Hey LGBTQ+ Pandas, What’s Something That Made You Feel Awkward About Your Sexuality? (Closed)
Share experiences that made you feel awkward about your sexuality.
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Last year I spent my summer in therapy because my parents were homophobic. Now they act like I'm "cured" and continue to say homophobic things.
Hey. You are perfect as you are. Don't let those utter bag-brains tell you otherwise.
For me it was when my dad asked me “are there any BOYS in your grade that you like?
No, because boys are d***s. Georgie Porgie pudding and pie, kiss my ass you dickhead guy.
Basically whenever my parents ask if there are any cute boys, or ask which boy I like, as if boys are the only ones I can like. (I'm bi btw.)
I’m acespec and my brain is constantly trying to catch me being a fake asexual like-
Me: oh look that person’s kinda cute
If you're asexual you can still have a crush. You might be thinking of aromantic. I'm asexual and I've had crushes before :)
I was confident in being a lesbian until one of my best friends came out as a lesbian too. Now we can't touch each other at all or else it gets super awkward, even though we both know we're not into each other. The other day we accidentally touched hands when exchanging something for class and we both jumped back so quickly, it was so awkward.
When my dad talks about my future 'WhEn YoU hAvE a BoYfRiEnD...' He desperately misunderstands being omnipanflux and omniromantic.
I was confident in being a lesbian until one of my best friends came out as a lesbian too. Now we can't touch each other at all or else it gets super awkward, even though we both know we're not into each other. The other day we accidentally touched hands when exchanging something for class and we both jumped back so quickly, it was so awkward.
When my dad talks about my future 'WhEn YoU hAvE a BoYfRiEnD...' He desperately misunderstands being omnipanflux and omniromantic.