The halls of high school, are home to some of the most interesting drama. Share a story that makes you wonder if your school is actually Euphoria High!


Oh my god finally one I can respond to!
#1 A student pepper sprayed a teacher when they got jumped by three other students.
#2 a (white) teacher said the N-word three times and the school didn’t do anything so half of the school went to a protest to try and get him fired. Then he wasn’t fired and next year he said the F slur and had … relations with a student.
#3 the school opened up a gender neutral bathroom which by itself wasn’t bad but then four people got pregnant in that bathroom so now they have signs reminding people not to get into the stall with someone else.
#4 during a school game a couple climbed onto the roof and then the girl ended up pregnant
#5 last but not least someone stole the stall doors from multiple of the boys bathrooms and was never caught.


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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Lmao that reminds me. One year a sophomore chemistry class set fire to their classroom and we had to evacuate. And where it gets weird is that the day after the culinary classroom set a oil fire and we once again had to evacuate

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Oh my where to begin...

Heres one:
So this girl in my english class told us about an incident in her classroom, amd heres how it went...

Shes sitting in class when this guy, [we shall call jake] jake barges into the classroom and approaches this student, [we will call parsley] jake approaches parsley and in a matter of a second starts beating him sensless right there in the middle of the class...
Parsley, in order to get away from jakes hits, leans back in his chair and falls onto the floor and begins crawling away. The girl telling the story, [her name will be celery] celery stands up from her chair and walks towards parsley telling him to get behind her...
Then the teacher (idk what they were doin during that massacre) drags jake out of the room into the hallway...

For context on why jake was punching parsley:
Previously either that day or week, parsley made a yo mama joke to jake, and jakes mum had died recently so it didnt sit well with him...


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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My school is the literal deffinition of a hollywood film, love and blood literally, so many kids with gf/bf drama, and so so many fights

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I’m graduated now, but last year, my (now ex) girlfriend pretended to be pregnant for two weeks to see what I would do.

I still f*****g can’t get over it. Still bitter as hell lol

(What I did do, was get a job that i tried to work while doing school, and basically had the worst and most stressful two weeks of my life, to where it even had an effect on my physical health and outward appearance. A poor 17 year old kid with high blood pressure??)

(also, she manipulated me into s*x, but that’s not the drama here lol)


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Do-nut touch da donut
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wow, hope she realized what a good lad she lost with her jokes... hope your doing better op!

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A girl at my school in the grade below mine said that this kid from her grade that had committed suicide deserved to die because she was gay and got punched in the face by someone from my grade. After that this girl stays home for a week because she “feels unsafe at school” and the kid who punched her got suspended. This was in middle school. Fast forward a year (she’s in 8th grade now) and now she’s basically bullied by everyone. Not just the grades directly above and below her (9th and 7th), but literally everyone.


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Do-nut touch da donut
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As someone whose had a classmate mate.... die, i applaud the chick who punched her and id give her one too if i was there!!


1) this was eight after we got back from shutdown, a kid ... tinkled...? in a hand sanitizer bottle and sprayed ot at a teacher
2) kid smeared peanut butter and what can only be describes of the aftermath of taco bell on a bathroom wall
3) kid got caught v4p1ng, and snitched on everyone he knew who did it too. 40 kids got suspended and over 100 searched- I live kn a small town so that's like 20% of the school
4)kid in my grade is constantly flirting with every female teacher, like he asked the English teacher out on a date and when she said no he asked for her daughters snap- he didn't get in trouble
5) some girl told a guy she liked his outfit and then his girlfriend thought she was flirting and apparently girl 2(girlfriend) yelled girl 1 (complimenter) for trying to steal her man and then made boyfriend drop out of the class that girl 1 had with boyfriend- then spread rumors to every guy in the school girl 1 was a man stealer- no guy talked to her for like 1 year after


