How many musicians does it take to screw in a lightbulb? I don’t know, but apparently it only takes one truly talented YouTube musician to make a song out of one.

In the latest of his Song Challenge series on YouTube, musician Andrew Huang composed an epic beat using only the sounds generated from manipulating lightbulbs – whether tapping, flicking or even smashing – and the result is a masterpiece.

More info:


    A Song Made Entirely of Light Bulbs!

    Andrew Huang is best known for his Song Challenge Series which invites viewers to dare him in feats of musicianship, and has garnered him over 40,000,000 views on his YouTube channel.

    He has penned a five-language rap, composed a song with 300,000 notes in it, and covered numerous pop songs using only the sounds of items mentioned in the lyrics – for instance, “99 Red Balloons” played on red balloons.