The statement that raising kids is the most difficult job in the world isn't just empty words. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, the majority of parents (62%) say that it has been at least somewhat harder than they expected, with about a quarter (26%) saying it's been a lot harder.

Part of the reason for this might be that people often highlight the joyful and fulfilling moments with their children while glossing over the relentless challenges and sacrifices they make day in and day out. So when one Redditor asked everyone else on the platform to share the harsh realities of having kids, they received plenty of eye-opening replies.


30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents That your kid doesn't owe you anything. They never asked to be born and you didn't do them a favor by bringing them here. You going through pregnancy and raising a baby and feeding and clothing them? That's your responsibility and not a favor.

Melopossum Report

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7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My mother thinks it is a favor, unfortunately. "I do hope you and your sister will help me when I'm old, what else do you have children for?" she said to me once. I don't know mom, it doesn't speak for itself.

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents You’ll be sad and miss the child who is gone as they age. Because of how much they change and grow, for the first several years they’re basically a new person every 6 months and you’ll miss who they were. For example, my son is nearly 7 and I sometimes miss my 2 year old, who was super cute and I loved dearly, but will never ever see again.

    You love who they are as they grow, but there’s a palpable sadness that comes along with it, too.

    anon , cottonbro studio Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you want something that needs nurturing, feeding, cleaning up after, and constant attention for its entire life, get a dog. Half the joy of parenthood is that they do grow from being these helpless little homunculi into independent, strong and capable men and women of whom you can be proud.

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents Sometimes your kids grow up and develop personalities that you don't like or that are incompatible with your own.

    Rare_Ease_662 , RDNE Stock project Report

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    Jennifer Tucker
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Most people won't admit, or talk about this one. My (43F) oldest child (21F) and I have a relationship like this. We love each other, but I don't think either one of us likes each other. It goes both ways. We value different things, and really just don't know how to relate to each other. But we love each other, so we keep trying. I'm hoping that the older she gets the more we will find a way to relate.

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents You might not be attached to that child right away, maybe even for a while after, AND THAT IS OKAY. It is so completely okay to not know how to sort all that right away.

    I had my first last year. I come from a long line of stoic women who show very little emotion even doing the most nurturing task. I was of course excited to finally be having kids, but when I paced around 41wks pregnant I felt no motherly bond. My body was doing something it was designed to do and I was along for the ride. When they layed her on my chest I reacted as they instructed me, that's all I had.

    For the first month of her life I didn't feel that connection, and with waking every hour and a half for feeding plus seeing how it was stressing my partner out (who is not a night owl, and I am not an early bird) I too went into that stoic autopilot. My brain said "child needs x, provide x". I didn't even know what to call her! I'd be staring at this brand new little human and saying her name sounded too formal, but not addressing her before talking felt odd. My brain was slowly learning how to categorize all this.

    Around week 6 (and after sleep was a bit better, waking every maybe 4 hours instead of 2?) I think that motherly instinct came around. Suddenly I could tell her different cries apart, and when I'd have conversation with her I found I'd sprinkle smiles and bounces in, it was great. I finally felt a small sparkle of mommy love. She's 8mos now and hell on wheels with her standing and scooting everywhere, haha. Now I know all about her and love her to pieces.

    Phantasmai , Lisa Fotios Report


    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents That there are going to be some days you'll wish you didn't have children.
    Yes, it happens. No, you're not a terrible parent. That s**t is hard.

    anon , Keira Burton Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also, you will yell at your children. Nobody is going to tell me they never ever yelled at their child.

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents The amount of time you spend standing around waiting, at parks, playgrounds, to get out the door, into the car etc etc. I totally underestimated that.

    Ben716 , Yan Krukau Report


    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents Children will (and should) say things that will hurt your feelings and p**s you off. Now, that's not to say they should be allowed to do so without any type of consequence, but this is a vital part of their growing and learning to become their own human.

    The hard part is that you, as the adult, have to figure out how to navigate this without taking it personally, losing your s**t, and turning into a tyrant. You also have to learn when and how to address it, and when and how to let it go.

