Nobody deserves being rejected. First off, the world is cruel enough. And second, there’s a fair share of karma involved in it. If you ever reject someone, the chances are the same thing will come to you as a boomerang when you least expect it. In a parallel reality, everyone would have a reciprocal “It’s a match!”
But being told ‘sorry’ by your love interest is surely much more complex than that. And the best way to take a glimpse into humanity’s hurt souls is to look at what people have to say themselves.
So when Twitter user Eden Dranger posed the question “What was your harshest rejection?” it resonated with many, amassing 4,173 retweets and 67.6K likes.
So let’s get ready for a brutal, yet sometimes funny, other times plain odd, roller coaster ride featuring the stories of rejection as told by the ones who know what they’re saying.
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To find out more about dealing with harsh rejection, Bored Panda reached out to Kate Mansfield, an acclaimed dating and relationship coach based in London, UK. Kate told that the way rejection psychologically affects us vary from person to person. “Rejection can have a profound or a mild effect, depending on the psychological state, the past trauma, and the personality of the person,” she explained.
“At its worst, it can cause extreme feelings of worthlessness and even depression. It can cause the person to withdraw from relationships and to stay alone. Or, to feel not good enough and low self-esteem.”
Meanwhile, people with healthy self-esteem and confidence, are usually mildly affected. This is “because they have a solid sense of self-worth already,” Kate explained.
When asked about the ways to deal with being rejected, Kate suggested working on your self-esteem and understanding that it’s nothing to do with you, and usually, it’s not personal.
“Try to feel grateful, because the one thing worse than being rejected is to stay in a relationship with someone who doesn't really love you. That is rejection on a daily basis, and causes extreme loneliness.”
Let's just hope that they are able to put him behind bars for his part in the siege of the capitol.
Whatever people say, rejection hurts. Bottom line. It doesn’t matter which point of a relationship you’re at—being told "I am sorry, but" is something none of us want to hear. Emotional responses by anyone who’s experienced it are confirmed by researchers, and they range from feeling jealous to anxious and lonely.
But since rejection has a lot to do with self-worth and self-image, oftentimes the pain of it is directly linked to how you validate yourself. Often people look for external and not internal forces to feel validated, which makes them vulnerable to setbacks. What if we simply haven't learned to love ourselves enough?
Being rejected by someone you love can really turn even the strongest of us into emotional train wrecks. But in many cases, we tend to idealize both the person and the relationship, as we only remember good times and emotions.
Such behavior is usually unconscious, but it nevertheless doesn’t show the full picture of what you really feel hurt about.
Interestingly, friendship rejections can often be even more painful than romantic ones. Beverly Flaxington, a life and career coach, says to remember that while a friendship’s end can be painful, it’s also normal for friends to come and go.
Say it with flowers, say it with diamonds, but never say it with ink.
On the other hand, if you still feel like you're missing that person and that friendship in your life, Lexington suggests “reaching out to see if the person wants to get together.” In fact, timing may be crucial as it gives a whole new perspective of the friendship and the people we surround ourselves with.
After some time has passed and if you find yourself missing that person and that friendship, Flaxington suggests reaching out to see if the person wants to get together. Timing is key here. Time can allow people to approach a friendship with a new perspective, she notes
Wow. Well f**k Kavanaugh and f**k your ex husband. I hope you've since found someone who appreciates a bad@$$ like you.
According to Lori Gottlieb, M.F.T., psychotherapist, "When somebody rejects us, there's a very primal piece to it, which is that it goes against everything we feel like we need for survival."
But beyond the evolutionary standpoint, our responses to rejection vary greatly as they really depend on the models in which we develop our relationships with people. Those with insecure attachment styles in contrast to secure ones are likely to experience much greater pain from rejection.
Stripping is sex work, and a lot of guys have difficulty separating the fantasy woman from the actual human being. Not excusing this jackass in any way, but as in most any job it’s best to not date the customers/clientele.