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Do-nut touch da donut
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Firstly, girl 2 is rude especially For making it seem like compliments for guys cant mean anything but flirting, like if i like your crocs ima tell u nice crocs... secondly, im glad all the guys saw the huge walking red flag which was girl 2

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I have a good one: so at the end of eighth grade, on the last day of school, my friend pointed out that she thought someone liked me. The guy, who I will call K, was already dating a classmate of mine, but the next day I got an email from him, and for a few weeks we emailed back and forth. I eventually grew to like K, and I confessed to him. He admitted to liking me back, and we arranged to meet up on a date at the park, where there was a market every Wednesday, and was also a great spot/event to hang out at. So I met him there, and long story short he ended up kissing me, completely unexpected.
I was enjoying it until we heard giggling and looked up only to find a group of our classmates recording us with their phones. We ran. It turns out, the video spread far and wide, and SO MANY of our classmates had seen it. So that was humiliating.
But that's not even the worst part. We met up again, and after that, he started ghosting me. I was furious, and even more so when I found out he'd been spreading rumors, saying that I was a furry, even though I'm not. So, yeah. There's my drama.


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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ahhhh middle school love… so full of drama and disappointment and immaturity

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ohoho do i got quite the story to tell....

So this all happened two years ago when i was friends with this person(we will call her eggs cuz i hate eggs)

so i met eggs in a mutual class we had together. we became friends. one day she comes running up to me, crying, and says how her friends were bulliying her and leaving her out (lets call them leaf and petal). since i didn't know leaf and petal that much, i was automatically on eggs's side. petals was actually in this class and she probably figured out that eggs was telling me this.

petal was in the next class with me, along with leaf. leaf and petal walk up to me and say that everything that eggs has told me was false. they showed proof and gave very detailed stories, so i believed them.

turns out eggs has done multiple things such as stalk her crush, say something extremely mean and offensive on snapchat, and ect.

not friends with eggs anymore



I don't really pay attention to my school drama, since I don't like 60% of my grade but here we go with my interesting thing for this year:
I don't have much, but I have been annoying someone in my grade with the word " Ketchup" because on our DC trip there was one place that I could eat at and I wanted the ketchup, but she (The person I annoy) kept stopping my friend from passing it. I don't actually care, its just so fun
Also bunch of the kids there suck and just leave trash after lunch, so now my friends and I can't sit where we want.
Also I was going to a robotics competition on a Sunday, which is rare since most of them are on a Saturday and I can't go then, and when we got to the place, we had to turn around because there was an armed suspect in the area.
How'd I do?


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11 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You did great :) I do a similar thing to the ketchup with my friend, except with cough drops, and not cause she didn’t give me one, because I offered her like a million one time she was sick, and eventually she just straight up said thanks but I really don’t need cough drops, so now I try to sneak her cough drops and it’s a running joke.


I guess I can share, this seems right out of a high school movie.

So this about a girl who we will cake A. She is Indian, and told me with emphasis in middle school that she would never date an Indian guy. Fast forward to high school, she is dating an Indian guy eventually.

Before we continue, lemme tell you something. This girl loves to tell about how many people are s****y to her. Even though she never explicitly said it, she carries herself like everyone hates her because of her success and how she’s so pretty she can get any girl she wants. Anyway, buckle in for the rest!

Her relationship with Indian boyfriend was a mess, they both broke up and got back together multiple times, and they cheated on each other the entire time. Eventually, they break up for good, and the boyfriend moves on to another girl from a different school. That just about does it for A, and she ATTACKS this new girl. THE BOYFRIEND ISNT EVEN GOOD ANYWAYS, NOT IN TERMS OF LOOKS OR CHARACTER, but she just goes. At. Her. She messages the girl saying things like she’s not pretty, her arms are so skinny she looks like she has scoliosis (???), and asking who she thinks she is for taking her man, ending it all with not to even think of blocking her because she has multiple accounts and will contact her anyway.