    It's a really tough balancing act, especially if you have a child who is neurodivergent and struggles with impulse and emotional control.

    iamnomansland , August de Richelieu Report

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    Ranger Kanootsen
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, balance is very important. Please be fair, but also be careful.

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    Lots of good answers here already. So I’ll try to toss out a slightly different one. I call it the “black mirror” I feel like kids learn way more from watching you exist than from you teaching them. And sometimes I will see my older son speak a certain way to his brother or me. Or do a certain thing. And it’s like watching my bad habits or faults manifest in another being. In the best of times it makes me want to be a better person. But also I am human and I have faults. And I get tired or stressed or hungry or whatever like anyone else.

    I-Trusted-the-Fart Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The mirroring is one of the biggest ones for me. I often call my children little mirrors. They do what they see. And they see me and their dad. The good the bad and the ugly. Nothing motivates me more to become a better person than seeing my children mirror my bad habits or behaviour.

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    Not sure if this quite fits the question, but somethings I think about how much of a misnomer it is to say “having a baby”.

    That part is so brief, and also not at all the point. We’re not setting out to create a baby, but to create an adult.

    That’s the whole journey, and the most important part is helping a brand new kid—>adult with their whole psychological framing of everything, empathy, respect, patience, discipline, ambition, self esteem.

    Babies are kind of the easy part.

    beatsinthesky Report

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    7 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This should be much higher. The most important job of a parent is to raise their child to be a happy, healthy, well adjusted, independent adult. Of course some of that can be beyond the parent's power, but still work toward it.

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents Time goes so much faster. And not just because you're watching them grow up and change but just because every task with a kid takes SO LONG.

    HoweverFutile , Kamaji Ogino Report

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    7 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Time really does fly. I look at my son, who will be 20 later this year, and I can still almost feel his little hand in mine when we walked together. I am absolutely proud of the kind, funny young man he's become, but I do miss holding that sweet little boy. It's bittersweet.

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents You're unrealistically hopeful if you think your child will turn out how you want them to.

    It is harder than juggling chainsaws to find a balance between being lenient enough to gain your child's respect, but strict enough that they learn to conduct themselves appropriately, be considerate of people other than themselves, and become decent humans.

    You should have kids if you passionately want to, from the bottom of your heart. Not because 'it's what people do'. Not because your partner wants them. Not because your parents want grandchildren.

    LunarLeopard67 , Allan Mas Report


    That other people will never '*get it*' until they have one of their own.

    It's almost hilarious. "Oh, I will do x,y and z when we have our kid!"

    "How hard can THAT be?"

    "MY baby won't etc..."

    Then, when they actually do have a child, how it all goes out the f*****g window.

    Oh, and having a pet is *NOTHING* like having a kid. It just is not.

    You're pet isn't going to end up on heroin, or drive drunk, or join a cult.

    AE_WILLIAMS Report

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    Little Wonder
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Oh, and having a pet is *NOTHING* like having a kid. It just is not." I know, that's why I have pets and not kids.

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents Think about how many times you use the bathroom. You probably poo once a day and pee 5 times per day.

    Double that number. That's how many diapers you have to change **EVERY . SINGLE . DAY** for a newborn child.

    Babies also don't stand still. They like to move around and wiggle. You aren't qualified when you can put a diaper on a doll. You are qualified when you can do it on a feral bobcat.

    GrammatonYHWH , William Fortunato Report

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    Raven DeathShade
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have 9 younger siblings, so I believe I am uniquely qualified for parenthood.

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents Your mourn each stage they grow out of. Then you celebrate the new stage. It’s an going cycle of mourning and then celebrating.

    You celebrate them crawling, then you realise that they’re not always going to crawl to you. You celebrate them going to school, then it hits you that you don’t have a baby anymore.

    Interesting-Guest880 , Vlada Karpovich Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And one day, she says “Daddy, can we pway dollhouse?” for the last time…

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents Get a second fridge and watch your food bill soar. All your bills will soar. And right when all the bills are paid they will break something, need a hospital visit, or an event is coming up, or fate finds a way to siphon more money out of you.

    sebestienn , Karolina Kaboompics Report


    That any mental health or neurodivergent issues the parent has are going to be exacerbated x 100.