After making the movie “Gilda”, Rita Hayworth said something similar to that. To paraphrase, it was something like “They think they’re going to bed with Gilda but then they wake up with Rita”. Basically saying she was much more conventional than the character she played in that movie. But the men she was dating just couldn’t separate the real her from the fictional her. (Though FFS, you’d think waking up next to Rita Hayworth would be enough of a dream come true for a guy.)
Load More Replies...“My problem with men is that they all want to go to bed with Marylin, but they wake up with Norma Jean” - Marilyn Monroe
The problem wasn't that you fell for a customer. No sex before established relationship, and don't be paying his way! Otherwise, it's a perfect recipe for being used. Make him invest in you with time and coin, and he will see you as someone he had to work for, and treat you better. When it's easy, men don't see the value of it.
The guy found you in a strip club where you were a dancer, went out a couple times then he slept with you -- none of that makes him sound like he's "relationship material". And note, I'm not disparaging strippers, I have a good friend that put herself through school as a stripper, then later a high-end escort, she's happily married with kids now (but not to a client). But I know why guys go to strip clubs and it's not to find a serious relationship or a wife.
I used to sing for a band and was asked out by a guy I called Therapy (short story, but still). When I went to his house for our date, wearing what I wear off-stage, he declined without even letting me inside. He liked the stage persona, not the person.
As a stripper, you should know better than anybody else on earth to never become involved with a customer? A lot of clubs literally would have fired you if they had found out that you went home with a patron. It puts the club in an awkward position because at that point they become a target for the police to look at about prostitution. Like it or not, it's the truth.
why are people down voting you? you're right lol
Load More Replies...You took him out(with your tips??) How long have you been in the business?? Live and learn.
When I got home from a date with my boyfriend I found a message on my answering machine. The jerk didn't want to break up with me in person, so he left it on my answering machine
I don't know why you've been downvoted for this. I'll give you an upvote! :-)
Load More Replies...When I was in year 7, I was asked out by this boy in my class whom I REALLY liked, to go on a date with his best friend and his girlfriend and we decided to meet up at the cinema. I was waiting for ages and as we eventually missed the start of the film, I made the decision to go home. Their plan all along was to not show up. Also, two boys in my class were basically a double act and would ask me out all the time as a joke. I would always say no but didn't realise it was a joke. The whole year knew about it and would point and laugh to my face but they'd never say why . I was the only brown girl at my school so felt left out enough as it was.
What is year 7? I hope you are not at that school anymore and are around people that appreciate how great you really are.
Load More Replies...In highschool, I was the stage manager for most shows that went on our stage. A true backstage builder. In my senior year, I was running auditions for the Spring show and I was reading the material and thought "Hell I could probably sing this..." and I auditioned for fun. I figured maaaaybe I'd get a callback but wouldn't get the part so who cares. I did end up getting a call back, and it was down to this one gal Christine and myself. I got the part - I sang better than she did. All of the other seniors in the show threatened to quit if she wasn't given the part. And when they wouldn't change it, they all quit. Usually the Spring show was like 90% seniors, it was like their big farewell and they all quit because of me. They ended up switching the show, and I kept a lead, and was one of maybe 3 seniors in the final production. I remember telling my parents about it and the horrified look on my dad's face that people could be so mean. High-schoolers really are assholes.
This is awful. But I'm glad you got to keep your part. Those people missed out on their last high school production just for spite. Think about all those students who have lost their final years of high school because of Covid. And your classmates willingly threw that experience away.
Load More Replies...Told a woman i had just started seeing that i wanted to really get to know her before having sex. She said "are you sure you aren't gay?" Well, i am bi, but that has nothing to do with not wanting to hook up with a stranger.
Oh, I have a story! So there is this guy at my school who I had a huge crush on and we went to Youth Group together, so we would talk to each other and stuff. I finally gathered all my courage to write him a letter to tell him how I feel, and he has since ignored me, and this was like last year. It is just a really weird situation because I never got closure and I am not sure how I feel about him because he could have just said he didn't like me but it's fine.
He's a coward. Dana, you can do so much better. I'll tell you what I wish someone told me long ago. Focus on yourself and learning to appreciate who you are. Make yourself a priority. If someone comes along worth your time. Then go for it!
