Meet Buddy Gator, the adorable reptilian hero of a comic series that's capturing hearts worldwide. Created by the talented artist Chow Hon Lam, Buddy Gator comics bring laughter and joy to readers of all ages. With his endearing personality and humorous adventures, Buddy Gator has become a beloved character in the world of webcomics.

"I created a heartwarming comic about an alligator called ‘Buddy Gator’ to spread positive vibes. Buddy Gator is a good and friendly alligator. Maybe we all need a buddy like him when we're having difficulties," the artist shared with Bored Panda

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Bored Panda recently had the pleasure of chatting with Chow Hon Lam to delve into his creative world. We were curious about the origins of Buddy Gator and what sparked his journey into the realm of comics. The artist revealed, "I started the Buddy Gator comics during the pandemic when everyone, including myself, was staying at home. At that time, I just hoped to create something to post on the internet, to help people feel better."

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Continuing our discussion with Chow Hon Lam, we turned our focus to his beloved creation: Buddy Gator. Wondering what makes this character so special, we asked the artist to describe Buddy Gator's personality and what makes him stand out as a comic character. "Gator is a friendly and warm alligator who is always helping his friends solve problems in creative ways."


We were curious about the deeper meaning behind Chow Hon Lam's comics, so we asked him if there were any important messages or themes he aimed to share through his work. The artist told us that the message is “Positive Vibes Only.”

"In Buddy Gator’s world, you will see everyone being friendly and supporting each other. I hope the comic can bring a bit of positive energy to our real world and make it a better place."

Chow Hon Lam shared that currently, "Buddy Gator" is the only comic project he's working on. He added, "I have plans to create another comic project, but it is still in the early planning stages."

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