    That you will almost constantly feel like a f**k-up, either with regards to raising the child, to effectively handling the non-kid parts of your life.

    Reasonable_Yogurt519 Report

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    Ann Si
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This needs to be higher! Nobody ever seems to talk about postpartum depression

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents Say goodbye to your disposable income and sleeping through the night.

    HungryRaccoon3 , Ahsanjaya Report

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    Nitka Tsar
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Mommas: it‘s likely that your body will never go back to being able to have a nice deep sleep. You will be instantly awake if a pin drops for the rest of your life.

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents Weekends spent in your car waiting for your offspring to complete various activities.

    mynamecouldbesam , Alexander Taranenko Report


    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents That you go from your home to the office to relax, as opposed to the other way around.

    I love working from the office on Friday. It's a work from home day for everyone, so my side is completely empty. Which, for me, is just relax in the chair, kick my feet up, and listen to some tunes without anyone bugging me.

    SomeGuyInSanJoseCa , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I picked Friday as my day in the office for the same reason!

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents The love is so strong you wonder how your heart can hold it and knowing you would take a bullet, run into a burning building or do anything for them but also have many moments (often in the same day) when you think your head will explode from your internal screams of "I hate being a mother!".

    DragnSerenityTardis , Creation Hill Report

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    Not Who You Think
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There's nothing like that feeling of your heart overflowing with the love you get from WANTING to put someone else first.

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    There is no one single way to parent that is universally right. All children are individuals and even within the same family each requires their own approach to everything.

    Also for future parents prepare yourself to feel Constant doubt about every decision and action you take with your kids forever. .

    Crimsonfangknight Report

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    Ann Si
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    7 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The most terrible thing about being a mum is that I have very visual nightmares about my children having accidents or dying. It creeps me out since my first was born and I don't know how to stop it

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents If you truly care about your kids, the feeling of guilt is a daily experience.

    guyinspace , Andrew Neel Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Studies have been done with results showing that the top emotion felt by parents is guilt.

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents How much they cost! I don’t have kids, but most of my friends do, and all I hear about is how they’re always broke because little Johnny did this and tiny Sarah ate a bee and that’s how they found out she’s allergic.. and I’m over here like, nah, I’ll just have a cat.

    EndlesslyUnfinished , Karolina Kaboompics Report

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    Nitka Tsar
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Even if you take medical bills out of the equation because you don‘t live in the US, children need so much stuff! And sometimes you just want to give them that stuff (like for example a kid does not NEED a bike but you want them to have one). Even if you get stuff second hand etc

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents That little kids get sick often as they are building up their immunity systems especially if they go to childcare or preschool. If your child is sick you have to stay home with them and miss work.

    EYLMM , cottonbro studio Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Put my twins in daycare when they were 2.5 years old. Two weeks later, they're both super sick, for 2 weeks long. Still had to pay for their "spots" at the daycare even though we were home for those 2 weeks. Also fun when big sis got the illness from them, then both of us parents got sick also. 5 sick people, over Christmas. The good news is now at 8 years old, they're rarely sick!

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents Your own flaws show up and you need to show at least a way to fix them. And school starts at eight. So the alarm goes at 5:55 ….

    nickles72 , Daria Obymaha Report


    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents Want to do something quickly? you can't. you now have another human to care for/think about for a very long time, even after they turn 18.

    bretty666 , Kristina Paukshtite Report

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    There is a short person that insists on holding my hand when I use the toilet.

    Nobody explained the absolute lack of privacy you'll have.

    Saarlak Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Tried to pee at 3 o´clock in the morning with two cats on your lap?

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents You are not their friend growing up. You are there to guide, curb and direct to make good choices on their own, have a compassionate backbone. These choices have to be age, intellectual, and emotionally appropriate. You are more experienced than your children but your perceptions of reality as a adult may be inappropriate based on their maturity. Be cautious of overburdening them with your vices or personal baggage.

    MusicalBard2457 , Huy Phan Report

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    7 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's what my father-in-law does, the latter. He complains to my wife and her sister - and does the same when I and/or my brother-in-law are present. He complains about his own wife, their mother to them, and they hate it. He shows up unannounced, without calling first, and then starts whining. He is therefore regularly sent away by them.

