want to say life is tough and has ups and downs if you stick with it you’ll have your moments and you won’t, it’s kinda like sailing you start your journey and the water might be rough but no storm lasts for ever and you’ll always make it to your destination. All your bp posts genuinely make me laugh and bring so much joy to my life. Please don’t take that joy away. I’m always open to talk…


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    Cannot pick just one person, so I'll pick everyone :-) You are all medically recommended to make someone's day better!



    I'll say this for us - we may be bored, but we are never boring. Thank you all for the conversations that make us think and for those days when I can't stop laughing.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love the funny comments and the deeply thoughtful ones. I have changed my mind about things on BP before, and it’s usually because someone tried to explain it in a way that wasn’t cruel or demeaning. Good for all of you who show kindness! (And all of you who make me laugh! I love laughing)

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    Hi! I wanted to share my appreciation for the genuinely kind and remarkable individuals I've come across on this site. Participating in discussions through your comments and posts has brought me a lot of enjoyment. The strong sense of community here is truly heartening, and I'm thankful to be included in it. Connecting with such a supportive and diverse group of people has been a truly positive experience. I hope I'm not coming across as bothersome or annoying to any of you. I do harbour doubts that my presence here isn't always welcomed. Nonetheless, I do wish you all a splendid day!



    Thank you to the Pandas who always post nice words when there is a nasty comment posted.



    Everyone here is so supportive and awesome (except for the trolls).

    Special thanks to PercaBeth for being so kind. I loved our conversation about Rick Riordan.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    PERCABETH FOREVER! (Um, the ship, but if the commenter somehow becomes immortal too, that works)

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    First off: this may be the greatest post in the history of posts. It’s entirely dedicated to making others feel better.

    And now for the shower of compliments:
    You guys are all amazing and witty and I love when you comment off each other’s replies and turn it into a whole thing. Most comments make me laugh out loud, even if I don’t reply and say it because I feel like that would be annoying.
    Love you pandas!


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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's lovely to know if I've made someone "lol"! Only a grumpy a**e wouldn't

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    You are human. You are you. You are unique. That’s all that matters.



    to everyone here. you are gorgeous in your own way . love yous


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    yall are my besties in the screen :D life can be rough sometimes, but yall help
    me through!


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It’s so nice when people help each other when they don’t even know the other person (aside from tidbits shared online). I deeply admire all pandas who do this. I hope that life is currently in the good stage for you, not the rough one!

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    I always like the posters who post funny things, but a specific shout out to Nathaniel for always posting witty comments


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    We are all a big embarrassment of pandas (embarrassment meaning a pack of pandas, look it up if young believe me) so thank you for being part of the pack!!! And you pandas are so cute/ beautiful/ handsome so don't listen to the hunter trolls in your life!!


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Omg I can't with my autocorrect, it supposed to say look it up if you don't believe me.


    For anyone having a hard time: Us pandas will always be here for...... continued in comments:]


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You! Just post a comment and a legion of pandas will be there to help you through! I hope everyone reading this has an amazing day

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    To all Pandas/Pandettes/Spirit Animals/Spuds/What have you here on this site,


    You all compliment me when I'm right and put me in my place when I'm wrong, keeping me on my toes and keeping my eyes and heart open.


    Biggest shoutout to Nathaniel (He/Him) Ces Het., Caro Caro, Auntriach, more or less the usual suspects (if I missed you, sorry my bad) and especially Amidhaar aka Amy. Much respect and love.


    The shillelagh and sledgehammer-wielding SheamusFanFrom1987 :-D


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow, this submission was pure gold. I’m sure everyone who got called out (in a good way, I mean!) appreciates it!

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    okay so i love all of you (unless you’re a troll especially the troll i am unfortunate enough to know irl) and literally you guys are the best thing that has ever happened to me.



    To everyone here on Bored Panda: Y'all are a really kind community who's always there when anyone needs it. I would get butterbeers for all of you if I had that many Galleons!!!


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am trying to make butterbeer, if I find a suitable thread I will post the results on it

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    So many Pandas are kind, decent, sensible, compassionate human beings.


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    I’m going to compliment everyone for making me feel welcome. I’ve been open about my nationality and I know that’s alienated some people but the people who have gotten to know me and actually cared about my opinions and my actual political beliefs (regardless of my motherland) saved me. I love you all so much! Пока пока, спасибо ❤️



    Pandas, you make this a most interesting place to be! Besides the various topics, and the vast diversity of humanity representing, everyone here sees the friendship and concern for each other, and that can only lead to a more caring and peaceful world. I’m 63 and have only been aware of BP for a few years, but I have learned more here than anywhere. I hope you all stay if you possibly can, especially you, Amy, because I see you have been trying exceptionally hard to bring more positivity to the world. Thank you! Thank you all!


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    Donut touch the donut. You make me laugh all the time with your comment jokes and have a nice username.


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    Y'all are really cool, and SO PRETTY (or handsome, whatever you prefer). The "show your hair/eyes/etc" posts make me jealous lol

    Also thank you for all the support, advice, and acceptance (shoutout to Crow, Amy, and May, for being there for me when I needed help)



    Do you just GROW cooler or something? You seem to be cooler every day.


