Any question goes if your being nice if your not being nice you get a downvote!!!


I actually have a question in regards to people who see themselves as non-binary or gender fluid. I don’t mean any disrespect I just don’t get it, so that is why I am asking. I understand how transgender works, to me that makes sense because they are still identifying themselves with a gender. What doesn’t make sense to me is someone not identifying with any gender. The fact is there is man and woman (including the gender trans people identify with) which is still either man or woman. I also understand on not conforming to societies gender stereotypes like girls “have” to be feminine, wear flowery dresses and worry about breaking a nail or boys “have” to like cars, are always getting dirty and don’t show emotions etc. But you don’t have to consider yourself genderless to move away from those expectations. I hope I am making sense. I have no problems with people identifying with anything whether it is nothing, a dog or an aeroplane etc. My only problem is having to change our vocabulary in case we offend someone. And I don’t mean words that are considered an insult or bigoted etc, I am specifically talking about things like pronouns.


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not happy and he knows it
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Most people consider themselves genderless because they don’t feel like they identify as a girl or a boy.

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