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents Realizing that a “vacation” is now just listening to your kids fight, having to buy expensive food they won’t eat, and not sleeping for a couple of weeks a year.

    There are moments when you feel like they’re enjoying things and building core memories, allowing you to feel the joy of having those experiences with them.

    But in the end you’re just doing the same child care in a more expensive place

    cjacked- , Juan Salamanca Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Idk about that. We spend all day together doing fun things as a family. Everybody can eat whatever they want, the kid is hungry from all the activity and will eat more with less complaints. Bedtime doesn't matter, nobody has to get up early and the kid goes to sleep when she is tired. Everybody is in their best sunshine vacation mood. I love vacationing with my family!

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    Being a parent is like being an NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer)

    Your job: Teach, mentor, and train.

    Your goal: Make them better than you at everything so they can be better for their turn.

    Sin117 Report

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    The Abe
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I actually include that in my mentoring sessions for new NCOs - there are a LOT of parallels between the two.

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    Actually believing your child when they say they’re scared. Sure, you *say* you‘ll believe them, but I’ve seen SO many mothers having their children come up to them, scared about something and they just say “oh it’s just your imagination” or “don’t be silly, ____ doesn’t exist”. Sure, they might be talking about say, monsters in their closets or being scared of the neighbours dog, but that doesn’t mean you should Just brush it aside. Say your child is scared of the dark, and they bring it up with you. should you brush it off as an irrational fear, or should you actually comfort and help them?

    Robin_Erito Report

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    A lot of people seem to think that parenting just ends once the kid turns 18, which is not true at all.

    tailgate-johnny Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It doesn't end, but it does change. When my children were younger I never would have dreamed that one of the most difficult things for me as a parent would be to not offer unsolicited advice after they were adults.

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    Once you have kids, your lives are no longer your own.

    anon Report

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    You will almost certainly have a favorite child. This is normal.

    You at certain times will almost certainly regret having them. This is normal as well.

    Your children will often times seem uninterested and unthankful for you, especially before they mature into adults. This is normal as well.

    Depending on your situation, having children will limit your life style and likely delay your retirement.

    Your children will almost assuredly not be as successful, bright, or an all around good person as you would have hoped for. This is basically a certainty and does not necessarily reflect on you as a parent.

    CheesecakeFactory4ev Report

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    Alyssa Phillips
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have favorite situational children. It's like with any independent human. If I want to cuddle and read a book or watch a cute movie I go to my youngest. If I want to go on a physical activity, my son. And if I want to people watch and joke on how annoying everything is--my middle is so ready to be petty. (In a fun way). Trying to mix it up ends up everyone miserable.

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents Never having privacy or solitude again for the rest of your life. Also children are in your thoughts 24/7 for the rest of your life, always there and always conscious of what they are doing. Even as adults mothers especially cannot forget anything about their children.

    jones_ro , Ketut Subiyanto Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I disagree with this one. My child is young, and knows to leave Mummy alone in the bathroom. We discussed "privacy" with him, he shuts the door when we he goes to the toilet - we don't barge in because.. privacy. Sometimes I take him out so Daddy can have some Daddy time. You can generally teach your kids this, just talk to them.

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    The boredom if you are your child’s only playmate. Yeah you can be inventive and engaged a lot of the time but there will be long periods when they want to do the same thing over and over and over again and it’s so f*****g boring.

    Pythia007 Report

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    Aileen Grist
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Children need to learn how to handle being bored too. Life has lots of boring times

    See Also on Bored Panda

    You *will* make mistakes. Theres no avoiding it. It doesn’t matter how many parenting books you read, or how many kids you raise, you will screw up. When that happens, you need to own it. You have to accept the mistake and improve, and if that mistake is big enough to cause a rift in your relationship, you need to accept that too, because trying to force a close relationship will only widen that rift.

    Lugbor Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There's also no shame in apologising to your child for getting it wrong.

