I know how it sounds but there's more nuance than that. I (23f) have dated my current gf (23f) for about 2 years, and even though we both love each other - I definitely love her - the communication hasn't been all that great. We had a big fight over her job and she said we should "take a break". I was upset, thinking she'd fully dumped me, and my friends took me out to a party that night.

I'm not proud of getting so drunk that I slept with a girl from Big W, and after my gf called the next morning I've tried really hard to stop her finding out what I did. My friends solved the "trail" for me, but this morning I saw her in a cafe and she was really upset, saying that we weren't broken up and that she can't trust me.

I'm still in love with her, and I want her back, but we've had another huge fight. So Pandas, were we on a break (like I thought, and what she literally said)? AITA, and what should I do next?


To quote Ross when he “accidentally “ slept with the girl from the copy place: “WE WERE ON A BREAK!!!!”
She should’ve been clear.



    I was gonna say yes, YTA. However after reading it, no, you are NTA. You were "on break". Be sure to bring it up. One more thing though. (It could switch it back over to YTA.) When ya'll said "break" did you mean in the relationship, or did you mean from seeing each other?


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