She had been on the throne for almost 70 years, serving her country for almost her entire lifetime. She had been through war and many crises, still going strong.

God Save the Queen

Sharing on this day my favourite series enters Season 4.

#thecrown #queen #queenelizabethII #QEII #QE2 #wool #woolfelt #wolle #filz #felting #needlefelt #merino #merinowool #woolart #fibreart #fiberart #needlefelting #woolbrooch #brooch #羊毛氈 #羊毛フェルト 


    Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Wool Brooch

    A portrait of Her Majesty in wool

    She had been on the throne for almost 70 years, serving her country for almost her entire lifetime. She had been through war and many crises, still going strong.

    God Save the Queen

    Sharing on this day my favourite series enters Season 4.

    #thecrown #queen #queenelizabethII #QEII #QE2 #wool #woolfelt #wolle #filz #felting #needlefelt #merino #merinowool #woolart #fibreart #fiberart #needlefelting #woolbrooch #brooch #羊毛氈 #羊毛フェルト 


      Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Wool Brooch

      A portrait of Her Majesty in wool