Load More Replies..."No one deserves to be rejected" isn't quite how I would phrase it, more like no one deserves to be rejected rudely- with the obvious exception of jerks and rapey people. But it's within everyone's rights to say they're not interested.
Mine happened a few years ago. I had a group of people we were hanging out at work and there was this guy I had a huge crush on. He would totally ignore me but I was totally in love. Anyway, fast forward one year later, (I don't know how or why and never asked tbh) he started flirting with me. I was sooo excited!! We started very slowly, he slept a couple of times at my place, we went out a couple of times but we never mentioned this to the rest of the group. This was going on for about two months. Keep in mind that it was summer time and we both had our vacations planned before we were together. He went first and everything was great. When it was my turn, I had booked a 3 week vacation to the US (I'm from Greece). He never called during my time there, not even to ask if my 18hr trip was ok. When I got back he avoided me for a while, then he finally agreed to meet up where he proceeded to tell me that he had met someone else. Made me cry through my whole trip :(
Was engaged for nearly 2 years when an accident left me in a wheelchair. Got out of hospital after 3 months when he gave me my engagement ring. Next week during school he waited until everyone was switching classes that he couldn't marry me because he got another girl pregnant. He's been married multiple times since & I have been with my husband for 24 years.
When I was in high school, I had a crush on this guy. He took me to the homecoming dance and I thought we had a great time. The next week at school, he sent someone to me with a note that he was "sorry for leading me on".
I have another...was a guy in high school I crushed on an would hang out with him an his buddy all the time. We were just all friends. One day I was at his house an we were goofing around in his room an wound up play wrestling an he wound up sitting on my lap with me pinned to the ground. I thought he was gonna kiss me but he just got a glazed look in his eyes an got up. Nothing ever happened between us ever. Years years years later found out he married a foreign girl an would beat her an degrade her. Guess I got off that bus before crazy town was reached.
Even if nobody is automatically owed love, rejection hurts. It should always be done respectfully.
After nearly five years and an engagement, my ex dumped me when I became disabled after a work injury. Harsh, but I'm pretty sure I dodged a bullet there.
I was 22 years old studying at a design department of a university. Never had any friends in school and in high school and I was really trying to make friends. So the fellow classmates invited me on a birthday lunch during the break hours. I kept waiting for them alone in our studio because they planned to go together from the university. They all went out, celebrated and everything came back to the studio and literally laughed at my face and when I asked, a guy from the group shouted at me and they all stopped talking to me!
My boyfriend of over 2 years, ghosted me after I ended up having urgent brain surgery! I later found out that apparently he couldn't cope with the seriousness of the situation 🙄
Sounds like the kind of person who won't even visit a dying parent in hospital, because it's “too much“ for them. At least you found out he was such a jerk before you married him.
Load More Replies...Really really liked this guy that looked like Richard Greco from 21 jump street. That's the era. Lol. So we hang out an make out an etc. Then We just sorta became friends only. I wound up moving to Florida an when I came back he was dating my so called friend. I was staying with mutual friends on a couch til my mom let me come back. So the guy is like hey wanna get some lunch? I was at the apt I was staying at an said ok I'll meet you in the lobby. I go down. We meet in the lobby. Go eat. Come back. He leaves and I go back up to the apt. But apparently this turned into him "having come up" an me "making passes at him" and my friends kicked me out an my ex best friend wouldn't talk to me. I did nothing wrong an was giving him a chance as a friend I used to be in a relationship with. He slandered me because I left him to move to Florida.
I went to visit my sister in the UK for Christmas. My boyfriend was not allowed to come, but I overlooked that, since I missed her so much. I was coming out of a deep depression and she insisted it would make me feel better. I was so overjoyed that I was there, I cried out of happiness. She could not handle it and put me on a plane home early. We don't talk.
