Henri is also known as the Canadian cat with eyebrows. Now, we all know cats don’t have proper eyebrow features, but Henri and a few other popular cats went viral thanks to their unique facial markings.
We at Bored Panda reached out to Megan, the person who loved Henri at first sight. We asked a couple of questions to find out more details about her lovely cat with eyebrows, and she shared with us the exciting and loving journey of having Henri at home.
The cat may have gone viral, but he still remains a content and cherished pet. Explore the story of Henri, his distinctive dark markings that look like eyebrows, and the heartwarming relationship he shares with Megan.
More info: Instagram
Meet Henri and His Loving Caretaker Megan
This is the handsome Henri, a cat with unique “eyebrows”, who lives in Canada with his loving caretaker Megan.
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
We wanted to know the entire story from the beginning. So, we asked Megan how Henri appeared in her life. She said: “It was near the start of COVID-19, I just turned 18, and after begging for a cat since I can even remember, my parents (who have always been dog people, never had a cat) finally agreed to let me get one! I have many pets and am a huge advocate for rescuing and adopting, never buying, so I immediately checked all of my local humane societies and shelters for kittens! Only a few days into my search, Henri (his name at the shelter was Minx) and his litter popped up at the humane society closest to me. I have never filled out an application so fast for anything! I had some virtual interviews with the staff at the shelter, and they wanted to ensure he would be a good fit. Luckily, his personality and temperament were exactly what I was looking for!”
Do Cats Have Eyebrows? Henri Looks Like He Does!
Henri is predominantly white, with the exception of his charming black tail and two distinctive markings resembling eyebrows.
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Henri’s coat is a solid white color with a black tail and “cat eyebrow” markings that add a touch of emotion to his already expressive face. These cat’s funny eyebrows, capable of conveying concern, surprise, sadness, or fear, make Henri truly unique. Although, there is more to this cute cat than just his striking looks.
Henri, the Cat With Raised Eyebrow and Various Facial Expressions
Henri can’t show any other emotions without looking like a cat with funny eyebrows. These eyebrows add an extra touch of emotion to Henri’s already expressive face.
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Henri has a loving and quirky personality and has won the hearts of many, including his devoted owner, Megan. Henri and his siblings were separated from their mother when they were about four weeks old. Despite this rough start, he found his loving home and companionship with Megan and her cat, Chihiro.
Cute, Little Henri
Henri’s parents are Turkish Van cats. However, we don’t know if they were also cats with eyebrows (we mean facial markings).
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Megan shared other moments from her first days in adopting Henri: “I remember them saying he had hundreds of applicants, some from out of the province even! But, the interviewer stated that she resonated with my love for cats and excitement about getting my first cat, and she knew that Henri would make that experience even more exciting for me. I couldn’t be more grateful, especially after knowing that so many people applied to adopt him!”
The Gentleman Who Steals Hearts
Henri surrendered alongside his siblings when they were less than a month old. That was before he got a sweet, loving caretaker like Megan.
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Next, we were curious about the most common reactions of people who meet Henri, one of the few funny cats with eyebrows online. Megan shared with us: “It’s always super funny and leaves people in awe for a few moments! I think people are initially shocked a bit by how much the markings make it look like he is experiencing very real emotions. Then, it becomes something funny that we can all laugh about and love him for. He is somehow even cuter and funnier in person. He’s a pretty clumsy and quirky cat, and his expressions make everything so much more entertaining. When guests come in, he will stare at them from his cat tower with the most shocked expression, and he looks so concerned; it’s so funny!”
Henri, the Cute Cat With Eyebrows
Megan had a strong desire to adopt a cat, and the connection between her and Hénri was instant.
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
We also asked how she came up with the name Henri. She revealed: “It’s actually a really weird story! I’m from Ontario, but growing up, I was in love with the ocean, and my family always went out East and spent much time in Quebec. I got the name from someone who dog-sat for us in a small town there. It wasn’t a memorable moment, but for my family, we just loved how they pronounced the guy’s name with the French accent, and it stayed an inside joke with my family. When choosing a name, I wanted something that sounded distinguished and gentleman-like, as that’s what Henri is!”
Looking at a Little “Cat With Eyebrows” for the First Time
When Megan met Henri, the cat with eyebrows, for the first time, the distinctive markings on the cute little face stood out even more due to his small size.
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Megan adds further Henri’s impact even when he’s older: “I love coming home to him because I know he will always make me laugh with his expressions, no matter what! He loves having guests and visitors over, though, which is great! He loves extra company and getting to meet new people, I think. Whether it’s my parents coming in to say hi or new friends or family, he is always very eager to check them out and make sure he leaves his scent on them!”
Let Those Little Paws & Eyebrows Rest
Cute little Henri taking a nap! And from what we know of cats sleeping positions, this little boy doesn’t want to get disturbed.
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Play Time With Little Henri
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Angry Henri Staring at… You?
