I want to see your pride art. Pride should be year-round, not just in June. And I am finally starting to figure out my sexuality/sexualities, so I'm happy and feeling extra gay!
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I'm Pan, Omni, And Nonbinary And My GF Is Bi And Trans. I Made This To Show Us Both
Gay Ocs Of My Post-Apocalyptic Queer Romance. I Have Waaaaay Too Many Sketches Of Them But This Is The Only One That's 1) Not Crammed Into A Page With A Bunch Of Other Sketches Of Them And 2) Both Of Them, Full-Body
im actually working on a book rn about two girls, one who's autistic and super bubbly, and one who is super sarcastic and introverted, who are in love. if you ever go further with this, let me know! id love to read it!