My friend, who had a long-term girlfriend, went to study in Paris for a term. They spoke everyday, he couldn't wait to see her so they arranged for her to visit for two weeks. He went to pick her up at the station and she turned up with a new boyfriend... He had to share the room for two weeks with both of them. The other one happened to my female friend whose boyfriend of 2 years broke up with her by saying that he was an actor and their relationship was in fact him preparing himself for a role.
Maybe I was a bit too honest about getting depressed sometimes when I filled in the membership but I got told by eharmony that I had zero matches with the options I'd specified. My options were ages 25-40 of either sex anywhere in the world!! That rejection didn't really help with my depression!
I stopped after reading about 15 of these. They're making me too sad
I was in college choir and was taught a routine for the cellblock tango. Ten years later I'm in an adult choir. It's the same choreography, the same music, the same conductor led both choirs. I wasn't always the most confident but when a fellow choir member said she was looking for volunteers to learn the cell block tango routine I thought...oh!, Fun! This isn't college or highschool I'm an equal here, adults. I went up and volunteered said I'd performed routine and new the music. I'm a curvy girl, 12-14. She gave me an up/down look that I've never experienced before or since. Then humped and walked away.
It seems like some people can't see the difference between being honest and being a jerk...
I feel like most of these people just dodged the bullet with truly horrible and toxic partners. To me, saddest rejection is friendly rejection, when he realizes you like him, then pats you lightly on your shoulder and says "you are my good friend". This is mild, polite "no" but you do feel like a crap.
I was on a scholarship for an expensive school, so my classmates were mostly from very wealthy families. I had a boyfriend when I was about 13, and I went to his house one time. His mother drove me home after the visit, then made him break up with me after she saw where I lived.
Got dumped during sex, got dumped day before graduation show, got rejected from a club as they only allow pretty girls, told a guy i loved him told me i was over reacting, yep.
Oh wow, I'm sorry that happened to you. Some people are such d***s.
Load More Replies...I was at a summer camp and there was that dream boy.. At the camp party, he asked me for a dance, waited for my face to lit up and for me to stand before laughing out loud before grabbing his friend and doing a mick dance. I felt hurt, humiliated and then SHE happened. It was the camp Mean Girl™. We were at odd because rowdy teenagers and drama etc. And she went DOWN on him like the f*cking apocalypse on the poor world. It was to the point where even the dj stopped and that boy was left a crying mess on the dance floor. She spent the evening consoling me and glaring daggers at him.... THE SISTERHOOD LIVES GIRLS! THE SISTERHOOD LIVES!
I got asked out a couple of times at school as a joke. Ended up not believing anyone would seriously ask me out. It’s a wonder my husband got anywhere really xD
I truly didn't know there were so many awful, hateful, uncaring people in the world!!
In my story I did the rejecting. 1.5 hours distance relationship and I didn’t feel loved anymore. Conducted my own experiment to see how long it would take him to realize I’d been purposely ignoring him. It took an entire month for my then fiancé to realize that he “hadn’t heard” from me in a while. My love for him just shut off after that. I’ve never once regretted it.
Well, as somebody who is already middle-aged and reading this I must confess that I probably was "the guy on the other side" often saying something insulting in my younger years. But to be honest, I often didn t think that through. It wasn't on purpose and I was just stupid not noticing it soon enough.
I had a good friend, a real sweetheart who was dumped on his birthday, on the same day he got layed off (she knew about both). The reason she broke up with him? She said straight out that she had only gotten back together with him so he'd drive her around while she had a cast on her leg. The cast came off on his birthday, so she broke up with him. It was 25 years ago and I still hate that b***h.
I would rewrite that as no one deserves to be rejected harshly. People have preferences and sadly we don't always fit into them
Some are pure don't have to be a jerk while rejecting an offer
Load More Replies...I feel that many of these stories would need the other side of the story as well. It's pretty easy to jump into conclusions if you have only one opinion.
