So, my little sister moved into middle school this year. There was always this really mean and rude girl in her elementary school. Chloe, let's say, is generally a brat. She would bully my sister until she was crying in a corner. This went on for years. Now I knew Chloe on a first name basis because I'm very good friends with her older sister (who is a truly nice person).
I was on the bus the other day, coming back from shopping with my friends, there was a seat free next to me and an old lady just getting on. I removed my bag, so she would have a place to sit down and then Chloe, from behind the woman ran towards me and took the seat first. I was uncomfortable but said hi.
I put my earphones back in and continued listening to my music. Chloe glimpsed my playlist which was up on my phone in my hand and she exclaimed, "I've listened to that before! It's really bad, and their voice is TeRrIbLe..." she actually grabbed my phone and attempted to change my music. I snatched it back and asked wtf she thinks she's doing? Chloe, like the little devil child she is, just smiled cheekily and asked me how my sister was doing in her middle school (Chloe had thankfully gone to a different one) I said that she's fine - she's made lots of friends and is already her year group representative. I said that my sister absolutely loves middle school and she feels sorry for the people who have to stay with the same class in their middle school because SOME people are just unbearable. She did I deed say this last thing but the rest want true. My sister has not made a lot of friends. She has made some nice ones though, but it's hard due to her special needs.
Chloe knew instantly who I was talking about and she said so, she practically yelled that I was lying. I was lying, and I told her that she is a brat and got off at the next stop.
She is just an 11 year old girl, but AITA?
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Eh, maybe a gentle YTA, only because you called her a brat, but not for the subtle insult. Besides bullying your sister, great job being a good sibling btw, anyway she was grabbing your stuff. Kid or not, she needs to respect boundaries. I would be careful how you speak to her though because I'm assuming you're in high school and she is a kid. It could cause more drama then you want. Best of luck to you and your sister!