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents You can only be as happy as your unhappiest child. Your well-being is intrinsically tied to your children's.

    keetani80 , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    Ranger Kanootsen
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is often true in reverse as well. When my mother was unhappy (which was most of the time), I would always end up feeling the same.

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents Getting up at 6 in the morning even on weekends with very awake kids full of energy.

    alenatrinkaus , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wait till they are teens. You will need horses to drag them out of bed before noon.

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    How it can be very very boring. Sitting dead still trying to get the baby to sleep, listening to long rambling stories without any point, teaching them for the 10th time that they can sit down on the loo with their pants around their ankles and this makes the 'pulling pants up' job much easier, reminding "what do you say?" When giving them something, you know what I'm bored just writing these out.

    HargorTheHairy Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The worst was having to read their favorite book so much. I felt physically ill after the 100th time of reading "The Nutcracker" and "Eloise"

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    How absolutely exhausting and mind altering it is to no longer own your time. That is the main thing I couldn’t fully comprehend until I was in the thick of it. The process felt like dying and being reborn into a different self. And the grieving steps rang true as well. Denial, anger, acceptance, all that.

    Living every day to prioritize someone other than self is a LOT heavier in action than in words. Some people are more naturally inclined for it, I found out I was not, but wanted to be. So it’s been an intense growing process for me.

    Also, feeding them is more intense than you can imagine before having them. 3 meals, at least 2 snacks every single day. Again, in words it might not sound like much, but in action it is A LOT.

    soupsnakes4182 Report

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    There are so many. One of the major sacrifices is freedom and independence. Gone are the days when you can just do something. Now, everything needs intricate planning. People can downplay this aspect of parenthood, but it's very much a reality that surprisingly new parents overlook.

    Liam_Tang Report

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    Nova Cat
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My daughter is 15 now and I have my life 50% back, which is nice. And now that I'm older I don't really want the life I had before anyway, lol I'm too tired for that lmao

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    No one ever talks about how truly HARD the postpartum period can be for mama, even with an uncomplicated, full term delivery. Healing is a painful process. Postpartum anxiety and postpartum depression are real things. The sheer exhaustion is indescribable. Hormones suddenly change. Breastfeeding has many challenges. All of this is going on while you have this helpless little person depending on you. And, at least in my case, I was so concerned about taking care of everyone else that I had forgotten all about taking any sort of care for myself. Still trying to fix this mentality years later. You can't pour from an empty cup. You don't cease to exist when you become a parent. You still matter. Priorities may change, but taking care of yourself so you can take care of your family should still make the list.

    Some_Recognition_pls Report

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    Kelly Scott
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    See, this is what I mean. We have beaucoup parents on here telling people what it's like to be a parent. Yet the people who want to be parents will totally ignore it, then complain that "nobody told us it would be this hard!" People, before you have kids, do your research! It's not that difficult.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    You can be busy all day but have nothing to show for it.

    It's incredibly difficult to get extra things done when you have kids. It can be frustrating to feel like you're standing still, when all you're doing is running around.

    Potato_times_potato Report

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents The fact that when you have a kid, you sign up for an autistic one. You sign up for a disabled one. A chronically ill one. You are not somehow devoid of flaw because you did the bare minimum in keeping the child you selfishly brought into the world alive for as long as they need you.

    MercyMeowX , Karolina Kaboompics Report

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    Thom Serveaux
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ugh. This hurts. I'm neurodivergent and chronically ill--did I make my parents suffer because of it?

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    When you have more than one kid, you have to realize they are not the same type of person as their sibling.

    Each kid is going to require a different parenting style and that can be really frustrating and hard to figure out.

    You're also learning how to be a parent the way you see fit. I'm growing as a person, just like my kids. And that is a hard thing to do. This is my first time existing in this reality, too. I'm trying to do my best.

    Obligatory_smile Report

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    Ineke Pronk
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What works in raising one child does not always apply to the other and how you where raised as a child does not always work for raising your children. Which is fine as long as you adjust to find what does work and don't resort to violence because you can't be bothered to think.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Your life changes completely from one day to the other.