I once sent a loveletter to a boy.....he was like my bestfriend at the time he laughed and said "oh my god that's super gay".....then proceeded to say "good one I'll get you back".....then said"now dont joke about being gay because that's gross...... I cried..... I'm dumb because I would still go out with him•~•
For me, it was a girl I began talking to online that ultimately turned into hanging out in person. Spent a lot of time together for a couple of months, then she ghosted me. Not a word from her and no responses to my attempts to communicate with her. Found out that she got back with a recent ex and I realized that I was basically just someone she used to pass the time until she and the other guy reconciled.
Dating for months, she was beautiful, she was a nurse. I told her about a place I reserved for us to go to on Valentine's day tomorrow. Two hours later, she dumped me. At 2am, two hours into Valentine's day. By text, before it (doing such a lame-ass thing) was a thing. The real beautiful part was it was in broken engrish, so the text was stilted and made the whole dumping more pathetic. Made for a bad day. I laugh about it now, as it's now my favorite "love stinks" story.
the real question is why are you reading about abductors and serial killers
Load More Replies...When I got home from a date with my boyfriend I found a message on my answering machine. The jerk didn't want to break up with me in person, so he left it on my answering machine
I don't know why you've been downvoted for this. I'll give you an upvote! :-)
Load More Replies...When I was in year 7, I was asked out by this boy in my class whom I REALLY liked, to go on a date with his best friend and his girlfriend and we decided to meet up at the cinema. I was waiting for ages and as we eventually missed the start of the film, I made the decision to go home. Their plan all along was to not show up. Also, two boys in my class were basically a double act and would ask me out all the time as a joke. I would always say no but didn't realise it was a joke. The whole year knew about it and would point and laugh to my face but they'd never say why . I was the only brown girl at my school so felt left out enough as it was.
What is year 7? I hope you are not at that school anymore and are around people that appreciate how great you really are.
Load More Replies...In highschool, I was the stage manager for most shows that went on our stage. A true backstage builder. In my senior year, I was running auditions for the Spring show and I was reading the material and thought "Hell I could probably sing this..." and I auditioned for fun. I figured maaaaybe I'd get a callback but wouldn't get the part so who cares. I did end up getting a call back, and it was down to this one gal Christine and myself. I got the part - I sang better than she did. All of the other seniors in the show threatened to quit if she wasn't given the part. And when they wouldn't change it, they all quit. Usually the Spring show was like 90% seniors, it was like their big farewell and they all quit because of me. They ended up switching the show, and I kept a lead, and was one of maybe 3 seniors in the final production. I remember telling my parents about it and the horrified look on my dad's face that people could be so mean. High-schoolers really are assholes.
This is awful. But I'm glad you got to keep your part. Those people missed out on their last high school production just for spite. Think about all those students who have lost their final years of high school because of Covid. And your classmates willingly threw that experience away.
Load More Replies...Told a woman i had just started seeing that i wanted to really get to know her before having sex. She said "are you sure you aren't gay?" Well, i am bi, but that has nothing to do with not wanting to hook up with a stranger.
Oh, I have a story! So there is this guy at my school who I had a huge crush on and we went to Youth Group together, so we would talk to each other and stuff. I finally gathered all my courage to write him a letter to tell him how I feel, and he has since ignored me, and this was like last year. It is just a really weird situation because I never got closure and I am not sure how I feel about him because he could have just said he didn't like me but it's fine.
He's a coward. Dana, you can do so much better. I'll tell you what I wish someone told me long ago. Focus on yourself and learning to appreciate who you are. Make yourself a priority. If someone comes along worth your time. Then go for it!
Load More Replies..."No one deserves to be rejected" isn't quite how I would phrase it, more like no one deserves to be rejected rudely- with the obvious exception of jerks and rapey people. But it's within everyone's rights to say they're not interested.
