Hey Lgbtq+ Pandas, What’s Something Your Straight/Cis Friends Don’t Understand?
I mean something that you feel or do and your gay friends understand but your straight friends have no idea what you're talking about.
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I found it really easy to come out to random kids at school but was always terrified of coming out to family members my friends expressed the exact same feeling. Did anyone else feel this way? Ofc my straight friends didn't understand coming out like this because...they didn't have to come out.
Why I need to spam the group chat with gay memes :)
and they're always so relatable to the gay people and the straight people just sit there like: 👁👄👁
Why even though I’m a trans guy I choose to wear dresses sometimes
A friend of mine (a pan guy once wore a maid outfit to school) passed me while I was wearing a dress and goes “t h a t s n o t a l l o w e d” (playfully) but I know it confuses them
My parents take it as a sign I’m not trans because to them dresses are only for girls
Clothing doesn’t have gender and sometimes I feel better in dresses, okay?
People who have never experienced gender dysphoria don't really understand what it feels like
Been called F***t by my best friends crush for a long time and I don't report it cuz it'll just make it work. She was like low key in love with him. Anyways I told her that I don't like him she asks why and I said cuz he called me the f word multiple times. She said "he has some issues" I wanted to yeet her across the world.
What word is blurred out? *goes through mental encyclopedia of bad words* I have no idea