I am Cyril Multhauf an engineer at a large computer company. Just this past year I discovered that I enjoy cosplay. The first time I ever sat down at a sewing machine was 12 months ago almost to the day. I was going to recreate a character from a movie I had never seen, Tim Burton’s “Corpse Bride”. It was exciting and a little overwhelming. I had a 23 days deadline, my partner and I were preparing for Denvers Comic Convention.

The whole process was foreign to me. I had gone to school for engineering and worked with computers every day! What did I know about tailoring a suit? Fortunately, everything seemed to flow smoothly and naturally. 23 days later we walked through the doors of the Denver Convention center, not as ourselves, but as fictional characters. We started calling ourselves “23rd Day Cosplay” because of our initial time crunch and the name just stuck.

This feeling of becoming someone else for a day is intoxicating. You have connections with almost every random person you meet whether it’s because they recognize you from their childhood or your persona hold a special place in their heart. It so surreal, at the Convention you flow through this seething mass of people, many who have spent weeks if not months making something just to show you!

More info: Facebook


    Our Initial Makeup Test

    Our first run of the costume. There are little things to do here and there but this is the general feel of the finished product.


    Jack Skellington’s Bow Tie

    Detail Of The Back

    Lots of time and effort was put into these lines. Each one is hand painted on this tailored suit to give that perfect jack look.

    Hand Sewn Sally Dress

    All of our outfits are custom made.


    We use an airbrush to give that professional look and feel for makeup. The application is a lot easier and last longer.

    The Typical State Of Affairs When Costuming


    There is no such thing as free space when costuming.

    The Corpse Bride Costume


    We were fortunate enough to get this photo from last year Convention.