For example “what’s your favourite colour?”


I have a lot, sorry in advance!

1. Has anyone here read cruel prince or a court of thorns and roses?
2. Any tips for high school? (...I just got four pieces of homework. It's the first day.)
3. Fantasy or dystopian genre book recommendations? (I'm fourteen, so maybe something from the YA genre: Hunger games, Percy Jackson, Cruel Prince, etc etc)
4. Can anyone tell me how to come out to my family😭😭

Thanks so much whether you can answer my questions or not


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xaviermiller2017 avatar
That tiny x on the pop up add
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3 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

1 I have read the Cruel Prince, as well as the other books in the trilogy. 2 Sorry no, I was homeschooled. 3 Brandon Sanderson's cosmere, as well as the rest of his books. 4 If you know your parents are chill with LGBTQIA+ I would recommend just straight (or not so straight😉) up telling them, if you know they are homophobic, I would recommend not telling them until you are out of the house and don't need them for anything in case they respond badly. If you are not sure I would suggest casually bringing up queer topics, such as a famous person coming out, or maybe mention a music artist that you listen to is queer (warning if they respond badly it may result in prohibiting said artist), and go from there.

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How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?



What's your favorite book and why?


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hea_c avatar
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4 weeks ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Right now, 'Anger Is An Energy' - John Lydon. Interesting person with an interesting life. All time favourite that is no longer in print, 'Circle Of Three' series, by Isobel Bird. It's about 3 unlikely girls who build a friendship around one commonality of discovered an interest and passion for Wicca, and form their own little aspiring coven.

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#5 your quest?


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lasagne_of_death avatar
lasagne of death (he/him)
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1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

To defeat the dark lord Ganon, and rescue my golden princess, Zelda. I only pray that I do not have to journey alone...

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What's a quote that just hits different?



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Who's ur fave soccer player?


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