Mine happened a few years ago. I had a group of people we were hanging out at work and there was this guy I had a huge crush on. He would totally ignore me but I was totally in love. Anyway, fast forward one year later, (I don't know how or why and never asked tbh) he started flirting with me. I was sooo excited!! We started very slowly, he slept a couple of times at my place, we went out a couple of times but we never mentioned this to the rest of the group. This was going on for about two months. Keep in mind that it was summer time and we both had our vacations planned before we were together. He went first and everything was great. When it was my turn, I had booked a 3 week vacation to the US (I'm from Greece). He never called during my time there, not even to ask if my 18hr trip was ok. When I got back he avoided me for a while, then he finally agreed to meet up where he proceeded to tell me that he had met someone else. Made me cry through my whole trip :(
Was engaged for nearly 2 years when an accident left me in a wheelchair. Got out of hospital after 3 months when he gave me my engagement ring. Next week during school he waited until everyone was switching classes that he couldn't marry me because he got another girl pregnant. He's been married multiple times since & I have been with my husband for 24 years.
When I was in high school, I had a crush on this guy. He took me to the homecoming dance and I thought we had a great time. The next week at school, he sent someone to me with a note that he was "sorry for leading me on".
I have another...was a guy in high school I crushed on an would hang out with him an his buddy all the time. We were just all friends. One day I was at his house an we were goofing around in his room an wound up play wrestling an he wound up sitting on my lap with me pinned to the ground. I thought he was gonna kiss me but he just got a glazed look in his eyes an got up. Nothing ever happened between us ever. Years years years later found out he married a foreign girl an would beat her an degrade her. Guess I got off that bus before crazy town was reached.
Even if nobody is automatically owed love, rejection hurts. It should always be done respectfully.
After nearly five years and an engagement, my ex dumped me when I became disabled after a work injury. Harsh, but I'm pretty sure I dodged a bullet there.
I was 22 years old studying at a design department of a university. Never had any friends in school and in high school and I was really trying to make friends. So the fellow classmates invited me on a birthday lunch during the break hours. I kept waiting for them alone in our studio because they planned to go together from the university. They all went out, celebrated and everything came back to the studio and literally laughed at my face and when I asked, a guy from the group shouted at me and they all stopped talking to me!
My boyfriend of over 2 years, ghosted me after I ended up having urgent brain surgery! I later found out that apparently he couldn't cope with the seriousness of the situation 🙄
Sounds like the kind of person who won't even visit a dying parent in hospital, because it's “too much“ for them. At least you found out he was such a jerk before you married him.
Load More Replies...Really really liked this guy that looked like Richard Greco from 21 jump street. That's the era. Lol. So we hang out an make out an etc. Then We just sorta became friends only. I wound up moving to Florida an when I came back he was dating my so called friend. I was staying with mutual friends on a couch til my mom let me come back. So the guy is like hey wanna get some lunch? I was at the apt I was staying at an said ok I'll meet you in the lobby. I go down. We meet in the lobby. Go eat. Come back. He leaves and I go back up to the apt. But apparently this turned into him "having come up" an me "making passes at him" and my friends kicked me out an my ex best friend wouldn't talk to me. I did nothing wrong an was giving him a chance as a friend I used to be in a relationship with. He slandered me because I left him to move to Florida.
I went to visit my sister in the UK for Christmas. My boyfriend was not allowed to come, but I overlooked that, since I missed her so much. I was coming out of a deep depression and she insisted it would make me feel better. I was so overjoyed that I was there, I cried out of happiness. She could not handle it and put me on a plane home early. We don't talk.
My friend, who had a long-term girlfriend, went to study in Paris for a term. They spoke everyday, he couldn't wait to see her so they arranged for her to visit for two weeks. He went to pick her up at the station and she turned up with a new boyfriend... He had to share the room for two weeks with both of them. The other one happened to my female friend whose boyfriend of 2 years broke up with her by saying that he was an actor and their relationship was in fact him preparing himself for a role.
Maybe I was a bit too honest about getting depressed sometimes when I filled in the membership but I got told by eharmony that I had zero matches with the options I'd specified. My options were ages 25-40 of either sex anywhere in the world!! That rejection didn't really help with my depression!
I stopped after reading about 15 of these. They're making me too sad
I was in college choir and was taught a routine for the cellblock tango. Ten years later I'm in an adult choir. It's the same choreography, the same music, the same conductor led both choirs. I wasn't always the most confident but when a fellow choir member said she was looking for volunteers to learn the cell block tango routine I thought...oh!, Fun! This isn't college or highschool I'm an equal here, adults. I went up and volunteered said I'd performed routine and new the music. I'm a curvy girl, 12-14. She gave me an up/down look that I've never experienced before or since. Then humped and walked away.
