Every Game Master/Dungeon Master has at one point in his/her career created one or many Magic Item(s) for the PCs to find. What is the One Ring (or sword, or ... ), you remember best. And it doesn't need to be DnD, any other system is fine, too. Also cursed items are welcome.


I start: Mine is a Ring of Extravagance (cursed): the PC is banned from haggling, always chooses the highest priced items in a shop, the fanciest armour, the luxuriest accomodation in an inn.


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    The Gambler’s Charm Bracelet: This bracelet has 5 ten sides charms hanging from it. When any creature makes a d20 roll (self, ally, or NPC), a charm can be removed before or after the roll but before hearing the result. Roll 1d10; On an odd number result, add to the d20. On an even number result, subtract from the d20. At dawn, the bracelet regains 1d6-1 charms up to 5


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