Hey LGBTQ+ Pandas, What Is The Most Homophobic Thing Anyone Has Said To You? (Closed)
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This actually happened to my sister. So this guy told my sister she was beautiful and my sister responded that she was flattered but she’s a lesbian and he then said, Gay piece of trash, Your going to hell! She responded, homophobic piece of trash I’ll see you there.
I had a friend who said that since I'm bi I like everyone and I was a player. Like nah sis. I am quite fine with my boyfriend thank you but no thanks
Nothing to major but I came out as demisexual and this one kid in my class is the only one who gives me trouble for it some of the things he’s said are “your disgusting”,”that’s an abomination” (he then proceeded to tell me how hitting your kids for discipline is a good thing), “your going to hell”, “I don’t hate the gays I hate what they do” ect ect he’s also a trump supporter who’s uncle runs a conversion camp.
how is demisexual disgusting????? I'd really like to know these homophobes' thought processes.
People were telling me that being pan is disgusting and stupid and basically bi
How is it disgusting? It means that you dont care about gender, but about personality! What's bad about that?
Someone told me that aromantic people had mental problems and to go to a doctor or something
When I realized there was this girl at school I have a crush on, I decided not to tell anyone because when I told everyone about one of it my old crushes, my ex-friend told everyone. Shes not homophobic, but the secret got to a boy who said girls can only like guys. He didnt mean it to hurt but it really hurt.
This is for transgender but a kid said that there is no such thing as trans (talking to trans kid) I punched him. I got in trouble. I’m not sure why...