In case you didn’t receive your Hogwarts letter this year (the owl must have gotten lost—again), there’s another way to feel close to the mysterious school, the wizarding world, and Magic (yes, with a capital ‘M’). Japanese architectural model-making firm Triad Inc. creates Omoshiroi Block memo pads, and one of their newest designs features the magnificent Hogwarts castle where Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger went to school.

However, the school isn’t obvious at first glance. You uncover Hogwarts piece of paper by piece of paper. The more memos you write and tear away, the more of the majestic and detailed model of the building you can see.

The Triad Inc. team told Bored Panda that the entire project took around a year, from product planning and prototype development to product manufacture and PR videos. Read on for the full interview.

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    Japanese firm Triad Inc. released a Harry Potter-themed memo pad with Hogwarts castle. Check out their promotional video here

    Image credits: FOX STORE

    Here’s what the model looks like from up close


    Image credits: FOX STORE

    You uncover Hogwarts castle as you peel away the pieces of paper one by one


    Image credits: FOX STORE

    “We have a strong interest in creating objects and products that make people enjoy the passage of time while using them”

    Triad Inc. confirmed to Bored Panda that their Omoshiroi Block products can be shipped to most countries and regions around the world from their online store. However, for the Harry Potter Omoshiroi Block, the distributor is Fox Co., Ltd., so it can be bought directly at their managed stores and online shops.

    According to the Triad Inc. team, Omoshiroi Block products have been on sale since December 2017. However, product development started way back in 2012.


    “Omoshiroi Block is based on the following concept: ‘Memory X Moment X Sculpture = Memo sculpture,” a representative of Triad Inc. told Bored Panda. “We have a strong interest in creating objects and products that make people enjoy the passage of time while using them. Through Omoshiroi Block, we hope people can cherish precious memories and a moving experience deeply in their hearts.”

    Their aim is to create products that can be “loved and cherished for a long time,” instead of making things that are temporarily trendy.

    “From October of this year, we will accept pre-order sales of the 2021 Omoshiroi Calendar at our online store, available to be shipped around the world. Last year, this calendar (which uses the same concept of Omoshiroi Block) was a product sold only at Tokyu Hands stores in Japan,” they added.

    “Omoshiroi Block can represent not only pieces like the magical world of Hogwarts but also, we can make customized products intended to recreate other world monuments and attractions. We have already delivered Omoshiroi Block customized products to overseas clients, including representations of overseas museums, famous places, and cityscapes.”

    A quality product that will stay with you for a long time

    ‘Omoshiroi’ is Japanese for ‘interesting’ or ‘entertaining,’ and Triad Inc.’s memo pads try to be just that. The Hogwarts memo pad is a collaboration between Triad Inc., Fox Inc., and Warner Brothers Consumer Products.


    The Harry Potter Hogwarts memo pad has 150 pieces of paper. But before you decide you can’t wait to order the model, you might want to head on over to Gringotts and get some golden Galleons from the goblins.

    The memo pad costs 19,800 yen which is just over 190 dollars (or 160.7 euros). Now, that’s not just some spare change lying around in your pocket or under your couch cushions. But you’re paying for quality.

    When you use up the memo pad paper, the model’s there to stay for as long as you want. So think of it less as an office curio and more of a permanent collection piece to add to your Potterhead collection.

    If you’re not a fan of HP, there are plenty of different Omoshiroi Blocks available. A lot of them feature beautiful Japanese scenes: from landscapes and gorgeous historic buildings to iconic art pieces like the Great Wave off Kanagawa. Go check them out.

    Some people really liked the concept, but some thought it was a tad too expensive