    You no longer can go out by yourself and if you do no matter who's taking care of your baby or how close they are to you, the worry and anxiety of "how is my baby" is always there. You no longer know what being not anxious is. Even when you try to go out and have fun you have the guilt inside of "I have a kid I should be with them instead of here"
    You no longer can do anything by yourself.
    When they're babies pretty much your life only works around your babies naps so you no longer can watch your show and relax, or cook and relax, in general there's no more "Relaxing" in your life.

    imnatbananas Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That´s why it is a privilege to have a choice and to really think about it well. Many women (men as well) do not have this choice or do not weigh the consequences good enough. Always remember, that bringing a human being into this world ( that YOU already know and are accustomed too), is a decision that you make for yourself and not for your child. With all the consequences and responsibilities on your side of the scale and no right to demand anything back. If you do good, the reward is coming naturally, but never have a child for YOUR convenience or retirement provision.

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    You can’t make them want you in their lives. I went through an ugly divorce, and am happy to say I’ve salvaged a good relationship with my 2 oldest, but it does not appear I will with the third. Fingers crossed

    Ok-Lavishness-7904 Report

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    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents Less about being a parent but more about actually having the kid. I feel like I was generally prepared for the ups and downs of parenting.

    People talk about the how uncomfortable pregnancy is and the pain of childbirth. Well known, I was prepared for that, I had an epidural so it actually wasn’t that bad at all.

    But I think I heard way less about how f****d up your body feels after giving birth. Like, yeah, obviously you aren’t going to feel great, but it really just caught me off guard. I felt the worst I’ve felt in my life for weeks and weeks afterward. I was super swollen for like a week. I had minor tears but it was still f*****g miserable. It was hard to use the bathroom. It was hard to lie down to sleep. I couldn’t get comfortable anywhere. I just felt off, my body felt wrong and then you are having to take care of a little baby on top of it all! My body just hurt. It sucked.

    sironicon , MART PRODUCTION Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And because of this, I think, after all this centuries, it´s time for men to stand up and overtake. Be pregnant yourself!

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    It's a 24/7 job no days off on top of your regular job and house work yard work ect and your tired af all the time and drinking makes it worse.

    Academic-Walrus-4602 Report

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    Sara Frazer
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, yeah, drinking usually makes a lot of things worse....


    You will never ever have another day in your entire life where you don't think about this new person. At first, you think/worry/stress about how to keep the little human alive. Then you think/worry/stress over how to make the little human thrive. Then you think/worry/stress how to keep another human happy, fulfilled, educated, kind, giving, healthy. And on it goes.

    Flahdagal Report

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    How loud and messy kids are. If I didn't have dogs to eat all the random stuff my kids threw on the floor I would have just burnt my house down.

    If you're a person with testicles how often your child will hit them on accident.

    That your child is counting on you.

    differentiatedpans Report

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    Possible miscarriage. It’s a serious thing along with infertility.

    Dumb-Twins Report

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    You will experience emotions with such intensity. You get to watch this little being, completely helpless and reliant on you, grow into a little human. It makes the world so much smaller and bigger at the same time. You end up comparing how you were raised with how you treat your kids. You may find wounds that you didn’t know were there.

    Mild_avenger Report

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    Young children don't have much sense of logic and it can be infuriating. You'll repeat yourself over and over until they either somewhat grasp a concept or completely ignore you anyway in favor of impulse.

    You will always have someone judging you no matter what you do. Especially when your child is acting out in public (which is inevitable). Even more so if your child has a disability of some kind.

    You can love your child, but not like certain phases or developments. You'll have ups and downs no matter what stage and the unwarranted fear mongering ("just you wait until X age, they're worse!") from other people just makes it worse.

    We are currently having a big shift in the US of what parenting looks like and having better boundaries as people. Parents are often more overwhelmed because they're actually involved with their kids and don't usually have much help from family, if at all. They're also doing a lot better about keeping their kids safe from toxic family members, which is extremely taxing in itself. It's unbelievable how often it's the grandparents who are the ones who can't handle basic respect or get straight up dangerous in their own self righteousness.

    magicrowantree Report

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    Ineke Pronk
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah kids don't do logic. When I was young I though putting my finger in a light socket and turning on the power would make it swell up and give light like in cartoons. I remember doing that once. That was the second time I did it. At least I learned in two turns.