After the whole thing happened A was a MESS. She looked sad all the time, stopped wearing makeup, and just sat alone all the time. When she was dating the boy in question, they were so coupley all the time for no reason, holding hands and hugging randomly, making out in the stairwells, and getting her butt GRABBED by him in front of the whole cafeteria at 7 am. It was a whole thing.



i go to a private school and we don’t have a lot of drama but here’s my one story.

so last year at the end of the year party some kid did drugs which was a big deal because, as i said, this is a small private christian school.
well later on me and my friends were talking about it in the group chat because that was the most interesting thing that had happened ever. well then this girl we will call gooby was not texting. then all of a sudden, a long text message comes from her and it’s actually her mom?! and her mom gets on to us for gossiping and spreading rumors.
bestie no.
first of all, we are 13 year old girls. why do you care what we talk about. second of all, leave us alone. we don’t need to know that you go through your daughter’s text.
so now we all are scared to even chat in there because we are obviously being monitored without our knowledge.
(and the irony is that gooby is literally the nosiest person i know, so maybe control your daughter before you come at us, bestie)

well anyways. gooby ends up leaving the gc like a couple months later over something stupid. so now we are freeeeeee.

or so we thought. gooby then starts to make 5278283692 other group chats that have no reason. she is just too scared to ask to join back.

there is this other girl, gobby. gobby isn’t very nice and leaves the gc randomly one day and blocks us all on Spotify. well then another girl adds gobby back (don’t even get me started on that) and then gooby asks gobby to add her back!!! as if gooby wasn’t smack talking gobby to me earlier that week!!!!!
i was floored. like beste that not how this works. so now both gooby and gobby are back in the gc and me and my two other friends just have a different one where we talk because we don’t want to be told off again for having a conversation.

and there this also this new girl glubby who is toxic. she is so rude and flirts with literally every boy there, but is dating the most crustiest person on this earth.

so yea that’s my drama



Alright guys where to start...

1) A month ago a student was shot and killed in a building next door to the high school. A few weeks later the entire school is on hold and not allowed to leave because the cops were stopping a suicide from happening across the street.

2) A color guard member broke up with a trombone. The trombone did not take it well and began stalking and threatening her. The trombone was removed from their marching spot and then a few days later nobody knew where they were. They came back after about a week or two, nothing solid is known about their whereabouts.

3) A clarinet broke up with a saxophone. The clarinet wouldn't explain fully why and then later it is figured out that the clarinet likes another clarinet. Piecing it together it looks like that's why.

4) Last year a dozen kids got caught vaping or doing drugs in the bathroom.

5) Two years in a row guns have been brought onto the premises.

6) Mellophone used to date percussion. They were in an off and on again relationship. Well it finally ended for good but percussion didn't realize. Mellophone starts dating trombone and percussion finds out. Percussion storms into the band hall and yells at mellophone before leaving.

Want any more stories? I think I have more



I’m transgender and I prefer to use the boy’s bathroom and some of the boys honestly think I’m a girl who looks like a boy, which obviously isn’t true, because I’m transgender. And some of the boys at my school either try to hit on me because they think I’m a girl, or because they’re either gay or bisexual or pansexual, but I don’t really care, I’m just tired of being hit on by the boys in my school.


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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

At my school they have gender neutral bathrooms, maybe see if those exist at your school?

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A friend in a different class sent me a video of some kid grinding up some pills(paracetemol) an then some other kid just walking by and snorting like 2-3 line of the grinded pills. Also in middle school they hired a sex offender who was also the principals nephew or something. We didn't see that principal after that.