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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What can I say, I'm an ice cube of coolness. But for real, thanks a bunch for the comment—it's a heartwarming gesture that'll have us pandas grinning!❄️


    I love how everyone gives others the benefit of the doubt. And when in doubt use banana for scale.


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    (another one) hey you, you look stunning. people say the hottest thing is the sun but its obvi u. i can talk about ur amazingness for infinity but it’d never be enough.

    *with rizz*


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    My dearest Pandites:

    You are funny, smart, beautiful and above all remember this. It takes time to see the shine of the stars you look up and see. You are made of similar things as those very same stars.

    So SHINE, exactly as you are. If no one notices right away, that’s okay, see above. It might take time but you will be seen too. And I was once told, if you don’t like what you see in the mirror, it’s time for a new mirror.

    You’ve made this virtual shut in feel welcomed, seen and heard. Given me strength and warmth when I could find it no place

    THANK YOU for sharing the PANDAverse with me. I appreciate it with all my heart.



    To everyone. Even if you commented some bad things you could still be nice, maybe you/we misunderstood. You. Are. Nice. You are all perfect like you are.

    Here is a free cake and flower!
    🥮🎂🍰🧁🍥🌹💐🌸🌺🌷🌻🌼🥀🪷🪻 Take whatever you want! Only one of each.



    I actually love Bored Panda, you guys are the best!


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    To every panda who isn't a troll:
    Thank you for being sunshine, for making me laugh, and for teaching me stuff I never knew.🫶



    Agsgeahshs all of the non-troll pandas on here are amazing and wonderful and perfect and great and… well you get it

    Especially Fair_Weather_Rose, Icelandic_Fart, Nathaniel, Amy, Crow, and literally everyone else on here.

    Most of us are going through something or have in the past, and most of the pandas are helpful and nice during those. I only joined a little over six weeks ago, but don’t think I wasn’t here before.



    to everyone: thanks for making me feel normal, *big hug*



    Good morning to all my Lovely pandas. I know it's hard to get up in the morning. too bright, too cold, and nice and snug in bed. Plus, you may not have much motivation. But I know you can do this. You are an amazing person. You are strong, brave and bold. You wanna wear Spots with Stripes? Go ahead! Rainbows for days? You go bestie! Shoutout to: Amy, Headless Roach, Lakota Wolf, Caro Caro and all of my amazing friends who stood up for me when even the online world turned against me. I love you all! No matter how much of a bad day you have, know that there's always tomorrow. Even if it's the worst day possible, YOU SURVIVED! You can keep going, i know it. There are so many people who love you and care for you, even if you haven't met them yet. Look for people who make you feel good, instead of sticking with the people who don't. I haven't had many great experiences with the internet, but I keep on pushing through to get my message across. Be yourself. If it isn't hurting anyone or yourself, no one can stop you. If you're happy how you are, don't give a sh*t about those insignificant, futile people who make themselves feel better by hurting others. I love you so much, and I hope you all have an absolutely STUPENDOUS day.

    Love you my friends! -Your furry Best Friend!



    engaging with yalll improves my education, empathy, and culturally enlightens me so much!tybp's



    Hey Pandas.
    You're doing you're best which means you're doing a great job. Keep at it.


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    thank you for being a friend


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    Lez Be Honest
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Travelled down the road and back again, you're a pal and a confidant...

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    Bunch of silly soft can-openers, fishing for compliments. Audi and I are the best Pandas.


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    Mermeow Overlord (they/them)
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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Foolish humans, always underestimating us. 🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛🐈

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    I don't know any of you here but i always believed that as human beings, struggling through the human condition we should help each other when we can so if anyone is struggling or needing an up, here it is.

    You all chose your lot in life (or maybe you didn't) but here you are. If you weren't then you wouldn't be here. You already beat all the odds to exist And every day you can, you have. Please see the value of your life and understand we are all trying to figure this life out like you and you are worth exploring what life means to you. No religious connotations needed, we love you!


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    u guys are the absolute best, and this is a super safe space for me! i love ya guys my pandas


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    I have only been in here for so long, but some of y'all truly have the best sense of humor


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    I'm not good at complements but I offer free hugs, head pats (as a genius YouTuber once demonstrated on a graph the more head pats the happier u will be) or any other affection u may want


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Your offer of free hugs and head pats is so endearing! It's wonderful to see your creativity in spreading affection. I'll gladly accept a virtual head pat and hug. Sending head pats and a virtual hug right back to you!

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    Hey. So this is prolly gonna get lost at the bottom but...

    Amy, you are a wonderful person. Ik ur not doing super well lately, but I really really hope you're better soon.

    Madally, Bee, June, May, Nathaniel, Val, all of the pandas, whether they left or not, you're all awesome people (or chickens. Looking at you, feathered Dino.) Anyways, none of you know me but... Have a lovely day. Do something you love. because you ABSOLUTELY DESERVE IT.