Sometimes, when Henri gazes at people, he genuinely appears concerned, which is quite amusing given that his dark “eyebrows” contribute to this expression.
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Many cats have weird fur markings, but the story of Henri went viral, and we were all wondering how Megan feels about the attention her beloved cat with eyebrows gets. She told us: “I am so overwhelmed and grateful for everything that’s happened in only a matter of weeks! It’s crazy what can happen after just one viral video now standing at almost 3 million views! I guess with the internet and social media, it’s so hard to predict or even imagine what could happen. Things move so quickly, and it’s such a saturated place, so the fact that he has reached such a huge audience is surreal! I can’t say I’m shocked, but I definitely didn’t see this coming! I guess it’s one of those things where you feel like it will happen to you, but if you share content, you never know what can happen or who will see it!”
A Moment of Funny Cat With Eyebrows
He tends to be a bit shy and has a habit of chewing with his mouth.
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Henri’s Cute and Funny Picture
Chewing is a form of self-comfort and it makes Henri look like he’s talking.
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Henri’s Funny Moment
Henri possesses peculiar quirks and is often clumsy.
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Henri’s Favorite Moment is Kneading on Blankets
Kneading on blankets is one of his favorite activities, which he can engage in for hours.
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Henri’s Beloved Pastime
Another beloved pastime for Henri is sitting by the window, observing the outside world, and probably judging us with his cute eyebrows.
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Henri is Megan’s Best Companion
Next, we wanted to find out what makes Henri a happy cat and if there are any specific things Megan does or provides to ensure his happiness. She said: “Henri is always a pretty happy cat, as long as he’s able to nap or have company! He loves blankets, any blanket, new blankets, all blankets! He will make biscuits all the time and purr. I always make sure he has one or two in the room; even if it’s hot out, my bed will have a blanket on it for him. He’s not a very agile or big climber, but he likes to loaf on his cat tree as well. I guess he’s a pretty laid-back guy who just likes to do as he pleases! But I do try to switch up their toys and furniture arrangements quite often to keep them busy and enriched, and I think it’s been working!”
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Sweet Henri Providing Support
Henri serves as a wonderful companion for Megan, assisting her in managing her mental disability.
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
“Having a great relationship with your cat takes a lot, but it’s the most rewarding experience. As I’ve stated before, I do struggle with some mental illness that is usually quite debilitating, and my cats are sometimes the only thing that keeps me going and grounded. They truly have their own healing capabilities, and I love them more than anything in this world. I started his account to just share my cat content with my friends and family instead of spamming everyone I know with cat photos every hour (I am still guilty of this, haha). Still, it makes me so happy that he’s gained his own audience and fans, and he’s bringing happiness to others!! I think he truly is a unique cat, and I’m glad that others are getting to appreciate him and experience all he has to offer!”
Henri and Chihiro
Henri also has a companion named Chihiro.
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Then, we asked about the relationship between Henri and the other cat living with him, Chihiro. Megan answered: “Yes! I’ve always had many small pets, and now have a second cat, Chihiro. I was very cautious about introducing another cat into Henri’s territory but made sure to do every bit of research possible and took it slow. I made sure to get another kitten of the same gender for the best possible outcome, and they communicated through the bottom of the door for a while! But once they finally met, they got along instantly! Henri is more laidback and prefers to spend his time sleeping and grooming, whereas Chihiro is a bit more outgoing and active, but I feel like they really even out each other!”
Henri and Chihiro Outside
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
“They are now absolutely inseparable. I cannot leave the room with one of them without the other one starting to scream! They are so attached, and I always walk in on them, cuddling together on their favorite chair or my bed. They really are the sweetest cats, and I think Henri is very happy to have a brother! He’s very curious about new things and loves meeting new pets too!”
Both Cats Love to Explore the Outside World
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Finally, we asked about the outdoor adventures Megan’s cats seem to really enjoy. She told us: “I am a huge nature nerd and outdoors enthusiast, and if it’s nice out, you can almost guarantee that I’ll be outside, so when possible, I like to try and include my cats in my activities! I like to go bird watching, and I think it’s safe to say that they enjoy it just as much! I would love to get them harness-trained one day, but for now, they are just getting used to their stroller, which is going great! I am hoping for a catio also in the not-too-far future! I am personally very against outdoor cats, both for the safety of the cats and local wildlife and ecosystems, but recognize that the outdoors is such a crucial part of a cat’s interests and enrichment!”
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Megan With Her Lovely Cats Outdoors
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Megan Holding Henri in Her Arms
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Megan and Henri Looking Outside
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Henri’s Story May Have Gone Viral, but He Still Remains a Content and Cherished Pet
Image credits: mycatwitheyebrows
Despite a challenging start, Henri has found the ideal home and a loving companion in Megan and his cat buddy, Chihiro. Henri is more than a funny cat to the online world, he remains a content and cherished pet. Megan occasionally dreams of adding another cat to their family, so perhaps one day, Henri will gain an additional feline companion.
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