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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

society has come to snorting pain-killers.... we have lost it

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Hmm I don’t know much but I suppose this counts… I’m in the TTRPG club at school and we got some freshman this year and we were happy because yay! People to continue the club after the seniors and juniors graduate. We invite them into the CLUB discord server and everything is fine for like a few days. Then one of the freshman posts a Splatoon fanart thing of two characters kissing (or worse- I had limited access at the time) and it was just not appropriate for a school server so we took the image down from the server and reminded the kid this is a SCHOOL server you can’t post things you wouldn’t show at school. This kids response was “Well guess what” clearly stating they’d show it at school. After the drama died down things were fine. Then I made a mistake. This kid was really into Miracle Musical and Tally Hall so when I found an artist similar to them I privately asked if they had listened to them. They explained they had and it wasn’t for them. Made sense. I thought that was that.
The a couple days I get a message from them about my bfs younger sister (who I’ve talked to and am on good terms with- we share a bday 😊). They claimed that she was making fun of autistic people and such and rambled on about how bad she was. I actively texted my bf about it and he filled in holes in my knowledge. That whole friend group was just terrible and they all backstabbed and lie to each other and my bfs sister wouldn’t make fun of a autistic person. My bf asked his sis too and she confirmed it was lies (she was a grade or so below the discord kid so he would’ve only heard things second or third hand. Over all that whole friend group just is toxic). After I expressed this to the discord kid he backed off. I thought the mess was over. Then they send me a disgusting message from 4chan that had creep and incel vibes. I told them it wasn’t cool and haven’t gotten a message like that since. My bf got protective and angry over it (my bf is in leadership of the TTRPG club so he was worried about what could happen and was angry such a message was sent to me). We decided to be even more cautious with this kid.
Then comes the final straw. On the SCHOOL server they talk about LGBTQ stuff how they act as a trans person etc, but used a SLUR against other members of the club. Everyone was upset and the teacher had to shut down the off-topic channel. Thankfully I haven’t heard from this kid since but the whole situation was a mess.


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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'd like to add when I say we haven't heard from the kid since I mean they haven't talked online in the server or to me privately and in person we don't talk.

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Someone brought a machete to my school once. They got arrested thankfully.



This isn't too school-related but anyway

Recently, let's call them Anna(14) and her sister(11) were shot to death by their dad before unliving himself.

My mom and I were watching the news one day and the group chat started BLOWING up, I looked at my phone and kids were sending tons of messages, and the next thing I knew, my mom was sobbing and I was sitting there horrified. It was a double murder, then a suicide. I can't even IMAGINE my dad turning on me like that and I still get emotional thinking about what happened to the poor family. RIP.


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Well, we had a SWAT team sweep our school because a group of kids jumped another kid and held him at gunpoint. We could hear the cops slamming someone into the door of the classroom right next door to ours and yelling “stop resisting!”

On a lighter note, sort of, a neighboring school had someone airdrop a video of someone… engaging is certain solitary activities… to everyone in the cafeteria. Everyone that had an iPhone had their phone confiscated for a bit and there was apparently CHAOS.


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i'm in seventh grade and like half of the kids are mentally unhealthy.
there's like this teacher who screamed at me because i didn't turn in my Chinese homework.
the people make useless gossip out of everything. like "he touched her! they should be a couple"
there's this girl who literally cries over like anything without tears wtf
she crushes on like 8 boys at once and sends them money if they don't like her back wtf



This is a smaller thing, but a few weeks ago someone (I don’t actually know who) stole “Kevin’s” bag of chips as a joke during lunch. Kevin then proceeded to PAT DOWN people, even at adjacent lunch tables, searching for his bag of chips. He did it from behind, without consent of any form, to everyone he could (regardless of male/female). Lunch supervisors never noticed. I just told him “Kevin, we didn’t steal your chips. Stop. Now. The chips were under his seat. He could have dropped them for all I know. Freshman in high school and he just completely disregarded consent. Ridiculous.


