What originally began as a curious part-time hobby has now turned into my absolute favorite thing to do every day.
Two years ago whilst in my second year at university, I did my first ever embroidery hoop. Ever since then I have embroidered an assortment of woodland and wildlife-themed art & custom pet portraits.
I love using this embroidery art as it is timeless, unique, and requires a lot of patience. I embroider with one strand of DMC embroidery thread at a time as this allows me to get capture the finest details of the adorable animals possible. The most challenging part is trying to find the perfect color for a portrait, as you can’t easily mix color in hand embroidery as you would with paint, thus I have to create the illusion of it! Each 5″ hoop can take between 13 – 18 hours, & I like to spread sessions over a couple of days as doing these embroidery patterns is very labor-intensive.
You can buy my works on Etsy.
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