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    Donut touch the donut always makes me laugh. Headless roach always has something super witty to say. I freaking love all of you Pandas.
    Enjoy your day. You deserve it.

    Lots of love,


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    A little motivation:
    If you are thinking about cutting your hair, do it!!
    Want to dye it, have fun!!
    Feel like changing your style up, go crazy!!!

    You will always look stunning to me


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    Lez Be Honest
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I definitely needed to see this one...I was on the fence about dying it blue!!

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    You are the best! If I hired new death eaters, you'd be my first go-to!

    Especially: ditto for his witty comments! Tiramisu for always lighting up my day! And Amy for being so friendly!


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    I LOVE that you all post the funny, positive, and supportive comments. When life gets me down, and it sure has, lately, I go to Bored Panda more often and look for the animal and positive posts, and you all are there for me.


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    Hey pandas! I’ve been on here for about three years already (which is crazy), and while I’m not very active in the comments, they are what I love most about Bored Panda! The community here is one of the most diverse and intimate ones I’ve ever seen. This website has become sort of a comfort to me and y’all always know how to make me laugh! I love all y’all so SO much and I hope you have a good week.


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    All of you guys are the most amazing people ever (other than the trolls and advertising bots)! Thank you for being so kind and accepting of younger people like me! You all deserve a gift!
    *Axo offers you 10 cartons of choccy milk*
    Will you accept?



    More than any other place I've found on the internet, BP seems to be full of kind and uplifting people. You all are the antidote to the Andrew Tates (and other hateful people) that are poisoning the world.



    To whom it may concern: Keep up the good work!


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    You. Rock! Let's do lunch sometime!


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    The jokes and humor in everyone. My fave pandas....... all of you!
    You guys are the best!!!!!


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    Love this site, love you people! Maybe I should rename myself Awkward Panda?



    You're a pretty tolerant bunch.


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    To Everyone:

    -You are definitely not someone who I would pretend not to see in public!

    -I honestly believe you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. For instance, if you decided to sell pinecones, I bet you would sell, just, and absurd amount of pinecones.

    On a serious note...You guys are (mostly) all amazing and I appreciate the laughs and sometimes tears you bring me. I am not in the greatest place in life right now (recently released from prison and trying to integrate back into society) and BP has been a respite for me. Thank you all for being so great and bringing joy into my life.


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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What a wonderfully heartfelt message! Despite the obstacles, your optimistic outlook and recognition of community humor really stand out. Remember, you're never alone. Continue discovering happiness in the small moments – we're all here, sending our best thoughts and support your way!

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    I don't remember how long I've been on this site, and I usually keep to myself, but I hope you all know that you are incredible people! You deserve joy and happiness in your lives and I wish the best for each and every one of you! I know what it's like to be shut out and treated as less than, and I see so much love and positivity here, I can't begin to express how much it lifts my spirits! I am so grateful for this site!


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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's clear that you feel a sense of connection and positivity in this community. Your encouragement and well wishes to everyone here reflect your kindness towards this place. Remember, you are also an important part of this community, and we appreciate your presence. May your days be filled with the joy and happiness you deserve. Thank you for sharing your gratitude and spreading positivity!


    hey, i know y'all said the same thing, and i'm about to say it as well, but i think everyone on here (well, minus a few people) are the best! you are all so beautiful and kind and amazing and i love you all.
    everyone's so sweet and supportive


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    To all the pandas out there in all parts of the world, I like to say thanks for all the great stories, funny answers, and total insightfulness you give my life. Glad I found the panda spot. You are all my peeps.



    panads r cute..yall ur cute.. so cute i want to bite off ur skin



    Y'all are some of the kindest, smartest people around. I love hanging out here. And a m y is brilliant for asking this question!


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    I will try to write the compliment in as little letters as possible.
    U. R. Nce


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    I used to think that a lot of people online just wanted to put people down to make themselves feel more important, but not the people on BP. There are so many kind people sharing words of encouragement with anyone who needs it. It's like a big, friendly, happy family that cares about each other and wants everyone to succeed. If you're looking for support, you'll find it here! ❤🐼


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    i love all of you bp users!!! you give me such positive energy and are able to lift me up when I'm down!!


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    I love all my fellow pandas, but Amy is especially amazing, she always has the funniest and most clever comebacks/comments. I doubt she even knows who I am but whatever, keep slaying girl 👹✨


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    Everyone here is awesome! :) Also hi I’m back! I got my phone taken away but my mom is letting me stay on BP! Which is nice because like I said you guys are awesome and being here is pretty cool. But yeah I was gone for about 2 weeks so if anyone could update me on any life altering events that happened while I was gone, I would love that because I am bored and very nosy. Also I miss Jordan. Bee, if you can please tell her I’m happy for her, I heard she realized she is a girl and I hope everything gets better for her soon:)


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    Besides all of my fellow pandas, I would like to say Maytheblahaj. I’ve only spoken to her once, but she seems so kind and amazing.


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    Amy where are you???????
    We are worried come back


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    DP is a sad lonely loser, just like me, but since we are in a relationship we are lonely together.


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