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Omg the drama at my school is just so weird but I'll talk about the ones between my 'friend group'.
So there's this girl, Hailey, who always acts nice to your face and tells you you're her bestie and that she loves you and other sweet stuff like that, and then she'll be telling everyone what a loser you are and blah blah blah. I used to think of her as one of my best friends, until she told my bestie that I was being a pick me and that the things I told her were made up and I just wanted attention. I literally told her IN CONFIDENCE that I was having some problems at home with my mother (as usual), and that I was having some really dark thoughts and basically stuff that you would only tell people you trust. Well she went and told my best friend all about it (my bestie knows about my problems, and she's really an amazing help) and told her that I was just an attention seeker. I ofcourse, hear this from my bestie, and am absolutely devastated. I don't tell hailey anything about my life anymore and she doesn't even notice because she makes everything about her anyway, like she acts as if she's little miss universe. If you say anything she'll magically find a way to make it all about her and you just don't matter. And then she has the audacity to tell everyone that she loves me and sees me as her bestie while gossiping about me behind my back!
anyway, thanks for listening (reading?) to my rant!


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Do-nut touch da donut
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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sry hailey is such a brat, tbh people who act like that think they have as many friends as there are stars! Well, one day shell get a wake up call and realize all those people she was a fake friend with was a fake friend to her in return, and i cant wait for her to realize it.... sry about whats happening with you op sending luv and hugs <3

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I'm a little late to this but I'm thirteen (eighth grade/year nine) and I just transferred to a new school and oh my gosh it has so much drama. Disclaimer: This is quite tame compared to everyone else's, and it turned into a sort of rant, so TLDR at the bottom.

This one girl, let's call her Annie, HATES me because I'm "spreading rumors" about her bestie. I'm not. I'm actually pretty close with her bestie, whom we shall call Allison. Allison tells me about Annie and her group of friends talking s**t about me behind my back??? What did I ever do to you?? Anyway, Annie texts and calls me a "two sided b***h" which isn't even the right term??? It's two faced??? And she also asks if I'm r******d (pretty sure we're taught not to use offensive words and respect everyone Annie.). Anyway she blocked me, I blocked her, I told Allison, Allison reamed Annie out. Might sound harsh of me to say so but I don't really like her (I dont HATE her but we're never gonna be friends).

Secondly, we have the drama of Scarlett and her crush Jacob (None of these are real names by the way), and their relationship is basically just Scarlett flirting with Jacob and Jacob being bemused. I have no problem with Scarlett's love life, EXCEPT that she uses other people to talk to him and she NEVER STOPS TALKING ABOUT HIM. Once, Jacob and his friends were talking about God knows what, and Scarlett suddenly interrupted and said REALLY LOUDLY to ME "You're NOT that funny" even though I wasn't even talking??? Wtf??? And on Halloween, I didn't do much, just some dramatic makeup and dark clothing, and she stopped me in the hall IN FRONT OF EVERYONE to ask What are you dressing up as?? Emo??? Plus whenever Jacob ISNT around, we're suddenly besties and "omg yk I saw him in THE HALLWAY and he looked at me for HALF A SECOND omg" and "omg omg girl I have BIG tea to spill omg girl bestay I talked to him again bestay should I text him?"

A girl called Annie hates me bc she thinks im spreading rumors (I'm not!)
A girl called Scarlett has a crush on a boy named Jacob and she's really annoying about it.


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11 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Annie can f**k off and so can Scarlett. Sorry you have to deal with these people <3

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Not currently in school, but there was a douchbag named Ben. Everyone hated him, but we included him in a webex(school’s version of discord), and there was a lot of s**t that went down. He ended up reporting it because of harassment. Guess what? He was harassing others. 20+ people got in trouble. There was also a kid named Brandon who asked if he could touch a girl named Caila’s chest(outside of school, ofc). She consented, he got reported.



A kid I shared a class with in 8th grade was always flirting with this one teacher. Couple of weeks after they were caught HOLDING HANDS my friends and I heard a rumor that they had S*X AND to make things worse he got expelled because he got high in the bathrooms and ended up spilling to a kid that he R4PED his 6 AND 11 yr old SISTERS!


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