Hey Pandas, As Earth’s Prime Minister, What’s The First Law You’d Bring Into Effect? (Closed)
Let's see how we each would act in such a scenario.
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Would it be a bit un PC to suggest an old fashioned stalinist purge of certain world leaders? Just saying.....
As Prime Minister of Earth, my first priority would be to establish a universal declaration of human rights and equality for all individuals, regardless of their race, gender, religion, or nationality.
Or something a little more light-hearted. I'd propose giving employees/students who need it, the choice to enjoy two workday/schoolday breaks per week. And let every Monday be "Pajama Day" where wearing pajamas is entirely optional, not obligatory.
All bonus's given in a company should start at the bottom and work there way up. You a CEO and want to give the board a 10% bonus? Then you have to give all your staff at least a 10% bonus.
Some sort of universal rights bill that includes protection against discrimination, the right to free healthcare and education, and other such things that benefit everyone and improve quality of life. Next on the list is free housing programs for the homeless. We could end homelessness if we weren't so greedy. I would probably then introduce some laws greatly encouraging nuclear power to help with climate change. Okay yes I realize this isn't one law there's just tons of s**t that needs fixed. I would also remove all religion of any sort from government. After that I would probably set a minimum wage based on location, leaving everyone everywhere with a living wage, or getting as close as possible. I would then bring into effect a complete ban on any new nuclear weapons, anywhere. Next up is water. Tons of places don't have access to clean water, or much water at all. I would introduce policies to fix that. Okay I'm going to end this now before it becomes a 10 page essay, sorry haha
Everyone gets rights and basic human needs- when you move out of your parents house, you automatically get a 1-bed, 1-bath house/condo that is yours until you buy a new one (no having multiple houses). Your house is already connected to clean water and electricity. You get a basic smartphone, a bike, and a laptop. You get a weekly ration of food- just the basics, and just enough for one person to eat a healthy amount/type. Everyone has access to free healthcare/education. Anyone with kids gets a few toys. Keep in mind, all of this is the bare minimum of possessions to keep them alive and hopefully thriving in a modern world. You would need a job to be able to pay for upgrades (bigger house, tv, streaming, instruments, books, etc.)
Or just give people enough money to afford this (maybe a bit extra).
But seriously, I would change the voting system so you could vote for multiple parties that way instead the party the most people purr-fer over all others it would be the party that most people are satisfied with, this system would be able to prevent vote splitting, if you have any questions I would be happy to try and answer them!
No politicians over the age of 70. All politicians have to have a mental competency test every year once they are older than 40.
Mental competency test for politicians, was the first thing come into my mind, when I saw the question. But without age restriction, everybody need that test.
I would officially proclaim Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure to be the best movie ever made, and declare its release date, August 9th, an international holiday.
After that, I suppose I could get around to other matters like peace, equality and the environment, but first things first!
All gunpowder is to be destroyed
All people shall have the same rights
All borders are to be removed
Poachers shall be shot on sight
True communism is put into place
Cats will be the national animal
Where do I start…? Must I choose one?
Gay marriage is legal everywhere now. Hate crimes are completely illegal, no exceptions, not even for politicians. I would raise minimum wage, and make work weeks 4 days.
Any of those would be nice.
The first law? Well I'm thinking it should be to respect people's privacy. Or maybe build special places for introverts, people with anxiety, depression etc.to gather, so that they don't feel alone or left out by any chance
I forgot to add this, but have the places compulsorily built in every part of the world
As Prime Minister I would make sure all people every where had all the same human rights without discrimination. Destroying the environment in any endeavor is a punishable offense because those human rights include access to resources that will not poison you. And lastly, any living species has a right to exist. Meaning, if a company were to destroy, say, a watershed in their pursuit of profits then those responsible will be held to account due to their violation of human rights and animal rights and fish rights that depended on said resources. Oh and all countries must work together to keep our planet intact. So global laws regarding extraction, manufacturing, delivery and disposal that take into account that everything is connected.
I'd make it illegal to become a billionaire - the minute you reach that amount, you legally have to donate it to a good cause.
F*****g hate rich people. :)
I sorta find that weird though. Then someone with 999 million could hoard all their wealth and never donate. It should be a staggered system
For the law I’d uh,
Make a lot of climate change laws, idk I may sue Amazon too because they seem like they cut down alot of trees. Actually as a big animal person I’d probably just make alot of climate change laws because the earth needs to be saved!
Nathaniel, whenever I read your profile the alignment makes me think you are saying that you are YouTube.
Why does the alphabet have an order anyways?
Load More Replies...Nathaniel, whenever I read your profile the alignment makes me think you are saying that you are YouTube.
Why does the alphabet have an order anyways?
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