It seems like some people can't see the difference between being honest and being a jerk...
I feel like most of these people just dodged the bullet with truly horrible and toxic partners. To me, saddest rejection is friendly rejection, when he realizes you like him, then pats you lightly on your shoulder and says "you are my good friend". This is mild, polite "no" but you do feel like a crap.
I was on a scholarship for an expensive school, so my classmates were mostly from very wealthy families. I had a boyfriend when I was about 13, and I went to his house one time. His mother drove me home after the visit, then made him break up with me after she saw where I lived.
Got dumped during sex, got dumped day before graduation show, got rejected from a club as they only allow pretty girls, told a guy i loved him told me i was over reacting, yep.
Oh wow, I'm sorry that happened to you. Some people are such d***s.
Load More Replies...I was at a summer camp and there was that dream boy.. At the camp party, he asked me for a dance, waited for my face to lit up and for me to stand before laughing out loud before grabbing his friend and doing a mick dance. I felt hurt, humiliated and then SHE happened. It was the camp Mean Girl™. We were at odd because rowdy teenagers and drama etc. And she went DOWN on him like the f*cking apocalypse on the poor world. It was to the point where even the dj stopped and that boy was left a crying mess on the dance floor. She spent the evening consoling me and glaring daggers at him.... THE SISTERHOOD LIVES GIRLS! THE SISTERHOOD LIVES!
I got asked out a couple of times at school as a joke. Ended up not believing anyone would seriously ask me out. It’s a wonder my husband got anywhere really xD
I truly didn't know there were so many awful, hateful, uncaring people in the world!!
In my story I did the rejecting. 1.5 hours distance relationship and I didn’t feel loved anymore. Conducted my own experiment to see how long it would take him to realize I’d been purposely ignoring him. It took an entire month for my then fiancé to realize that he “hadn’t heard” from me in a while. My love for him just shut off after that. I’ve never once regretted it.
Well, as somebody who is already middle-aged and reading this I must confess that I probably was "the guy on the other side" often saying something insulting in my younger years. But to be honest, I often didn t think that through. It wasn't on purpose and I was just stupid not noticing it soon enough.
I had a good friend, a real sweetheart who was dumped on his birthday, on the same day he got layed off (she knew about both). The reason she broke up with him? She said straight out that she had only gotten back together with him so he'd drive her around while she had a cast on her leg. The cast came off on his birthday, so she broke up with him. It was 25 years ago and I still hate that b***h.
I would rewrite that as no one deserves to be rejected harshly. People have preferences and sadly we don't always fit into them
Some are pure don't have to be a jerk while rejecting an offer
Load More Replies...I feel that many of these stories would need the other side of the story as well. It's pretty easy to jump into conclusions if you have only one opinion.
I once sent a loveletter to a boy.....he was like my bestfriend at the time he laughed and said "oh my god that's super gay".....then proceeded to say "good one I'll get you back".....then said"now dont joke about being gay because that's gross...... I cried..... I'm dumb because I would still go out with him•~•
For me, it was a girl I began talking to online that ultimately turned into hanging out in person. Spent a lot of time together for a couple of months, then she ghosted me. Not a word from her and no responses to my attempts to communicate with her. Found out that she got back with a recent ex and I realized that I was basically just someone she used to pass the time until she and the other guy reconciled.
Dating for months, she was beautiful, she was a nurse. I told her about a place I reserved for us to go to on Valentine's day tomorrow. Two hours later, she dumped me. At 2am, two hours into Valentine's day. By text, before it (doing such a lame-ass thing) was a thing. The real beautiful part was it was in broken engrish, so the text was stilted and made the whole dumping more pathetic. Made for a bad day. I laugh about it now, as it's now my favorite "love stinks" story.
the real question is why are you reading about abductors and serial killers
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