Almost every career has its interesting events, as well as the boring routine side. Sometimes we even forget that unusual things do happen for people working regular jobs, like this vet who shared what crazy things pet owners have done. This time a hairdresser stepped in to share her experiences with clients, ranging from drunk regulars to questionable scars. If you ever had the opportunity to sit at a hairdresser's or do someone's hair, you might get some new insight on what the hairdressers go through. So, scroll down below to read the stories and don't forget to comment and vote for your favorites! (Facebook cover image: Orin Zebest I Cover image: WorldSkills UK)


Client Wants A Big Change. I Deliver

Client Wants A Big Change. I Deliver

This was what I call my first big disaster and huge learning experience. Client comes in, I’ve highlighted her about 4 or 5 times but today she sits in my chair and says “I wanna go red!” Well, 20 year old, naive me doesn’t think this is a bad idea. 20 year old me thinks this is my MOMENT. I’m kind of a nerd in terms of hair color and I got really excited to do all the necessary steps to take her from blonde to red. It’s not as simple as just throwing red on her, there’s many steps that I won’t bore you with. Anywayyyy I do exactly what she wants. She loves it. We hug. The next day I’m met at the door by my manager who tells me that client “is so upset, she has no idea why you made her red, she wanted blonde, she doesn’t want you anywhere near her while someone else fixes it”. This b*tch changed her mind and threw me under the bus. Dammit Karen, you know you asked for red, and I know that you know that I know you asked for red. I’m sorry your boyfriend hated it. Lesson learned: blondes are crazy; if they ask for anything else, say no (source: I am a blonde)

AdinaVoicu Report

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6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Whao! that's pretty sick behavior. Zero interest about the fact you could lose your job... next time, play it safe, and tell the manager your going to do something "unusual" and make sure (s)he see the happy client before (s)he leave ;p

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    Client Comes In Visibly Upset. Husband Is Cheating On Her

    Client Comes In Visibly Upset. Husband Is Cheating On Her

    Oooooh this one was CRAZY. Not the client, but the sequence of events. So that morning my girlfriend calls me (this is before free unlimited texting) and tells me she’s getting on this guy’s private plane with some other girls and they’re going to NYC for the day to go shopping. She worked in finance (to put it generically) and these guys she worked for had LOTS of money. Now, many of the girls were sleeping with these guys. My friend was not, but she was not above getting a trip to NYC. Anyway, my client comes in that afternoon and she looks awful. Starts to tell me she thinks her husband is cheating on her and blah blah blah and he’s flying his plane to NYC and she thinks all these girls are going with. I nearly shat my pants. What are the chances?! This is where I play the listener and say as little as possible. I felt so bad for her. They eventually divorced, she did alright. His company went under and last I heard he had to file for bankruptcy.

    pxhere Report

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    Ben Smith
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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh yeah, you're friend was DEFINITELY sleeping with at least one of those guys. She just didn't want to tell you.

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    Client Brings In Black And White Photo. Wants That Color

    Client Brings In Black And White Photo. Wants That Color

    I’ve been doing hair for almost 20 years so smartphones were not even around at the beginning of my career. Women used to bring in pictures of what they wanted. I lost count on how many women brought in black and white magazine pictures (I’m lookin at you Jennifer Aniston Smart Water ad) and said with a straight face “I love this color”. Nowadays I just get to deal with the nightmare that is Pinterest. So much photoshop and filters...


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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Remind me the client that wanted to develop colored photos from a black and white film (yes, it was 15 years ago)... I was in the line after her and should have been to lose the 20 minutes the employee explained her that he coudn't "put back the colors"... but i have to admit this was fun XD

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    Client Comes In For Color. Asks For Extra

    Client Comes In For Color. Asks For Extra

    She takes it with her to the bathroom. I can only assume she put some on her pubic hair. I don’t know how she didn’t make a mess in her pants and I don’t know why she felt it was necessary to match the carpet to the drapes but I’m not here to judge. You do you. Hopefully you don’t get a chemical burn on your lady bits.

    pxhere Report

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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No. You should tell her your insurance won't allow that.

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    Scars. Scars Everywhere

    Scars. Scars Everywhere

    When you work in any service type field, you see some interesting stuff. One of my first memories is shampooing women with surgical scars. So. Much. Blood. And scabs. Why are you getting your color done before your sutures have healed?! One of the girls I worked with legitimately thought all these women had some sort of brain cancer until I told her they all had facelifts. This was the early 00’s, today it’s all about fillers and Botox. Not so many head wounds, thankfully.

    pxhere Report


    Most Entitled Client Comes In, Announces Yeast Infection

    Most Entitled Client Comes In, Announces Yeast Infection

    This woman...she’s the worst. Usually she’s late, she’s always rude af, and treats me like I’m a servant. One day she comes in-late of course-and she’s on her phone. Tells the unfortunate person she’s talking to “ugh I’m having THE WORST day. I got a parking ticket and I have a yeast infection”. I think the entire salon went silent. Like yeah, shit happens but use your inside voice. Not everyone wants to hear details about your vagina. In fact, I don’t even think your best friend wants to hear about your vagina.

    schiffdirk Report

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    6 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm always surprise how people on phone often "forget" they are in public.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I Know When You're Intoxicated. Don't Try To Hide It

    I Know When You're Intoxicated. Don't Try To Hide It

    I love when clients come in buzzed. They’re more relaxed and we have a lot of laughs. Usually my clients will tell me if they’ve had a boozy lunch or a couple glasses of wine...but then there are the ones who try to hide it. I’ve had clients bring in “Vitamin Water” totally spiked with vodka (hint: you reek of vodka), clients who are constantly going to the bathroom and come back completely f*cked up, and one time one of my clients was found on the floor of our bathroom, completely incoherent. Honestly I feel bad for them because they obviously have a problem. But hey-they gotta get their hair did and someone’s gotta do it! And FYI, chances are your hairdresser’s done a LOT of partying. We’re not above it and you probably won’t shock us if you tell us you just snorted a rail of coke off the back of a toilet. Js

    pxhere Report

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