    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents Being constantly grabbed, scratched in the face with little sharp a*s nails.

    unformed-banana , Diana Polekhina Report

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    7 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Try having a beard or chest hair for them to pull on.

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    You find out who your friends really are.

    Torbelson Report

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    Kelly Scott
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You mean the ones you dumped because they got tired of you never talking about anything except diapers, blowouts, and feedings. Or because you always canceled get-togethers at the last minute because of your kid. Or because you want to haul your kid around everywhere and friends get tired of screaming, kicking babies and toddlers.


    I think it’s common that people hear “say goodbye to your intimate life once you have kids” But I don’t think people realise that a woman’s body experiences different hormones during postpartum.

    Estrogen dips and there’s also an evolutionary reason for it.. It’s basically her body’s natural way of ensuring that she takes the time to properly heal and focus on caring for the baby instead of on trying to have another one.

    Then add in breastfeeding and the release of oxytocin (The love hormone) which helps us bond with our babies. It in effect replaces any desires we may have.

    Goodbye Libido!

    Tarrin_ Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Only for a little while. Once your body has healed and the memory of childbirth faded that libido comes back with a vengeance and will demand your significant other put another baby in you ;-)


    If you are lucky enough to go see a friend on a Friday or Saturday night, you have to go home at midnight or earlier because at 6:45 AM your two year old is going to wake up and it's go time. There's bottles or food and coffee and breakfast and laundry and vacuuming and all the other s**t you need to do to keep the house habitable.

    The crazy thing is it's worth it. You can't wait to see them.

    BarcodeNinja Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For you obviously. But, different people, different choices. As long as we do not die out as a species ( which is not the case, if you believe actual statistics), no harm done by not procreating and leave some resources for the next generations.


    My coworker has 3 kids, she is constantly telling me not to have kids because they are a drain on her bank account. She also never has free time after work or on weekends.

    YourHornyRoomate Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Maybe she shouldn´t have had 3 kids. Maybe only 1 or 2?

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    The inflation on college tuition is bananas.

    Sure, there are loans and community college feeder programs, but when that kid gets into their dream school on a too small scholarship, you sell the house to make it work for them. Ugh.

    FortuneTellingBoobs Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I love my children, but selling the house to pay for college is crazy.

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    That ur kids could grow up to be f****d up no matter how u raise them.

    That u become unhappier while raising kids.

    That u could actually regret having them.

    Everyone wants a Brian who went to USC with full scholarship and became a doctor instead of a Chuck who became a meth addict.

    And when ppl think about having kids, the possibility their kids could come out physically/mentally disabled, and something super negative just dont enter their minds.

    Which would u rather have: regretting having kids or regretting not having kids?

    FierceSTEAK Report

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    Ranger Kanootsen
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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'd rather regret not having kids. I don't need more lives to f**k up along with my own.

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    On a lighter note, no one ever tells you that babies fart. A lot.

    Im_At_The_Soup_Store Report


    Having kids is hard in a marriage/relationship. Don’t have kids with someone if you are not at a good place in your relationship. Don’t think having a kid will fix the problems. You will still have problems but you have a kid in the midst of them.

    You will have less time with your partner the first year or 2. That child is going to need all your attention.

    If you and partner break up they will still part of your life forever if you share a kid. Make sure you have it with someone you can at least get along with.

    BrownEyedQueen1982 Report

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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Having children can add strain to a relationship, but not enough to be a problem unless the relationship was on shaky ground without children.


    30 Harsh Facts About Having Kids That Many Aren't Even Aware Of, Shared By Disillusioned Parents Kids are selfish. You want to sleep in, pssh, forget about it, they’re waking your a*s up at whatever time they feel like it. They’re 100% wide awake and ready to start some b******t. They need you for everything! Your house will never be clean again. They’re c**k blockers. They’re demanding.

    And they’re the best thing that’ll ever happen to you.

    hicanipetyourpupper , Jessica West Report


    It all comes down to self control and buddha like patience when you want to beat the s**t out of your kid (you will want to at some point).

    Much_Committee_9355 Report