Hey Male Pandas, In The Light Of The Recent Depp/Heard Abuse Allegations, What Do You Wish Women Knew About Their Behavior That Felt Abusive? (Closed)
Play hitting, the way they speak to their friends about you, the overall language they use to talk about men... these are all things as a woman I feel are sometimes way out of line. Is there something you think women do that you wish they'd stop?
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no offence but I think that women are abusing newfound rights. They think that we are free of insecurities but that's false. In trains there are ladies and common coaches but no men's coaches. This Amber s**t opened everyone's eyes to female abusers. Again no offence and not defending myself and and other men. JUST NOTE TOXICITY IS NOT LIMITED TO MALES
Not a man, but that man can be sexually assaulted too. Consent is consent whoever you are and if you don't have it don't do it. Men can be groped and catcalled and objectified but no one really says a thing because everyone thinks it's a joke when it's not. It's disgusting and I know we can do better.
This is something that has happened to me a couple times. Once by a guy, I was sitting at party with a friend and someone tapped me on the shoulder and I tilted my head back to see who it was and the guy grabbed my head and started kissing me then ran off giggling. Another time at a party a girl decided she wanted to get with me and sat on me and gripped onto me so I couldn't get up and kept trying to force her tongue down my mouth despite me telling her repeatedly that I had a girlfriend who I loved and would not mess things up. Yeah it happens to us too
Stop being overly reliant on the benefits of sexuality.
Not a guy but one of things I always feel bad for guys about is how women talk about men and how its accepted in public as though it's funny. Like 'Oh here's my husband, he's so useless without me.' Things that if a guy was saying about a woman it would be seen as horrible or abusive. I feel like something changed in the 90s where you could say things about your guy that are demeaning as long as it came off as if it was funny like he's 'lucky to have me because he's just a big dumb animal'.
Yep this one gets to me too. My sister and her husband, who are in their 40s, have the old-school ideology and he's constantly making "jokes" about her, her job, her cooking... essentially all the BS from 1950's stand-up/sitcom humor. He's the definition of toxic masculinity/fragile masculinity.
When women hit men really hard in movies or punch them when they are mildly annoyed
There’s also a double standard thing in relationships. My ex would accuse me of cheating because I would go to a bar with a friend to play pool and have drinks even though I came home every night and told her everything that happened. Yet it was ok for her to go with her sister or friends to a random guys apartment and do drugs!
There's a sense that men can't control themselves when it comes to sex and are easily influenced by their male friends into cheating. There is some truth to that but...women aren't immune to this, either, and we look at this type of policing by men as abusive. It's a shitty double standard. I see a lot of women who force their partners to have a cellphone, answer within 2 rings, take pictures of where they are, etc. It's insane. I wouldn't want to live like that. Don't get me wrong, if you are someone who has cheated in the past or has given your partner reason to believe you can't be trusted, then I get the overprecaution- although even then there has to be a limit. Instead of policing them maybe make a deal to only go out together, or not to drink unless you're together, etc. But either you forgive and trust them or break up and move on. I'm not saying you should be blind- but if you can't trust the person you're with then you shouldn't be with them.