Just anyone vent place
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Sooo, there is one friend that I really don't want to be friends with but my parents are practically forcing me to and I feel horrible every time I want to break it off with her
A little background context, she gets very violent when she's overexcited causing me to have bruises and scrapes after our meet ups.
Second of all, I feel she's homophobic bc every time I correct her on my pronouns or name she acts really (REALLY) surprised like no one ever told her even tho I remind her EVERY single week.
Lastly, she's very very touchy feely with my snake, giving her kisses, picking her up whenever she feels like it and overall she doesn't respect mine or my snakes boundaries not mentioning she dropped my snake a couple of times already.
Unfortunately I feel obligated to be friends with her bc of my parents forcing us to have those meet ups. She also trusted me enough to tell me her dad is an alcoholic and that she's scared of him. I don't know whether I should stop being friends with her because I feel her dad already makes her miserable.
He isn't abusive and she doesn't have an mental illness if this helps
So just a question, should I stop being friends with her..?
She's violent, she PHYSICALLY HURTS YOU, she regularly misgenders you, she's homophobic, she doesn't respect your boundaries, and she doesn't respect animals? You do not need this person in your life! Any ONE of those things would be enough for me to stop being friends with someone, and all of them together is so much worse! I definitely understand the whole "but my parents want me to be friends with her" situation, as I have been in similar situations before. Are your parents the type who would understand if you explained this to them? If not, I'd still suggest trying to avoid this person as much as possible. You should definitely not feel bad about it at all! I know I don't know her side of the story, and having an addict for a father can be very scary (I would know, I have one), but you should never feel forced to befriend someone you don't want to! You should do whatever feels safest to you, even if that's completely cutting off contact.
Ok trigger warning for anorexia. I’m suffering from anorexia and it’s made me really weak and I have almost passed out a couple of times and I told my boyfriend that I was purposely starving myself because I wanted to lose weight, he said that I shouldn’t do that, and he loves me no matter what I look like, then he said that he worries about me all the time because he doesn’t want to lose me. I’m getting skinny, but I’m also getting weaker, and I have less energy than I used to.
My wrist hurts. Like, a lot. And there's nothing I can do about it.
I thought it was related to an injury I had a little over a year ago, because that's when it started hurting, but I had a doctors appointment in February and apparently that had nothing to do with it. The doctor took some x-rays (which were totally normal, there's nothing wrong with my bones) and did an exam, and then basically said "I have no idea what's wrong with you, you should have an mri. But you can't have the mri until the end of April. Until then, take pain medication (which I was already doing). You could get a brace, but it probably wouldn't help and might make it worse." Anyway, fast forward to about a week before the mri, I find out that the insurance company rejected I because they didn't think I'd had x-rays. Once that was sorted out, the insurance company was like "we think you should have 2 months of physical therapy before we put any effort into finding out what's actually wrong with you, regardless of the fact that physical therapy will most likely make it much worse." Apparently the doctor got super upset about that, so the insurance company finally agreed to let me have an ultrasound. If that doesn't reveal anything, they *might* let me have an mri. The ultrasound is tomorrow, and I'm really hoping it'll show something. The doctor did say that it could be some sort of cyst, but if it is its somewhere in between my wrist bones. It's my right wrist, and I'm right handed, and the 2 things that hurt he most are writing and drawing (both are things I do a lot). I think I may have complained about this on a different ask, but I felt like ranting about it again.