30 Of The Cringiest Things People Have Witnessed In The Gyms They’ve Gone To
Interview With ExpertGoing to the gym can be an intimidating experience. People want to go there to get fit, build strength, and become healthy, but it can be tough to do that because of certain gym-goers. You know, the folks who don’t clean up after themselves, hog machinery, and basically act obnoxious.
Nobody wants their experience wrecked by such people, which is why we compiled a list of terrible gym-goers and their behavior so that you could at least get a laugh out of it. Let us know how many of these folks you’ve encountered before.
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Apparently This Gym Has A Sauna-Pisser Problem
Every Disabled Spot Filled At The Gym, Not One Disabled Badge In Sight
Someone Cut Their. . . Um . . . Hair In The Gym Shower
Everyone wants to get healthy and fit, but many people actually fear going to the gym. Even though most fitness centers seem packed, a survey found that around 50% of Americans feel intimidated to workout there. Maybe you’ve also experienced this anxious feeling, and there’s a name for it. It’s called ‘gymtimidation.’
Many struggle with this feeling because they don’t want to be watched or judged while working out. This self-consciousness can make it even harder to visit a gym. Apart from social anxiety, people with horrible etiquette can also make the experience that much more unpleasant.
People Like This At The Gym That Just Sit On Their Phones Taking Up The Equipment You Would Like To Use
10000000000000000000% why i hate planet shitness. its a gym not a hangout.go sit at the tables if you want to be on your damn phone.
The Dumbell Rack At My Local Gym
Someone Dropped (And Left) Noodles On This Piece Of Gym Equipment!
Whether you’re a gym enthusiast, a newbie, or a fitness trainer, you might have witnessed weird and bizarre things at your gym as well. That’s why we at Bored Panda reached out to Ganesh Kelkar, a fitness instructor based in Mumbai, to ask him what funny or annoying things he’s witnessed at the gym.
Ganesh told us that he has noticed things like:
- “Guys using heavier weights when a woman is nearby.
- People occupying gym equipment while chatting on the phone with someone.
- Customers visiting the gym and spending most of their time chatting and having fun with others rather than doing workouts.”
People Who Put Their Stuff On Equipment At The Gym
Guy At The Gym Always Takes Up Four Spots
At The Gym During The Busiest Time Of Day
Apart from fitness enthusiasts who go there to work out, gym trainers are the ones who actually get to observe everything going on at the center. That’s why we also interviewed Vinod Channa, a celebrity trainer and fitness consultant.
Vinod told us that many people “block space or equipment and justify it by saying they are lifting heavier. They don’t allow other people to use the equipment until they complete their workout. It’s difficult to make them understand that it’s a public gym and we should alternate with other people.”
He also said that “different age groups have different targets. Youngsters think if they work out more they will reach their target faster, so they lift very heavy weights, even more than their capacity. So it seems very funny because they might not be able to push the weights but they still try.”
Spent My Whole Gym Session Looking For The 25 Lb Dumbbells, But It Turns Out Someone Left Them In The Locker Room
Your whole gym session? Are you sure you just didn't want to work out? /s
This Is A Gym Trash Can, Not Your Personal Shelf
*stomps the foot pedal* (well not really, not a jerk like this person...!)
Apparently Nobody At My Gym Cleans The Dumbells
If you’re new to a fitness center, the most important thing to do is to read the rules. Even staff members can guide you through the do’s and don’ts of the place. Simple steps like wiping your sweat off the equipment, cleaning up chalk stains, and not dropping weights unless specified by the gym help make the experience better for everyone else around.
Vinod Channa shared that, “when you go to the gym, wear separate shoes. Carry napkins or cloths to wipe the bench you work out on. Alternate with other people during rest cycles. Everyone should cooperate with each other so that they can exercise equally, finish their workout, and go home.”
These Two Guys At My Gym Who Hoard All The Dumbells
Seeing This, You’d Think This Gym Had Zero Locker Rooms
This Guy Talking On His Phone, And It's On Speaker
I would get on the treadmill next to him and very loudly say "HELLO SUSAN" whilst making direct eye contact
One of the best things you can do as a gym-goer is to follow the specified guidelines to make the environment comfortable and safe for everyone else. Here are a few of the most basic rules you need to know, according to fitness experts:
- Don’t take long rest breaks on the equipment and deprive someone else of using the gym amenities in the meantime.
- Be mindful of how noisy you’re being while working out, and try not to be too distracting or disruptive.
- Don’t gape at other people; you’ll make them feel uncomfortable when they’re only trying to exercise in peace.
- It might be hard not to dole out friendly advice or pointers to fellow gym-goers, but this can be annoying and could distract them when they’re in the middle of a set.
- Put the equipment away when you’re done using it, instead of leaving it scattered about.
People At The Gym Love To Leave A Bar Loaded With Weights On The Floor For The Next Person To Worry About
There's A Pigeon In My Gym
People That Don't Put Their Weights Away At The Gym
The fitness instructors also shared a few other important pointers that gym-goers should know. Ganesh said that “it’s important to motivate newcomers and juniors so that they know that they can also achieve their goals.”
Vinod also added, “I see so many people watching videos and trends and trying to achieve that. They don’t realize they need to put in years of effort for that, and it doesn’t happen within just a few months.”
Bad Gym Locker Room Etiquette
In The Gym Of The Hotel I’m Staying At
No Respect For Public Places
Going to the gym doesn’t have to be like the posts on this list. It can be a rewarding experience and also help you to get healthy. Hopefully this listicle hasn’t scared you further from going to work out. We also truly hope you’ve never done any of the things on this list or come across any of them, either.
If you have, tell us your experience in the comments. We’ll know which gyms to avoid then!
Someone Left Dumbells In The Sauna At My Gym
The Gym Was Empty, But He Still Stood Next To Me
Kind of lack any view of the surrounding, but if the dumbell rack is nearby and etc, but 3 ft is fine. How f**king large is your bubble?
This Person At The Gym Hogging Dumbells
The People At My Gym Are Animals
Lockers At The Local Bouldering Gym
The Vending Machine At My Gym Selling “Healthy” Snacks And Drinks
Why Do Paying Gym-Goers Do This?
All The Tvs In The Gym Were Stuck On This Channel Like This My Entire Workout
That's your personal trainer for the day; He's watching you...make him proud
Was Wondering Why There Were Only A Few Plates In The Gym
I'll throw a comment on this one. More funny than "cringy" This was a few years ago. At the local gym. On a tradmill. Guy gets on the treadmill next to me and suddenly has a phone call. Spends the next 30 minutes on his "phone call" talking to his "good friend" about this incredibly awesome bitcoin investment he found. It was pretty obvious it was a pump. But I just let him go. When I was finally done, I suddenly had "phone call" with a "good friend" and talked about his bitcoin pump. He did not look happy that he put all that time and effort into a failure, then went to another machine. :)
I'll throw a comment on this one. More funny than "cringy" This was a few years ago. At the local gym. On a tradmill. Guy gets on the treadmill next to me and suddenly has a phone call. Spends the next 30 minutes on his "phone call" talking to his "good friend" about this incredibly awesome bitcoin investment he found. It was pretty obvious it was a pump. But I just let him go. When I was finally done, I suddenly had "phone call" with a "good friend" and talked about his bitcoin pump. He did not look happy that he put all that time and effort into a failure, then went to another machine. :)